Masonic Tarot Guidebook
This card represents creativity, ingenuity, cun-ning, intelligence, and audacity. The Magician has the power of the artist, scientist, inventor, and innovator. He is the alchemist. He knows the elements and their properties and knows com-binations to make a new and unexpected prod-uct. By learning the secrets of transmutation he brings forth the rough stone gold. The Magician wins convincingly through his playful and cre-ative nature.
In this deck,the Magician appears in a dark suit and a top hat with the symbol of infinity. His clothing is that of a Master Mason: apron, collar, and cuffs. He stands in front of a table covered with a purple cloth-the color of transmutation. On this, there is the mallet, the sword, and a cubi-cal stone that symbolizes the perfection to which every Mason aspires. The product of their work is represented by the cornucopia filled with gold coins. He is running a spell to transfer the ener-gy of ether to his compass and his other hand is attempting to magnetize the liquid in the chalice. The compass touches some branches of acacia, symbolizing immortality, wisdom, and the Earth element. On a wall there is a bottle containing a liquid as a symbol of the blood of the alchemists. The yellow background of the picture makes ref-
erence to gold and he sunset. Behind the figure is a ball of light with which the concept is sym-bolized to all. Above is the bright Sacred Delta with the all-seeing eye. Below is a garden with plants and flowers, including a four-leaf clover. The framework is composed of the two columns of the Masonic Lodge, marked with the letters B and J and supporting an arch showing the sun, moon,and stars, representing the cycles of time, day and night,the passage of hours. This sym-bolizes the working cycle in a Lodge:“From noon to midnight.”
Arcane classifications:Male,day Element:Fire,symbolized by gold Vital projection:Action
This card represents the silent power of the feminine world. The High Priestess is en-dowed with sensitivity and intuition and has the ability to see the greater good through the eyes of the heart. She sees the horizon of the future,both the setting sun sinking into the wa-ter and the glow of dawn. Woman is the muse who inspires the artist and guides the lost; she heals the wounds of the warrior. She heals the sick, comforts the fallen, and cares for the el-derly. The High Priestess is the mother who
protects the child, grows flowers in her garden, and kneads bread which when baked she car-ries and serves at the table of her home.
The High Priestess is the matriarch of the tribe. Prudent and reserved, she never says every-thing she knows, neither does she express an erything she feels. Her words and gestures sn minimal and given as subtle signals only fo the intelligent and perceptive person.
The High Priestess seduces through her pros= ence. Her subtle fragrance pervades envinon-ments, silently leaving an aura that bends pride and invites followers. She is the mirror of the moon and the cup containing the flashes of the stars. She understands universal secrets and can read the patterns of time. She is the wis-dom of the night and the light for the traveler. The card shows us the High Priestess seated on her throne with the great Book of Life.Her delicate white dress symbolizes purity and el-egance. This harmonizes with the fabric veils falling from the bar. The veil is a symbol of wisdom that is only revealed by hints. Before her is a table covered with a red cloth on which stands a compass and a scroll containing as-trological knowledge. There is also a cup con-taining the noble blood of the Passion. Oppo-site it is a small container of smoking incense
and a sprig of seven acacia leaves. Behind the throne an illuminated night sky is shown and the Sacred Delta with the all-seeing eye.Be-side the table are the columns of the temple. Above,three branches of acacia on each side reiterate the symbolism of wisdom.
Arcane classifications: Female, night Element: Water, symbolized by the cup Vital projection: Emotion and silence
Unlike the High Priestess,whose sovereignty is over the inner world, the Empress governs and shines in the eyes of the outer world,draw-ing attention rather than being secretive.Her voice is heard in commanding tones: “I could never be ignored and must always be respected in the social rank.”
The Empress is brightness that dazzles. She is a seductive woman who men want to serve. She represents wealth and ostentation. She represents the power of her lineage, econom-ic progress, and expansion of her territory.She is a leader and authority who gives categori-cal judgments and holds firm positions.She governs and protects her people with the same force,facing enemies without hesitation.She leads with elegance and security. She appre-
ciates orderliness-for her, nothing should be
confusing or ambiguous.
She cares about how wealth is gained, and she requires respect for the procedures, traditions, and hierarchies. Her actions are thoughtful and precise, not carried away by impulses. The Empress is a strategist and diplomat who al-ways brings intelligence to emotion.
In the card she is sitting on her throne wear-ing a white dress. Her bulging belly is a detail present in many tarot decks, and is usually in-terpreted as fertility, conception, or generation. It is also interpreted as representing a hidden treasure, a good fortune to appear with her. It does not refer only to the conception of a bio-logical child.
The Empress raises her right hand wielding a sledgehammer as a symbol of her authority.A golden crown on her head shows the sacred triangle. Her left hand holds a shield with the double eagle of her government and hierarchy. She wears a Masonic apron that covers her lap. The throne is framed by columns bearing the letters B and J, which are found throughout the Masonic temple.
Arcane classifications:Female,day
Vital projection: Stability and progress
The Emperor rules over the earth and men. His power lies in the strength of his armies and the gold of his kingdom. More than a mortal and yet perishable and prone to human weaknesses,the Emperor is the institutionalization of the ruling power. The power subdues the man and makes him lose himself.Around every ruler there is al-ways an entourage of courtiers who make up the party and participate in the banquet. Amid the crowd there are also cheering sycophants who clear their path.
In the card we see the Emperor standing in throne room with decorated walls of a Grand Master Mason. He wears a dark suit and a blue wing-shaped cloak. His hair and beard are gray, and his face looks mature. In his right hand he holds the mallet in an attitude of authority,while in the other he raises a golden square, symbol of Masonic righteousness and the tool with which he has to measure all Masons of his empire. Near the square we see a rising sword touching its tip with one that comes from the back to form a “Vault of Steel” over the head of the Grand Mas-
Lighting the sky background are seven lights flashing their rays. The largest of them corre-sponds to the sun and is located right on a gold-
en column, symbolic of the wisdom of Solomon.
In the shaft of the pilaster, a flaming sword point
toward the sun. The floor of the dais is covered
by a red carpet, the color of royalty and blood.
The yellow borders of the card bear ornamenta-
tion composed of squares and branches of aca-
cia on both sides. At the top there are two let-
ters annotated with Masonic abbreviations- G:.
and L:.-meaning “Grand Lodge.”In the four
corners there are gold coins with the imperi-
al Sphinx. The number four means stability and
materiality. It is the necessary foundation for the
building and is the regular face of all cubic stone,
on which the solidity of the temple is based.
Arcane classifications: Male,day
Element: Fire, symbolized by gold
Vital projection:Action and authority
The High Priest is the highest spiritual authori-ty in a moral or spiritual organization. Although Freemasonry is a brotherhood in which prevails an agnostic vision of transcendence, the vision of a superior being and creator is called by the title of Great Architect of the Universe. The creation of the universe is also linked to the Master Hi-ram, who appears in the Bible as responsible for building the Temple of Solomon.
The High Priest is a man detached from material things and ambitions of the human ego. He lives closer to the stars than to the earth. He is aware that he will soon leave the underworld. His gaze is oriented toward transcendence. Still, he feels a moral duty to pass on his experience to his disci-ples. In some tarot decks, the High Priest (or Hi-erophant) is surrounded by disciples to whom he is imparting his teachings. He represents spiritu-al maturity and kindness.
In the card we see the High Priest as an old man, with grizzled hair and beard. He seems to be an astrologer or magician able to summon the pow-ers of the universe. His dress resembles that worn by the highest executive of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,honored with the title Sov-ereign Grand Commander. Clad in a white robe and purple cloak, he wears a red collar with gold edges and a smock or apron emblazoned with the distinctive double-headed eagle of the Free-masons. His right hand holds a compass,their ends projecting into the sky. Before him is a cu-bic stone on which is placed the Book of the Sa-cred Law.
In the background, the night sky is lit by 33 stars and in the center shines the Sacred Delta with the eye in the center. At the top, two medallions are marked with the letter G,which stands for the
concept of “gnosis” (knowledge), but is also un-
derstood as the abbreviation of the name of the
“Great Geometer of the Universe.”
Arcane classifications:Male,night
Element: Air, symbolized by the sword
Vital projection: Transcendental thought
The Lovers represent love,determination,and loyalty to a transcendent solemn commitment. In the card we see a pair of lovers swear their union within a Masonic temple in which col-umns, chains, and other symbolic elements are shown. The scene is inspired by the Masonic tra-dition of enshrining the conjugal union through the rite of ratification or consecration marriage. It also represents the consecration performed to join Freemasonry.
The Lovers in this card are an apprentice, dressed in a fresh white apron decorated with the symbol of the First Degree of Freemasonry,and a lady in a purple dress with the pattern of a mas-ter. Both appear with eyes closed in an act of rev-erent submission and deliverance. Facing them, on the red surface of the altar, is the Book of the Sacred Law with its open white pages, and a red rose, a symbol of love.
Behind the Lovers, on columns, is a frieze bear-
ing within it the Chain of Fraternal Union.The columns are different in style: Behind the lady is the Ionic column, which refers to the feminine form.Behind the man is the Doric column, sym-bolizing masculine force. Between the columns the triangle with the eye observes their purity of heart and commitment. In heaven, the moon (fe-male) and the sun (male) symbolize the passing of days and nights. This card reflects the inner world,feelings,and commitments.
Arcane classifications:Female,night Element:Water, symbolized by the cup Vital projection:Emotion
The Chariot represents action,force,motion,and direction. This arcana directs success, power, travel, buildup of confrontation, and social posi-tion. It also announces the solution of problems and shows the forces that are opposed and need to be united in one direction. The horses repre-sent the duality of instincts and emotions.The driver is the higher consciousness, intelligence; reason has to discipline the forces to lead man decisively toward a specific goal or objective.
In the card we see the advance of a chariot drawn by two horses, one white and one brown. If the divergence of the two is maintained, the force is
canceled and the chariot will not progress and may even be destroyed. The driver, dressed in black with Masonic decoration, clutches a mal-let in one hand as a symbol of authority,while the other holds the reins of the steeds. He is the representation of the Worshipful Master trying to drive the progress of his Lodge. The trappings of the white horse show a plummet,representing Apprentices; the trappings of the brown horse show a level, representing Fellows. The duty of the leader of a Lodge is to add strength and direc-tion to the energy of advancement.
This card is the number of perfection and the
Masonic degree. Seven is the most positive num-
ber of all. It is never negative. In all philosophies
and religions it has a similar connotation.
Arcane classifications:Male,day
Element:Fire,symbolized by gold
Vital projection: Action and strength
The Strength card represents the power of the will. It is the abilities of domination, action, and temperance. It is the sovereignty of the higher consciousness over instinct, brute force,and the inertia of things. Strength brings courage and warrior-will to face the challenges imposed on us by forces of the profane world. It represents
the fatiguing work of taking on those challenges. In most tarot decks, this card is represented by a - woman opening or closing the jaws of a lion. The lion represents the animal instinct, the strength of the lower passions, and the woman represents the power of wisdom and beauty that is imposed on the beast.
The Masonic Tarot identifies the topic of force with the teachings of the Second Degree of Free-masonry and the task of building as an allegory of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. Here a group of workers has joined forces to lift a heavy stone cube using a pulley at the top of a tripod.The three workers appear dressed in fel-lows' aprons. On another block of stone rest the tools of the respective grade. The right fluted col-umn is marked with the letter J and the figure of a level is shown.
In heaven,there is a ladder with five steps ending in a sphere, and in the center the letter G is in-scribed. This is taken from the biblical legend of Jacob's dream of a ladder leading to the sky.The number 8 corresponds to the points of a cubic stone, which is the basis of building materials.
Arcane classifications:Male,day Element:Earth,symbolized by the mallet Vital projection:Work
This card represents the removal of world-ly concerns to find the Hermit and receive en-lightenment. It is the final journey to the in-ner world, a lonely journey into silence and the dark night of the soul. In a sense, this card symbolizes the twilight of life. It announces the abandonment of a stage of earthly life or a project or work that has consumed a significant portion of time. In numerology,9 is associated with performing a great work throughout life; the number 9 is 3 times 3.
In this card we see an old man walking up the mountainside in a slow ascent to the summit, where a temple of astral light holds the real secrets of the soul. The Hermit with his long beard is dressed in a simple white robe, sym-bol of purity, and a garnet-red robe,the col-or of wisdom. His left hand grasps a staff that serves to support his frail and tired body. In his other hand he holds a lamp as a symbol of his inner light.
The broad sky and magical night giving the card atmosphere are illuminated by the Sacred Delta with an eye in the center,a symbol of the hidden wisdom of Master Hiram, and the nine stars that correspond to the number of this card.
The card borders show other symbols associat-
ed with the mastery of a Mason: the compass,
the square, and the branches of acacia.
Arcane classifications: Female, night
Element: Air, symbolized by the sword
Vital projection:Thoughts
The Wheel of Fortune represents sudden chang-es. It refers to unexpected events that at any moment may alter the order of a person or en-vironment. Although the card is named Wheel of Fortune, it is not only about understanding changes in the economy. Nature goes through cycles such as day and night, and the succes-sion of the seasons. Cycles of the movement of the stars influence people in one way or another. According to the context in which the card ap-pears,it may mean the advent of fortune or the loss of it. The wheel turns to the right going up and sinks by turning to the left.
In the Masonic Tarot, an astrological chart shows a wheel in the center guided by the sun. The in-side ring shows four divisions with the four suits of the deck; gold, sword, chalice, and mallet. In the outer ring 12 divisions show the 12 zodiac signs. The order of this zodiac wheel is left to right-the same as the zodiacal signs that
are posted in all Masonic temples of the world. Its direction is contrary to the pointers of the clock.
In the right pane are allusions to the new day,
upward movement, and prosperity, while on the
left are symbols representing night, decline,and
death. On the right is a rising sequence of a chal-
ice filled with blood, symbol of life, followed by
six gold coins whose peak is marked by a radi-
ant sun,expressing the fullness of that cycle. On
the left there is a falling sequence of a waning
moon, six silver coins, and below, a human skull
in a niche as an expression of death. Between the
skull and the chalice is a glass mosaic pavement
which represents good and evil, light and dark-
ness,day and night-the duality of life.
Arcane classifications: Male, day
Element:Fire,symbolized by gold
Vital projection:Action
Justice represents the rebalancing of things, the perfect order, cleanliness, determination, sobri-ety, austerity, and clarity. It is contrary to subjec-tivity, ambiguity, or uncertainty. Justice is more an act of momentous consequence than a process in either direction.
Justice is the constant and perpetual will to give
everyone his due. Its rulings are projected over time.Justice makes her considered decisions in the still hours of the night. No pressure is al-lowed by the plight and circumstances, but slow procedure can cause anxiety for an innocent and abet a culprit.
The Lady Justice on the card sits on her throne with her eyes blindfolded and wearing a purple dress with Masonic decoration. In her hand she holds a sword upright that, when the time comes, is used to cut the chains that oppress the innocent or curtail the basis on which the culprit is based. Her other hand holds a golden scale with two dishes in a balanced position,where she weighs both guilt and innocence.
Her throne is framed by two columns. At the foot of one of them are the square and compass, on the other the symbol displayed is the Rose Cross. The top of the arch shows the symbol of the Sa-cred Delta with an eye at the center. The stone material surrounding Justice represents the solid-ity and permanence of the value she embodies. As part of a consultation, this card portends ab-solute definitions to situations that are on hold It means determination of punishment for the guilty and compensation for the innocent.This may be a court case or the resolution of a con-flict.
Justice,despite being symbolized by a woman, is a man's card. Decisive action toward his relent-less mission is able to mark a before and after in the life of a person. The symbol of the sword also has a manly character.
Arcane classifications:Male,day
Element: Air, symbolized by the sword
Vital projection: Thought and relentless deter-
This card represents dependence, submission, and lack of freedom. It is inaction, castration, the temporary cancellation of all its capabilities.The Hanged Man is a prisoner of external circum-stances and the will of others. He is subjugat-ed,exposed to humiliation, and depreciated. His survival depends on others, who go off and give him the opportunity to stand up again. Only then could he regain his natural movements and dig-nity. But as it happens, the hours and time elapse slowly to immerse him in the sleep of death.
This card predicts ruin, humiliation, castration, prison, misfortune. The only positive aspect at-tributed to this arcana is the idea that the sub-mission of the Hanged Man could be a voluntary act, an act of giving, sacrifice,sustained confi-dence in faith and love. As the religious renounc-
es his sexuality and has a life free of attachments in order to gain heaven; or as a husband and wife give up their freedom for a pact of fidelity, the Hanged Man's self-denial is given in pursuit of a value or higher ideal. In this sense, the card could represent humility, surrender, chastity, al-
truism, moral discipline, and spiritual penance. In the card we see a man hanging by a foot. He wears the white dress and apron of an Appren-tice. His intertwined legs recall the position to be taken by the candidate during initiation when he offers his oath before the altar of the Lodge. The initiation ceremony is an act of surrender and submission. The setting of the card corresponds to a Masonic temple.
In most tarot decks, the Hanged Man appears supported on a beam that rests on two trees with mutilated limbs, details which are interpreted as a symbol of castration. In this case, the trees are replaced by columns.
Arcane classifications:Female,night
Element:Air,symbolized by the Sword of Da-mocles
Vital projection: Thoughts,stillness,waiting
The Death card represents explicitly physical death. Yet its meaning is broader and also rep-
resentsthe absolute culmination of a process or existence. This card predicts radical changes in the life of a person and also changes of far-reach-ing consequences.
The subject of death is repeatedly present in Ma-sonic symbolism. Initiation ceremonies are an allegory of death-death of the profane and the birth of the initiated. The founding myth of Free-masonry is the legend of the death of Master Hi-ram Abiff, builder of the legendary Temple of Solomon. When the Master Hiram was building the temple commissioned by King Solomon, he organized his workers in three groups according to their level of experience in the art of building: learners, peers, and the teacher. Among the peers were three ambitious men who, eager for power and vanity, wanted to take the knowledge from the teacher. One night the teacher was kidnapped and tortured, and when he did not reveal his se-crets, they killed him. They took his body to the top of a hill and buried him, then planted over the grave a sprig of acacia. This is the theme repre-sented in this card. In the center we see a red fire niche containing a black coffin within which is a human skull. About this coffin fall acacia leaves. Above the window is the symbolic Sacred Del-ta-the place where the teacher hid the secrets of his sacred science. The grave is in the middle
of a stone wall half-built and flanked by two col-umns. At the top of the hill, visible in the back-ground, is the sprig of acacia. The night sky shows a star and moon.
The card's frame shows the chain, symbol of fra-ternal union that represents the unity of all the brothers. When a Mason dies, he is said to have broken that iron chain; in one of the details at the bottom of the card, the cut link can be perceived. Arcane classifications:Female, night
Vital projection: Death, the end of a cycle
This is the card of patience, waiting, ripening. It represents the inner work,contemplation of emotions, self-control to achieve balance, mod-eration, and transmutation of bad feelings for those inspired by love and charity. Strong feel-ings are like blood-fluid that moves inside the body,awakening inactive areas and creating new levels of consciousness. Thus, the understanding of our mind expands. It strengthens the character and the heart becomes kinder.
This card depicts a woman who is transferring a liquid from one cup to another. The liquid corre-sponds to blood,representing emotions that go from a silver cup to gold, transmuting from cold
to hot. The transition from silver to gold symbol-izes the alchemical evolution. The lady with her white garment represents purity. Her clothes are wet, symbolizing a bath, cleansing the body by water, and purification by emotions. Her garment is decorated with a Fellow's Masonic apron. Her left foot-the emotional side of the body-rests on a cubic stone block that is in the water. The cubic stone is a symbol of reason not only for the hardness of the stone, but also because of its geometric shape. Her other foot, low in the flow-ing water, represents emotions that pass and pass again. The surrounding countryside is fed by the waters of a river coming down from the moun-tain. Beside it three flowering irises and a tree stand as symbols of life.
The scene takes place at dawn. In heaven some stars are displayed and on the horizon the light of a new day is announced. It is the harbinger of good weather to come as a result of inner work. In the bright sky background the Sacred Delta is displayed. The ladder to heaven is the vision Ja-cob disclosed to his colleagues, and is one of the lessons of this degree.
Arcane classifications: Female, night
Vital projection:Emotion
The Devil is the symbol of the infernal darkness. He is the archetype of domination and punish-ment, whose vain and perverse personality de-mands veneration.
This card represents the initiation test to dive into the realm of darkness and return to the light and air. Wisdom and temperance are only achieved after passing through and defeating the kingdom of darkness.
The card shows us a dark and demonic being in-stalled on a throne which evokes the seat of a Worshipful Master. With his right handhe raises a mallet as a symbol of authority, while his left hand holds a torch which burns the acacia, sym-bol of a wise Master Mason.His back is covered with a mantle that resembles the wings of a bat. Behind him is a spider web that he weaves every night to catch his victims and also to climb to the heights and corners of power.
There are two characters tied to the Devil by chains locked around their necks. In the context of a Lodge,these could represent the columns of Apprentices and Fellows respectively. The left, nearly naked, shows his venomous tongue, which is the weapon of intrigue and slander. He is the man walking the corridors spreading adu-lation about his master and infamies about who
poses a threat. The message of intrigue is rein-forced by the symbol of snakes running through the edge of the box. On the left column we see a lizard crawling upward, symbol of a servile and cringing man looking to easily rise. At the top is perched a black vulture, which symbolizes the ambition of the scavenger.
The right is the bureaucrat, who through his prim appearance works more sophisticated op-erations to strengthen the rule of his master. This is the symbol of the apparent, the external, for-mal, and hypocritical conservatism. The formal bureaucrat overcomes the spirit and surrenders freedom for obedience. His white-gloved hand holds a note on which is written the name and the sentence of an enemy. Behind him is his col-umn with two symbolic animals: a bat represent-ing the world of infectious inner darkness; and a mandrill, representing the ambition of those who jump constantly looking for higher positions. Hellfire is displayed in the background. Under the throne are seven steps on which are inscribed
the “Seven Deadly Sins of a Lodge.” They are: lies, anger, greed, betrayal, conspiracy, intoler-ance,and sectarianism. These are the sins against which all must fight to avoid being possessed by the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of the Devil.
Arcane classifications: Male, night
Element: Fire, symbolized by gold
Vital projection: Domination and destruction
Undeniably tragic, this is a card that presages destruction, death, war, bankruptcy, earthquake, fire. It is a sudden event that changes everything: a tragedy, the end of a dream or project. The Tower predicts problems force the person to re-think life in various aspects and to begin anew on more solid foundations. It is the challenge to rise again assuming that life will never be the same. In most tarot decks , the tower is being affected by an external force,which symbolizes that the destruction comes from causes not subject to the nature of the person it affects. Rather, it shows the affects of karmic causes or metaphysical or-der, of which the actor could hardly have under-standing or know to be cautious.
In the card we see a circular tower with various levels has been destroyed by the impact of light-ning discharges; stone blocks are popping off the top of the tower. Beside these blocks,projected through the air, are symbolic tools used in the rit-uals of the brotherhood: the Worshipful Master's mallet, the trowel, square, rule, level, and plum-met. The two columns of the temple have been
thrown down. There are also fragments of the Chain of Fraternal Union representing the disso-ciation of brotherhood.
The Tower on its facade shows a porch preced-ed by three steps and within which fire is seen. Above, on the first level, corresponding to the Chamber of Apprentices, there is a sequence of three windows. At the second level of Fellows, five windows are observed, and at the third, where Masters meet, seven windows are dis-played. In the latter, it is where the fire causes does the most damage. This detail means that the greatest catastrophe occurs when the beam of de-struction affects the head of the tower and not the base.
Arcane classifications:Male,night
Vital projection: Destruction, martial force
This card represents youth, purity, beauty, sen-suality, disinhibition, and harmony with nature. It is receptivity, surrender of the heart, and in-nocence. It is the generosity of spirit and radiant love that always ensures the protection of others. It is also about taking time to plant learning and offer selfless work now in service for benefits to-morrow. It is the fate of luck. Rudeness will al-
ways bend before innocence and beauty.
In the card we see a naked young woman emp-tying the water from two vases. One pours its liquid into the waters of a stream, and the other empties its contents onto the meadow. The water contained in the vases-as we saw in the Tem-perance card-represents the inner world,the world of emotions. In that card, the liquid flowed from one vessel to another; here both are poured to nature.
In partnership with Masonic symbolism,the card identifies with the Apprentice, who at the time of initiation was stripped of his clothes in a ceremony symbolizing his renunciation of social roles and material possessions to enter the fraternity of the Lodge and its teaching.
Beside the stream there is a column as a symbol of beauty on which is perched a dark vulture-in most tarot decks this detail represents that beauty and innocence can be perishable and fragile.The vulture represents the threat, the danger that hangs over innocence.
In the background is a temple of Hellenic inspira-tion that is home to the superior wisdom and wor-ship. In the sky is a large star with seven other stars casting their light on the young naked woman.
At the edges of the card are branches of acacia. The left side is marked with the letter B and the
right side displays the plummet,both represent-
ing the degree of Apprentice.
Arcane classifications:Female,night
Vital projection:Feelings
The Moon represents the time of waiting that ex-ists within the cell of our solitude.It corresponds to the time of night, which is when our thoughts and anxieties torment us, keeping us from a se-rene and hopeful rest. The buzz of the night, the howling of animals, and the uproar of out-dated thoughts disturb us, and tragic events are foreshadowed in our mind. At night the shad-ows enlarge, sounds become more expressive. Our steps become uncertain. However, under the moonlight and in the silent hours of the night we descend into the well of our consciousness and understand the designs of the time rather than the light from the busy day. The secrets of uneasy conscience become visible only by the glow of the Moon.
This card represents the moment in which the candidate for initiation has been placed in the narrow Chamber of Reflection. In that dark room. his eyes covered by a blindfold, he is left alone to address his face in the mirror of his conscience.
In the card, we see the candidate dressed in an old white robe that represents purity and pov-erty. He is blindfolded, with a rope tied around his neck, and sits at a table covered with a red cloth decorated with a death's head skull. Pro-fane death gives new birth to the initiate.On the front of the table is a crab trying to climb to the surface. The crab is a recurring symbol in the Moon card in different decks, and represents wealth, the treasure that lies beneath the earth or in the pit of sewage but is soon to emerge. It is the harbinger of something positive. When the night ends and the first rays of dawn appear,the crab will be visible from the road the disturbed man should take.
The environment, where the young aspiring ini-tiate waits, corresponds to a cell with high walls framing a great vantage point through which you can see two towers against the silhouette of the hills. The sky occupies a large part of the picture; it highlights a crescent moon that casts its light on the beleaguered head of the meditator. In the lower part of both corners there are two separate dogs that howl-these are the aggressive voices of the profane world. On the side of the card are the footprints of a walker. Lost steps represent the candidate for initiation when he must walk forward though blindfolded.
Arcane classifications: Female, night
Vital projection:Emotions
The Sun represents innocence,purity,brother-hood,friendship, and filial love. It is the affinity of heart, mind, or destination between two peo-ple who must walk together.
The card predicts the beginning of a path that may be at work, in school, or just in life. It is the model of the good society. The message project-ed is an opportunity to find a partner with whom to establish a mutually beneficial partnership.
The Masonic symbolism associated with this secret fraternity is shown in these spontaneous Apprentices. They represent the beginning of the road, the symbolic age of three years.They are linked by the heart. Bless them and the sun shines.
In the card, we see a couple of young Apprentic-es wearing the same white costume used for the initiation ceremony and the white apron. Their feet are shod with sandals. The two workers la-bor at the task of breaking rocks and use the most. basic tools for that Masonic age. One holds the 24-inch gauge and the plummet, while the other holds the mallet. Below, along with some rocks,
the chisel used to shape stone can be seen.
The environment shows a construction in its in-fancy. On the floor is installed the mosaic pave-ment and at the left stands a clean fluted column. Behind a wall, is being built. In the background is a river and beyond that a fertile field that ex-tends to the snowy mountains.
In the sky a great astrological sun, citing the Tar-ot de Marseille, stands out, and along with its rays are projected twelve drops of gold on the young ones, for each month of the year and rep-resenting the blessings of heaven. Fortune is spilling over the brotherly couple.
The Sun predicts success in receiving the bless-ings of heaven, and its protection ranks first those who are pure of heart. This arcana an-nounces the arrival of a new day, a new phase of life with harmony and spiritual balance.
Arcane classifications:Male,day Element:Fire,symbolized by gold Vital projection:Passionate action
This is the arcana of victory and glorious reward. It represents the evaluation of the works that have been made in life. On a scale from heaven the heart and its virtues are weighed. Its symbol-ism represents an initiation ceremony of life and
death. It can also mean an appearance in court, an accusatory judgment, or a judgment of drastic consequences. The card could also announce the arrival of a ceremony of triumph, awards, and social recognition, such as a graduation ceremo-ny, marriage,baptism, or the conclusion of a ma-jor contract.
In this card, we identify Judgement with the act of initiation. It is the process of moving from darkness to light. It is to resurrect and rise from the grave to walk down new paths.
We see the back of a man dressed in white facing east toward a newly rising light. The character is the same one in the narrow cell of the Chamber of Reflection as seen in the Moon card. He is sur-rounded by the mosaic pavement and before him are two columns topped with spheres. Above his head three swords cross, representing the “Vault of Steel,” the symbolic arch expressing fraternal protection. At the apex is seen the Sacred Delta holding the all-seeing eye. Before him is an open doorway through which shines a radiant light. The scene is surrounded and guarded by the
Chain of Fraternal Union.
Arcane classifications:Male,day
Element: Air, symbolized by the sword Vital projection: Thought and ceremony
This is the last card in the series of the Major Arcana. It is equal to three times seven-three times the perfect number. The World completes the three cycles with a flourish: an overall win. It is the most powerful and positive card. It rep-resents the culmination of a lifelong process, the joyful satisfaction crowned with economic suc-cess. It represents the fullest energy of your nat-ural state. The World is the result of the perfect combination of all strength. It's the perfect align-ment of the stars.
In many tarot decks this secret it is represent-ed by the image of a naked woman in the cen-ter of a wreath of triumph, and the four corners hold images of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and an an-gel,figures that in the Christian world symbol-ize the four evangelists. They also correspond to the four alchemical elements and are the basis of the four branches or suits in which the cards are divided. Taking the presence of these four ele-ments, one could say that the secret of the World is the synthesis of the entire deck. The lion is Fire,the ox is Earth, the eagle is Water (not be-cause it moves in water but because it is repre-sentative of the blood).
This tarot card features a naked woman on cu-bic stone pedestal, the symbolic representation
of Masonic perfection and teaching. The stone is itself a symbol of the Earth element. The wom-an with her feet on this foundation is showing her connection to the land. She looks straight at the viewer in triumph. In her left hand she holds a golden compass, open and directed toward the cosmos to capture its vibrations. Her right hand holds the gavel of Masonic power and authority in the underworld,which in this context refers to Fire. The delicate blue veil passing over her na-ked body is the symbol of Water, which like wa-ter from a river flows and purifies.
The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards consist-ing of two groups or bodies called the Hierar-chies of Nobility and the Masonic Numbers. Both are grouped by the four elements as fol-lows.
EARTH:SYMBOLIZED BY THE MALLET Earth is the densest of the four elements. Its na-ture is concrete and material. People influenced by this element are more stable than other char-acters. Quiet and introverted, slower in their pro-cesses, they prefer to be methodical. They de-fend tradition and the norm. Their perseverance can overcome any obstacle. They are consumer-ist and experience pleasure with owning proper-ty.Defined by the statement “I use.”
Ace of Mallets. It represents the triumph and power over the material world. It is leadership at work. It is the productive and organizational capacity of a community. It is the power of per-severance.
2 of Mallets. It symbolizes the union at work. Perfect and productive society.
3 of Mallets. It represents the product of a mate-rial work performed by a student under the guid-ance or help from their teachers.
4 of Mallets. It represents the strength of the material and productive work. Announces the fruitful alliance of people working together to achieve a greater work.
5 of Mallets. It represents the fruitful collective work even in conflict. It is the projection of the building but not the culmination.
6 of Mallets. It shows the harmonious and bal-anced complementation in the material realm. Predicts a good performance at work. Harmo-ny and concrete progress through willpower and perseverance.
7 of Mallets. The master at work. It represents leadership on a team who strive to realize a com-mon task. It is the perfection of the work.
8 of Mallets. It is the construction of a work for the common good. It is the stability and solidi-ty of the work that protects us from the outside world.
9 of Mallets. It represents the silent and perse-vering work that is resulting in a beautiful and perfect work.
10 of Mallets. It is the culmination of a material work on which we worked collectively.
Knave of Mallets. He is the young worker la-boring on stone with mallet and chisel. He is a construction worker. It also represents persever-ance and humility.
Knight of Mallets. He is the construction fore-man who transmits the king's instructions and oversees the harmony and efficiency of collec-tive work.
Queen of Mallets. She is the matriarch of the family. She represents the material power within a community. She oversees the food and welfare of the community. Her attributes are work, order, and perseverance.
King of Mallets. He is the material and tempo-ral power within an organization. His emblem is the will,perseverance, and discipline. He watch-es the formal aspects of the work and the com-munity he leads.
WATER:SYMBOLIZED BY THE CHALICE Water is the second densest element after Earth and has a sensitive and changing nature. Wa-ter expands your whole body with any stimu-lus. It is a mirror that reflects light and colors, and doubles the landscape. It is able to con-duct electricity and sound. Water running ram-pant envelops, embraces, and drags everything in its path. Water invades everything.
People influenced by water are a bit unsta-ble,shifting, easily persuaded. They are more sentimental than other persons. They live in a world in which moods become import-
ant.They are receptive, compassionate, self-less, and faithful. Defined by the statement“I feel.”
Ace of Chalices.It represents the triumph of emotions and deep feelings. It is the fraternal leadership and restoration of honor.
2 of Chalices. It is the duality in the field of af-fection, the couple, and the love of two people. Perfect match. Fruitful society.
3 of Chalices. It represents a work product con-cocted by two people united by affection. Par-ents who beget a son, or teachers who educate their pupils.
4 of Chalices. It represents emotional stability. Soundness of commitments and realization of projects with a partner. Announces an alliance between people who seek to create environments of fraternity.
5 of Chalices. It represents a spiritual plane of a labor of love. It is the fertility of the affections.It is the strengthening of a community space.
6 of Chalices. It represents emotional comple-mentation of a set of people. It is stability and harmony.Lovers will prevail.
7 of Chalices. It represents mastery and domi-nation in the world of emotions. Learn the se-crets of love.
8 of Chalices. It represents the stability of affec-tions in a community. It shows leadership that protects and creates favorable conditions for the weakest environments.
9 of Chalices. It represents wisdom and spiri-tuality reached by one who has followed the si-lent way of his heart. It is love that spills over others.
10 of Chalices. It represents multiplication of brotherly love and protection. They open new roads and a new stage begins.
Knave of Chalices. He represents the emotions caused by the bitterness of love sought and not found. It is the heart condition during the night. Knight of Chalices. He is the messenger and promoter of fraternity. He works with emotions and facilitates the flow in the middle of the night. Queen of Chalices. She is the mother who cares for and feeds her children and younger siblings. Her virtue is comforting the sad or hurt back to health and self-esteem.
King of Chalices.He is the protective strength of feeling, fatherhood and generosity of the heart.It is a hospital listening to the sorrows of others and comforting the weak. He expresses protection, affection, fraternity. Good advice and discretion.
Fire has the power to transform and consume. Its greed can be fast and unforgiving. Gold reach-es its peak when it is purified by fire. People in-fluenced by this element are extroverted and up-front. They are enthusiastic, dynamic, and have great willpower. They have achieved leadership in every environment. Reckless and independent, they believe more in themselves than in others. They are arrogant, impatient, and self-centered. More adventurous and risky than other persons. They do not fear the unknown. Defined by the statement“I am.”
Ace of Gold. It represents the leadership of the inner fire and passion. Brings good fortune. It is a stroke of luck that makes a better fate. Pro-claims a victory in the field of business and ex-pansion of projects.
2 of Gold. Announces an alliance between two people who decide to pursue a common project. The drive and the joy of working together. Pre-dicts success and economic progress.
3 of Gold. It is the inner fire that is projected on the passionate and courageous, able to guide the ac-tion of others. Also represents the economic result. 4 of Gold. It represents the consolidation and ex-pansion of an economic, social, or political ven-
ture. Announces support and recognition from
the community.
5 of Gold. It shows the social and economic pro-jection of a common task. Also it announces pos-sible conflict of egos between people of the same community.
6 of Gold.Harmonious complementation of pas-sion in entrepreneurship. Leadership and strength of conviction. Announces material prosperity.
7 of Gold. It is the passion in action taking on a creative and lucrative work. Projected strength, wealth,and expansion.
8 of Gold. It is the inner purpose to carry out a project.Predicts strength and economic power.
9 of Gold. It is the power of-fire transmuted rock that turns into bright noble metal. It is the culmi-nation of a period of expansion.
10 of Gold. It is the glorious culmination of a col-lective work process. The accumulation of wealth and expansion of fame. Luxury and power.
Knave of Gold. He represents joy, beauty, and passion of youth. It is the enthusiasm to under-take and implement any idea that identifies you. Knight of Gold.He represents the impetus of youth. The heir of the cohort. His projection is to
the social and mundane world.
Queen of Gold. She represents beauty,passion, and vanity.She awakens the admiration of men
and the envy of ladies. She loves herself and her
vanity becomes a virtue.
King of Gold. He represents the power of wealth and inner fire. He is an attractive and flamboyant leader. It also represents the vanity and egotism expressed in his lifestyle.
Of the four elements, Air is the only one that is invisible and silent. It moves and invades ev-ery corner without being noticed. People influ-enced by this element are immersed in thought. They are balanced and are not interested in at-tention. They value their independence and pre-fer not to take leadership positions. They form ideas for others to carry out. They are noted for their mental alertness, analytical ability, and ab-straction.They are also known for aesthetic sen-sibility. They appreciate the simple and flee the mundane. They make drastic and final decisions. They are people of honor and value. They feel superior and act with verticality.
They have little passion, excitement, sociability, or affection.They look with disdain on the world of the everyday. They are cold and distant peo-ple,who like to get in and out without dragging commitments. Their personality is defined by the statement“I think.”
Ace of Swords.It represents leadership in the world of ideas. It is the rule of reason. It imposes clarity, morality, and spiritual rectitude.Regency of ethics. Rule of law.
2 of Swords. It represents cooperation in the in-tellectual field. They share the same ideals and values.They work together on a project or com-mon mission. Both are supporters of the same cause.
3 of Swords.It represents intellectual work done by two people. Project to develop an idea into a community.
4 of Swords. It represents loyalty in honor com-mitments. Emphasizes loyalty to the values and alliances between people who defend thesame cause.They are the four guardians of the temple. 5 of Swords. It represents the projection of in-tellectual work. It is the consolidation of ideas in the social sphere.Announces inspiration and revelation.
6 of Swords. It represents harmony and balance in the battle of ideas or shielding to uphold the law and values.
7 of Swords.It symbolizes the expertise in the field of thoughts and ideas. It is also the defense of principles and values.
8 of Swords. It represents the ability to work constructively by keeping the balance and order.
9 of Swords. It represents the top masters in-spired by the knowledge of the occult,and faith of the transcendental. It is protection and de-fense.
10 of Swords. It represents the multiplication of the forces acting in defense of a common cause. It represents the rule of law and justice. It means consecration and intellectual recognition.
Knave of Swords.He represents youthful ideal-ism. It is the defense of the values and the tradi-tions which he swore to serve.
Knight of Swords. He is the news messenger. He flies along the roads carrying his sword as a symbol of courage and determination. He is a warrior in the battle, and protector of families. Take care of his empire sovereignty and its bor-ders.
Queen of Swords. She represents the lightness of principles and rigor of the law. She impos-es moral conduct and fair balance between the rights and duties of each. She promotes conser-vation of manners, discipline, and order.
King of Swords. He represents intelligence and the eloquent word. He knows the law and tradi-tions. His sword is a symbol of clarity and sepa-ration between good and evil. It represents deter-mination and courage.