female self love tarot guidebook
other cards-0.5There are a total of 91 points in the deckThe points for the game are calculated using thefornula:((25+R+P)xM)+H+Cwhere:R-the difference between the number of po-ints played and the required number (calculatedfrom the number of honors required).P-bonus of 10 points for taking a trump I(theMagician) in the last trick.M -game value:small game xl,big game x2,abig game without dog x4,big game versus dog x6H-a bonus for having the right number oftrumps,declared before the game.C-a bonus for taking all the tricks:200 pointsWith a declaration:400 points.In case of decla-ring and not taking all the tricks:penalty -200points.A number of trumps(Major Arcana)... -
neon moon lenormand gudidebook
//Lenormand CardMeanings//As mentioned,Lenormandcards have a deceptively simpleand straightforward approachto their imagery,but hopefullyby now you have an idea of thescope of intricacy they canachieve together.Cards are notread with reversals as theycontain both the positives andnegatives of each card.You canread each card with layers ofmeaning to them. For thepurposes of this booklet I willbe providing a subjectInoun -
Cinnamoroll Taort Guidebook
tarot of abyss guidebook
venetian tarot guidebook
THE MAJOR ARCANA o-The Fool Mischievous and fickle, the Fool dances at the very edge of the water.His dance is lissom and impetuous;he has thrown his bag nearby and forgot about it; one of his stockings is rolled down, but he is too busy with his dance to notice it.He tries on different masks and then dumps them, unable to choose one.Water in the lagoon is running high. A butterfly has sat on his bauble with a fool's...