Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle Guidebook


LON was born and raised in Holland, where she attended art school and worked in the advertising and graphic-arts industry.
In the early 1990s, she discovered crop circles and instantly fell in love with their complex designs. It took over two decades for her to fully merge her (intrinsic) understanding and knowledge of sacred geometry and crop circles with her creative abilities; to not only build her life and reality around this union but to also make it her life's work to shift the collective consciousness, to question and shift existing paradigms, and to support the rebirth of the language of the soul.
LON now creates sacred geometry art images that are visual meditation tools, or Activations, that help people to navigate these changing times and activate thinking outside the box—so that people can make real changes in their lives. Her Activations have been called uliving art," as they appear to be alive with energy, evoking powerful emotions and inspiring new thoughts.
LON lives in San Diego, California, and offers lectures and workshops, individual sessions, and intuitive counseling to support a new way of thinking and activate people toward becoming fully multidimensional human beings. She also creates personal Soul Activations based on an individuals unique energy, helping them to step into the highest expression of themselves.


12. CHANGE 26
19. DELIGHT 47
23. DYNAMIC 59
24. EARTH 62
28. GAIA 73
29. HEALING 75

31. MAGIC 81
33. MIRACLE 87
34. PASSION 89
40. SOUL TIME 106
41. SYNERGY 109

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
What if reality is as well?
\ A /e live in a time of great transformation and V V change. Our current collective belief system can no longer cover the increasing stream of new thinking, new (scientific) discoveries, and new potentials. The "box" that has been holding our beliefs and makes up our reality—the factors that determine how we interact with, connect with, relate to, and love each other—is full. It is time to move outside this box—perhaps even throw the whole box out—and include the unknown, the unfamiliar, the new, the potentials, the dreams, and the magic. To understand and flourish in this new energy, we need new tools. Based on sacred geometry, the cards in this deck (what I call Activations) will help to open your mind to new perspectives—and new per¬spectives can create a new reality.
What Is Reality?
The new energy is asking us to revisit and redefine how we want to perceive many human concepts to help us re-create a reality that reflects a new and more expanded consciousness. The very concept of reality is certainly one to revisit and explore if we are to be in control of how we create it.
According to the dictionary, the word reality is defined as "the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.M This suggests that we can define a reality that is the same for everyone, regardless of belief religion, gender, age, topographic location, culture, time, our state of mind, and even our physical and emotional state of being.
However, reality is not an objective absolute. It is simply our personal experience of the inner and outer world——the way we perceive it. And this means that reality is different for everybody.
At the core of our reality is our physical body, our heart, and our consciousness. The way these commu¬nicate with us is through sensations and movement from the body, feelings and emotions from the heart, and imagery and thoughts from our consciousness, pro¬viding a constant feedback of our experience in every moment. Through our awareness of this feedback we can decide what action and response is appropriate. The more finely tuned we become to the complex and subtle layers through which our inner and outer world com¬municates with us, the more we are in harmony——with ourselves and with everyone and everything around us.
Sacred Geometry
Plato referred to sacred geometry as the language of the soul.
The word geometry literally means "'measurement of the Earth." It is derived from the Greek words geo, meaning "Earth," and metron, meaning "measurement."
The sacred part refers to the fact that we find the same geometric proportions, ratios, and measurements every¬where in creation, whether it be in organic life, music, language, art, or even the cosmos itself At the very core, all building blocks are the same, following the same rules and repeating the same patterns. The micro cosmos of an atom exists under the same laws as the macro cosmos in which our planets revolve; everything is fractal. Even you are geometry at the core level: your cellular and atomic structure, and your DNA. Sacred geometry is the blueprint of creation.
Why is sacred geometry important?
How can you use it to benefit your life?
Accessing the Quantum Field
As vibrational beings, we hold a frequency that aligns with the frequency of our thoughts and the frequency of our emotions. Thoughts are the language of the mind, emotions are the language of the heart, and sacrec geometry is the language of the soul一the languag the subconscious understands. It's from the subcor scious that we can access the quantum field, the spa, of unlimited possibility from which potential can be guided into form to create our reality.
It is often our conscious (thinking) mind that keeps us from creating the things that we really desire; it prevents us from opening up to the potentials of something new and benevolent entering our lives. Simply because we haven't experienced something before, we don't believe it is possible. We operate from inside a box of beliefs that we have created based on clear, precise, analytical, and logical reasoning—all the stuff our conscious mind loves.
To be powerful manifestors and creators of our own reality, we need to invite our conscious mind to loosen up ... to let go .. . to step out of the way . . . so we can experience something new and transcend our box of beliefs.
This is where the cards in this deck come into play. All images are based on sacred geometry, and sacred geometry works at the soul level. It can be felt deeply, activating parts of us that are subconscious and multidi¬mensional. This is why I call them Activations: because the energy of the Activations interacts with your energy. Energy blocks can be dissolved and new con¬nections can be made, allowing room for new insights and perspectives. Activations are catalysts for transfor¬mation; they are visual, multidimensional meditation tools. Through sacred geometry (color, patterns, light), Activations create a bridge between sight and soul that supports your journey inward——the growth and expansion of your consciousness. All you have to do is fbcus your attention on the image and allow its energy to do its magic.
How does this card deck support transformation?
Fine-Tuning Our Awareness
All images in this deck are expressions of large con-cepts—such as prosperity, authority, and romantic love——that are current for all of us and would serve us through deeper integration and understanding within ourselves and with one another.
Now that multidimentionality is rapidly saturating every layer of our reality, we need to define many con¬cepts multidimensionally as well to include expanded attributes within the layers of the vibrational expression of these concepts. We are asked to fine-tune our awareness in order to receive this much more complex expression of reality. Look at it this way: Imagine yourself as a radio receiver. You have to tune yourself to the frequency of the station that you want to receive. The better you are tuned into that signal—the more precisely you can match that frequency—the more clear the transmission is.
Everything is made of energy―you, the stuff around you, and even your thoughts and your emotions—and energy has a frequency, measured in waves. Think about all the different wave patterns we are already aware o£ such as radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, and visible light rays. These waves carry different information and can be received at different frequencies. So do your words, thoughts, emotions, feelings, and dreams. They all carry energy, and thus, a frequency.
In the new energy, there are many more frequencies available to us, all carrying rich and complex attributes of reality. More and more, we are opening up to our capacity to receive this information from these different layers of reality. By fine-tuning ourselves to this wide range of information available, we can perceive a reality that is inclusive of all of it.
Images As a Bridge into the Subconscious The images in this deck may not mean much to your conscious, logical, and analytical mind. After all, they re just a bunch of shapes, forms, and colors; there is really nothing conceptual to hold onto—no beautiful sceneries of nature; no endearing children or animals; no flowers, sunsets, or oceans. Not even something more elusive, like fairies and angels. Because the images have no direct association (name or definition) in your conscious mind, your conscious mind can take a break ... pause ... relax; there is nothing to think here
And then something magical happens. With the con-scious mind no longer guarding our input and trying to make sense of what we see, the images can absorb into us, so that the subconscious mind can recognize the language that these images speak. Our soul speaks this language; it's the language we are made o —the language of our cells, our DNA. And the way it com¬municates with us is through our intuition.
Activations bridge the outer world of the conscious mind and the inner world of the subconscious mind, activating parts of us that were previously hidden. They activate our inner wisdom so we can think new thoughts, feel new emotions, have new experiences——so we can change our state of being.
All Activations are based on sacred geometry, and sacred geometry communicates directly with the sub¬conscious mind, bypassing the analytical (thinking) mind. In the realm of the subconscious, we can make real changes in our being, meaning the way we are. And from that vibrational way of being, we attract to us that which is aligned with our unique vibration; we create our own personal reality.
Words As a Guide
Words are a powerful guide on the journey from the loud and bold outward world into the inward world of feelings, energy, and subtleties. Like a lifeline into the abyss, words are helpful for the mind to hang onto while entering the unknown. Words light up the path for the mind to follow and relax. When we intellectually / understand something, when we / "get it," we accept it as real; and / our conscious, thinking mind /,关、、j .
relaxes. The most powerful / j '、「'/ // way of making changes is j \ / 、
when the conscious mind and | '乂 the subconscious mind work \ / \ \ 7 together in harmony. When the thinking mind relaxes (and is comfortable), the path into the realm of the subconscious lights up fbr us to follow.
Each card comes with an image and a written descrip¬tion that will invite your conscious mind to think some new thoughts and make new energetic connections. The descriptions invite you to look at each image a little dif-ferently and see layers you may not have noticed before, allowing you to discover new attributes of a concept and apply it to the reality that you wish to create.
Together, the images and the words activate a more expanded consciousness—so you can create more balance and harmony in your life.
How to Use the Activation Cards
If you have ever worked with an oracle card deck before, you probably know that there are many different ways to use it. This deck is no different. And whether you are a very experienced card reader or a beginner doesn't matter; there is no "wrong" way of working with these Activations (that's your left/analytical brain kicking in).
Drawing cards is based on the law of attraction: you will draw the ones that match the vibration of your ques¬tion or intention. You cannot make any mistakes, as any and every card you draw is significant. All you have to do is allow the image(s) to speak to your subconscious. Then the descriptions that come with every Activation will gently invite your conscious mind to think some new thoughts as well.
Here are some easy steps to follow:
Resetting Your Deck
Activations are multidimensional tools that hold and absorb energy. To make sure your deck is ready to give you accurate and clear insights, you want to clear your cards from any vibration that might have been left by the manufacturing process or by the last reading that was done with it. To "reset" your deck's energy, simply hold the cards in a pile in the hand you don't write with and give them a few firm knocks with your other hand. Now you and your deck are ready to go for a new reading.
Of course, you can clear your deck with other methods as well. Some people like to leave their deck in the moonlight overnight or cover the deck with a beau¬tiful piece of cloth, or place a crystal on the deck. As you will come to discover, working with these cards is all about your intuition and your intention. Those together will generate the energy that will align with the cards and how you use them.
Shuffling the Cards
You can shuffle any way you like—like a real profes¬sional or in whatever manner feels right (perhaps you prefer putting all the cards in front of you and mixing them up with two hands). While you are shuffling, you might want to think about the questions you want to ask when you are ready to draw cards. This will allow the communication between you and the Activations to start. Sometimes, one or more cards will come flying out of the deck while you are shuffling, for example. I like to take those as the first cards of my reading, but you may wish put them back and continue with your own method.
Drawing Cards
Different people have different styles of drawing cards. Some people like to fan out the cards in front of them and choose a card that way. Some just continue to shuffle until they get the intuitive hit to stop and look at the card on the top of the deck. And others cut the cards in different piles and draw cards that way. Again, there is no right or wrong way of doing any of this. If cards appear upside-down in your reading, consider this an invitation to view the situation or topic you re inquir¬ing about from a new or opposite perspective. Perhaps an upside-down point of view is just what is needed to give you some great new insights. Just let your intuition guide the way. If it feels good or right for you, it means it is. It is really that beautifully simple.
One of my favorite ways of working with the Acti¬vations is to pick one card for any question or topic on which you would like some insight or guidance. You can ask the question out loud or you can do it silently. (If you do a reading for another person, ask that person to ask the question out loud or silently.) Picking a card for the day is also really fun and insightful. Another favorite of mine is to draw three cards: one for the past, one for the present, and one for the future.
Just remember: anything goes, so draw as many as you feel inspired to draw——one or twenty—and trust that the Universe will gently guide you (through your intuition) to receive the communication that serves you best.
Sample Card Spreads
Intuitive (Single-Card) Draw
Pick one card to reflect the general theme for the day or the specific topic you are inquiring about. While you reflect on the shapes and colors represented, take in the image on the card through your eyes, allowing your analytical mind to relax and your subconscious to be activated so that new energetic connections can be made. Notice what thoughts come up and how you feel. Pay attention to the message of the card, and allow it to guide you throughout the day.

Sacred Duality Draw
This spread will help you view a specific question or topic from different perspectives, reminding you that there is never just one (right) way oflooking at anything. Our reality is formed by a constant stream of feedback from our inner and outer world, and is changeable in each moment. It is our ongoing task to explore this stream of information with inner balance and wisdom.
With a topic or question in mind, pick two cards and put them together side by side. The card on your left represents the feminine aspect that is passive, mysterious, and often hidden. The right side represents the mascu¬line aspect that is active, directed, and more visible.
Take as much time as you need to focus your atten¬tion on each card individually and on the combination of the two. Notice all the shapes and colors. What thoughts arise? What feelings? How does each card apply to your question? Can you see how they both contribute to a greater understanding? Can you also you see the beauty of their combined energy and how it supports your inquiry?
Trinity (Past/Present/Future) Draw
This spread gives you an overview of the larger cycles flowing through your life—past, present, and future. It allows you to see the themes and lessons present in your life. By contemplating and understanding where we came from (our past), recognizing where we are (our present), and seeing the potential of where we are going (our future), we can take appropriate action to align ourselves with the reality we wish to create. This spread can also be used to look at the energy around a specific situation, project, or relationship. To do this, just keep the situation, relationship, or project in mind when shuffling and pulling the cards.
1. Past: This card indicates the theme and energy that was present in your past.
2. Present: This card highlights what is happening for you now.
3. Future: This card shows you the potential of what will be arriving in your life.
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Foundation-of-Four Draw
The number four in numerology is connected to our physical world and Mother Earth. It represents structure and foundation. Our emotions offer a feedback system to help us navigate our energetic essence in a physi¬cal body, which is the foundation of our experience as spirits in a form-based world. Through our relations with others, we learn about the world around us as well as ourselves.
This spread offers insight into any kind of relation, whether it be with a lover, a friend, a parent, a child, a sibling, or a supervisor.
1. This card represents you and what you are bringing.
2. This card represents the other person and what they are bringing.
3. This is the dynamic between the two of you.
4. This is the insight.
Fibonacci Spiral Draw
This spread is named after Fibonacci, the famous Italian mathematician who discovered a specific sequence of numbers that are at the f\ core of many spiral forms that we find throughout nature, from seashells to sunflower heads to leaf arrangements in plants. Spirals are like ongoing circles, but they never close, symbolizing life never repeats the same exact cycle twice. This is the way that the universal life force ensures ongoing growth and evolution.
This spread will give you insight into the external influences in your life (you are likely already aware of) and the internal influences that are closer to your core (which you are often not able to see). By becoming aware of all these different aspects and understanding the dynamic of their combined energies, you will be able to navigate the flow you are in more easily.
1. This card represents the internal influence that you are not able to see you are dealing with.
2. This card represents the issue.
3. This card represents the external influence of which you are aware o£ 
4. This is what is needed.
5. This is the resolution.

Infinity Draw
The infinity symbol is formed by a figure eight on its side, and symbolizes endlessness. In numerology, eights represent manifestation. We are infinite spirits here on a temporary journey in body, our souls timeless, limit¬less, and eternal. We manifest our reality and draw to us experiences and people that are in alignment with
our consciousness. The infinity spread can give you insight into the hidden and unconscious aspects and layers of a particular issue, situation, or relationship, helping you to understand the infinite nature of your evolution, both as a spirit and as a human being.
1. This card represents what is hidden.
2. This represents the contemplation.
3. This card shows insights related to the emotional world.
4. This represents the female aspect.
5. This represents the male aspect.
6. This card shows insights related to the physical world.
7. This card shows insights related to the spiritual world.
8. We end with the card that represents the understanding.
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Reading Your Cards
Now that you have drawn a card, let's explore how to allow communication to take place.
Start by taking a look at the image on the card. What is the first thing you think of when you look at the image? What do you notice? It could be the center of the image; or perhaps the outer regions are drawing you more. Are you noticing the image as a whole? Does any color stand out, and if so, do you like that color? What about shapes——what do you see? How does the card make you feel?
Allow the image to absorb into your eyes and the high vibrational properties of its sacred geometry to activate your subconscious, opening your mind and making new energetic connections.
By paying attention to all the details——all the layers, all the shapes, and all the colors—the Activations train your consciousness to not let anything slip by you without you being aware of it. This boosts awareness in your everyday life as well, helping you to notice the little details and triggers that "steer" you in a certain direction. By being aware of these details, you can con¬sciously decide whether they point in the direction you want to take or whether they suggest a different course. You can take control of your life and your reality.
Meditating with Your Cards
When we talk about meditation, we usually refer to a state of contemplation or an emptying of the mind that allows the thinking (conscious/analytical) mind to take a break. The purpose of meditation is to move your awareness beyond your analytical mind, with its focus on the outer world, to your subconscious, the inner world of thoughts and feelings. In the realm of the sub¬conscious, we can make real changes by making new energetic connections.
Activations are visual meditation tools. By allowing the images to absorb into you through your eyes——by getting lost in the visual play of the imagery (colors, patterns, shapes), much like you would when having a daydream——you allow yourself to enter a meditative state. If this seems a little foreign or difficult at first, make sure you are in the right environment: a quiet, comfortable space. You may find that soft, ambient music (without words) also helps you to get focused.
Spend as much time with your Activations as feels good to you. Whether you take in the images at a glance or you spend several minutes looking at them, trust that you are activating your subconscious and making new energetic connections.
It's All About Intuition
The Activations in this guidebook are listed alphabeti¬cally, except for the first seven Activations, which cover the chakra system (starting with the Root Chakra [1] and ending with the Crown Chakra [7]).
Although each card has its own description that can guide you, remember that your intuition is the most important guidance you have. Intuition speaks to different people in different ways—some people experience intuitive thoughts while others feel it in their bodies. Intuition is the wonderful way the unseen and the inner world communicate with us, and it mostly runs through your heart. I invite you to get out of your mind for a little while, drop into your heart, and allow the Activations to move you into a new awareness. Your soul (and your subconscious) can give you additional messages, so pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, and visions that you have while working with the cards. The descriptions that come with the Activations are a suggestion and an invitation—a starting place to engage your analytical mind. 

I hope you enjoy your journey with the Activations. If you would like to share your experiences with me, I would love to hear from you!


The frequency of the Root Chakra—the red Flower of
Life——stimulates passion and supports our sense of
security on this physical plane, both in our bodies
as well in the physical world.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle,
creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate com¬ponents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color red is associated with the Root (or Base) Chakra. It is linked to our survival instincts and to our ability to ground and identify ourselves in the physical world. It is connected to our sense of prosperity and security, and to our physical health. The location of the Root Chakra——at the base of the spine—is also the seat of the kundalini (instinctive, primal energy) force, and the first chakra is believed to be the generator of life. Red stimulates love and passion, excitement, courage, strength, power, and persistence. Its sense is smell.
Take a moment to mentally scan your body. How does it feel? Is there anything it wants to tell you? How grounded do you feel? How deep do your roots grow? Do you fiel con¬nected to Mother Earth? How about the cosmos?
Contemplate your connection to the physical plane. When is the last time you walked barefoot outside? 

The frequency of the Sacral Chakra—the orange
Flower of Life——supports our ability to flow with
our desires, and stimulates our creative power to
manifest success and abundance in our lives.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate compo¬nents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color orange is associated with the second, or Sacral, chakra, located just below the navel. It is linked to our creativity, sexuality, and emotional world. Orange encourages movement and connection with others. It has a freeing effect on the body and mind, stimulating creative thinking, abundance, success, and appetite. Its sense is taste.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let go of your breath with an audible sigh.
Now bring your attention to your emotions. How do you feel? Are you expressing yourself the way you desire in your daily life? Are you inspired? What do you do to express your creativity? How about your sexuality? Perhaps it is time for a new project or love affair. 

The frequency of the Solar Plexus Chakra—the
yellow Flower of Life—supports our sense of self,
our personal power, and our willpower, as well as our
knowing of who we are and what our contribution
is to the whole.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate com¬ponents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color yellow is associated with the third, or Solar Plexus, chakra. It is located in the area of the diaphragm, below the breastbone, and linked to our sense of sel£ our authority, and our personal power. It is the area of our personality and our ego. Yellow helps us to think clearly, increase our awareness, and stimulate our curi¬osity. It strengthens our vitality, our life force, and our energy. Its sense is sight.
Go inside yourself for a moment and think about what is important in your life. Do you spend your days doing what you love? Do you feel satisfied? Do you feel you are an important part of this big puzzle we call life?
Most of us have that one thing that we love doing and are really good at. What is your one thing? 

The frequency of the Heart Chakra—the green Flower
of Life—supports our capacity to love deeply and
unconditionally. Its healing properties harmonize
the mind and the body.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate compo¬nents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color green is associated with the fourth, or Heart, chakra. It is linked to our capacity to love and to feel compassion. This applies to our ability to love one another as well as our ability to love ourselves.
The heart is located at the center of our physical bodies; likewise, the Heart Chakra is located at the center of the chest, and mediates between the lower (physical) and the higher (spiritual) planes of being. Green is the color of nature and Earth; and it is a healing color that balances and harmonizes the connection between mind and body. Its sense is touch.
Take a deep breath and bring your awareness to your heart area. Think about something (or someone) that makes you feel happy and loved. Take another deep breath and feel the smile on your face. Now start bringing other people or circum¬stances into that loving, happy place.
Can you find space even for those you did not think you had room for in your heart? 

The frequency of the Throat Chakra—the blue Flower
of Life—supports our self-expression and our sense
of peace and balance.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate com¬ponents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color blue is associated with the fifth, or Throat, chakra, located in the area of the neck. It is linked to communication and our ability to express our needs and desires. Blue is cooling——a mentally relaxing color— and it pacifies the nervous system. It connects us to holistic thought, it generates wisdom, and it supports our communication and speech skills. Blue is considered the color of truth. Its sense is hearing.
Think for a moment about the last time you really expressed a deep truth to someone. How did it fiel to be completely honest and authentic in your expression? Are you always able to express yourself that way? If not, what holds you back? 

The frequency of the Third-Eye Chakra—the indigo
Flower of Life—supports our intuition and our inner
knowing, our imagination, and our psychic powers.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate compo¬nents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color indigo is associated with the sixth, or Third-Eye, chakra, located in the middle of the fore¬head, just above the bridge of the nose. It is linked to our intuition, our insights, and our ability to see beyond three-dimensional reality into the inner world, so that the conscious can merge with the unconscious. In many cultures, the color indigo has been traditionally associ¬ated with royalty, power, and wealth, as we often assign to our authoritarian figures a higher consciousness that is based on a deeply rooted connection to Source. Its sense is telepathy.
Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Bring your awareness to yourjbrehead, the point between your eyebrows. Now silently ask the Universe to bring to your awareness a thought, feeling, or image that would serve you right now, in this moment. What comes up? 

The frequency of the Crown Chakra—the violet
Flower of Life—supports our spiritual connection to
the Universe and our ability to transmute
negative energy into light.
The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It consists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the separate compo¬nents of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our understanding of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
The color violet is associated with the seventh, or Crown, chakra, located on the top of the head. It is associated with our personal spiritual connection to the Universe and Source. Violet has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum of light and is, therefore, linked to "the flame of transmutation,, (the Violet Flame), which burns away all negativity and transmutes it into light. Violet is the color of cleansing, purification, magic, mystery, and mysticism. Our sense of empathy and unity are associated with this chakra.
Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Now get into the thought and the feeling that you are infinitely connected to the wisdom of the Universe. Do you spend time regularly connecting to Source? Do you do some type of meditation?
Make time to get out of your mind on a regular basis to expand your awareness. 

The frequency of Alchemy activates our magical
ability and remembrance of the magic that we all hold
inside. Each one of us has the potential to access the
ancient knowledge that allowed the true alchemist
to perform the miracles of transmutation.
Alchemy usually refers to the process of transform¬ing matter, particularly that from metal into gold. In a more esoteric sense, Alchemy has been associated with magical transformations that have to do with longev¬ity. Magic is as real as we allow ourselves to believe, whether we aim to transform metal into gold or wish to find the secret to life itself—the immortality of the soul.
When we access the mysterious, subtle, and often undefined parts of ourselves that light us up, we get a taste of real magic. Love is one of the greatest, most mysterious and magical energies in the Universe. When love comes to us and we open our hearts to welcome it in, true Alchemy can work its magic on every aspect of our being.
In Tantric traditions, it is believed that when two people merge through not only their physical bodies but with all the energetic aspects of themselves aligned as well, they can reach states of consciousness that have powerful rejuvenating effects and can even open the door to immortality. These heightened states of con¬sciousness can also be achieved by a single individual. The key either way is the intentional, directed, deep state of love that merges all dualistic aspects—the mas¬culine and the feminine——with others and, ultimately, within ourselves.
The Alchemy image shows how one becomes two—— or is it the other way around? From the center (Source) spin the two aspects of masculine (left circle with the upward triangle) and feminine (right circle with the downward triangle), representing the dualistic world of the physical plane. The bright orange represents the color of our sacral chakra which is linked to our sexuality, our connection with others, and its freeing effect on the body and mind. Purple and violet represent our con¬nection to the higher realms and Source, indicating that our consciousness is as much part of the merging as our physical bodies are. The large triangles refer to the union between the masculine and the feminine, where the upward triangle represents the masculine, and the downward one the feminine. The number six (circles, light sources) represents harmony, love, and balance.
Take a moment to go inside yourself and remember who you are. Remember that you hold within you all the secrets of unlimited potential and infinite existence. Do you know that you are magical—that you can peiform magical manifesta¬tions?
You are a great sorcerer. Practice your magic often! 

The frequency of Allowance invites us to be open to
whatever comes our way—without judgment, without
opinion, without fear, and without resistance. When
we allow, the Universe becomes our partner in the
wondrous dance of existence and expansion.
The Allowance image resembles the spirit of the joker, the jester, or the fool; it is the embodiment of the infinite spirit within; the unbounded, fearless essence of expanded possibility——with very little regard for con¬ventionality or rules. Disguised as the fool, the jester is oftentimes the bearer of unwanted truth——messages that are feared yet needed for evolution and growth. Allowance is the polar opposite of resistance.
Sometimes the things we resist the most are the trials—the hidden treasures—that lead to growth and evolution. The Allowance image bears a certain resem¬blance to the butterfly as well—a reference to the process of transformation and unfolding. Meanwhile, the shiny pearls seem to vibrate with songs that come from deep within a mysterious other world; and the vast green waters indicate the deep connection to the heart and the realm of feelings and emotions. The square reminds us that reality is more of a multilayered experience than an objective absolute.
Go inside yourself and reflect for a moment on your life. What stands out in this instant? Can you appreciate what¬ever the Universe is bringing to you? Can you recognize the gifts that all experiences hold, even the ones you perceive as being negative? Can you be excited about the valuable lessons these experiences bring and celebrate them? 

The frequency of Authority reminds us
that true Authority is powerful, directed,
and realized yet receptive, wise,
and loving.
The word authority has mostly been used to describe the powers that rule, govern, lead, direct, control, and protect. It has also been closely associated with the powers that dominate, suppress, enforce, demand, and scare us. Authority is about power.
True Authority is generated by maturity, knowledge, wisdom, experience, and inner balance. This kind of power comes from within, where it is deeply rooted in a solid connection to Source. Externally, this power expresses itself as presence: the ability to be completely in the moment, with full awareness of every aspect of oneself—all senses fully engaged—while being com¬pletely centered in the heart. Internally, this power steps back to witness, allowing us to perceive and discern without attachment.
From all this, a new form of Authority arises—one that leads, shares, directs, and conducts with benevo¬lence, grace, compassion, wisdom, and integrity. This kind of Authority inspires trust, creation, collaboration, and partnership. It is receptive in nature and expresses the journey inward, where connection with Self and Source become one.
Green represents the energy that abundantly flows from the heart. Turquoise represents the High Heart chakra (sometimes referred to as the thymus chakra), the place where heart and throat energies merge into loving expression of truth. Gold and yellow represent abundance, truth, enlightenment, and sei仁 realization.
In numerology, three is considered a catalytic number; it stands for an energy that speeds up or creates a reac¬tion between two unrelated things without necessarily changing itself And there are many sixes in this image.
Six is associated with harmony, love, and balance, as well as with structure, design, and efficiency.
Conceptually, circles stand for everything and nothing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom.
Close your eyes and contemplate the concept of Authority for a moment. How does the word make you feel? Do you consider yourself an authority in certain areas? Are you kind and wise in your guidance of other people? Are you coming from a place of wholeness and balance?

The frequency of Belief supports our sense of
self-worth based on our gifts and talents,
and a strong connection to Source.
Belief is one of the most powerful driving forces toward action and change.
Belief can be described as the state of mind we expe-rience when we think that something is true. Up until now, it has mostly been our conscious mind that has determined whether or not we believe something. If there is enough evidence (logical and scientific facts) in support of a thing, we consider it to be true—and there¬fore, believe it.
In the new energy, it isnt enough to rely solely on our analytical and logical mind to determine our truths and our beliefs. Our world is rapidly being saturated with more and more multidimensional elements (like memories from other lifetimes or dimensions, enhanced extrasensory and psychic abilities, and an altered sense of time, to name a few) that require us to change the way we think. And science has not caught on enough to provide our minds with sufficient evidence to make sense of this multidimensionality.
We have to rely on other parts of ourselves—beyond the conscious mind——to navigate through this exciting new world. We are in the process of discovering how crucial our heart and our intuition are——that they need to be considered as valuable as our analytical mind——in determining our beliefs. To thrive in this new energy as cocreational, multidimensional human beings who are in control of their reality, it is essential that we believe we are these beings. Sei仁worth is crucial. We have to believe without a shred of a doubt that we are powerful creators. Just as magic requires a deep and unwavering conviction on the part of the magician, we have to believe that anything is possible—especially those things that make no sense to our logical mind. Changing our reality starts with a deeply rooted belief that we can.
The color pink is associated with the universal love of oneself and others—with sweetness, tenderness, and care. Brighter pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy, and power. The star in the middle can be a beacon of inspiration, indicating our connection to the heavens and the Universe that source our beliefs. If necessary, however, the star can be used as a shuriken, or Japanese throwing star—a precise and powerful weapon——indicating the power of conviction that is sometimes necessary to blast our way through old ways of thinking.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and answer this: do you believe that you are a part of Source? Do you believe your power is so great that you can create anything you desire in your life? When was the last time you stood under the stars and demanded that the Universe grant you your wishes? Try it tonight! 

The frequency of Change supports our ability to
gracefully dance with the forever-changing nature
of reality—both inward and outward—so that
we can appreciate the sweet release of the old
and the birth of the new.
Change is the only constant we can count on. Like the seasons, everything comes and goes in cycles—the ebb and flow, the day and night, the death and rebirth. Good times are followed by challenging times, followed by weird times, followed by ecstatic times; nothing stays the same for long. Life itself demands movement and change to perpetuate itself
Change is represented by the turning of a circle or a wheel, showing us the forever-changing nature of every-thing in the Universe. In fact, the very concept of the universe is changing, and we are slowly accepting that a multiverse might be a more appropriate description.
How we handle this constant change depends on where the center of our awareness lies. When we are deeply rooted in our own core—in our heart, at the center of the circle——the movements of Change affect us less than when we are focused on the outward parts of ourselves (the outer parts of the circle). As on a spin¬ning wheel, the closer we are to the center, the steadier everything is.
The transparent red square that partially covers the wheel is our perception of our form-based (physical) world, which appears to be solid but is really only another layer of reality. The lights on the corners remind us of our ability to reach beyond the illusionary three-dimensional boundaries at any time we choose.
From the center, five beautiful flowers emerge, slowly flowing outward——or is it the other way around? Are the flowers emerging from the edges of our awareness into our center?
In numerology, the number five is associated with Change, and these flowers represent the beautiful potential for new life and possibilities to grow from each new moment, even in the midst of seemingly chaotic Change.
Take a moment to go inside yourself and look at your life. Do you move easily with Change or you do you resist it? How have you changed since last year? How about since yesterday? What exciting new experiences have these changes brought you? What are you excited about changing next?

The frequency of Coherence supports our ability
to harmonize the frequency of the heart with the
frequency of the mind for an optimal ability to create
the reality that we desire.
Coherence can be described as a state of harmony, union, or connection. In the new energy and as a refer¬ence to the human being, Coherence has to do with a state in which the mind and the heart harmoniously flow together.
Whether we are functioning as an individual, a com-munity, or a group, the new energy is asking us to find balance between our thinking and our feeling. We can no longer rely solely on our analytical mind, nor can we just have our feelings guide the way. Every part of us has to come together in a harmonious, coherent state of being. Only then can we navigate these new energies to become multidimensional human beings that are in control of their reality.
To be powerful manifestors, it is imperative to not only set clear intentions with our mind but to have our emotional state ofbeing—with the heart as its center——in alignment as well. When mind and heart come together in perfect unison——when intention saturates every layer of our being, every cell of our body, and every thought in our minds—we become unstoppable creators of our own reality.
The basis of this Activation is the Flower of Life, rep-resenting the Universe as a whole as well as the grid on which all form-based manifestation occurs in this three- dimensional plane. All forms are harmoniously flowing together on this grid: whatever new form is created, whatever color is birthed, each has to find its balanced place within the whole of this reality.
Conceptually, circles stand for everything and nothing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom.
The many colors in this Activation are representative of all the many layers and aspects of our being that are involved in the process of harmonious Coherence. The green in the center symbolizes the heart and its essen¬tial role at the core of everything. (The water in the background indicates the realm of the heart as well―the emotional plane.) The color blue represents our ability to communicate clearly; it is considered to be the color of truth——the language of the mind. The number six is associated with harmony, balance, and love.
Close your eyes for a moment and move your awareness to your heart. (This is also referred to as ''dropping into your heart:') Can you connect to the truth that is to be found there? Do you trust your heart?
Try this throughout the day: stop, drop, feel. Stop (or hold) a query or thought that arises, drop it into (run it through) your heart, and feel the sacred wisdom that comes of it. 

The frequency of Communication supports our ability to
exchange information in many different forms. It reminds
us to run every piece of information—both incoming and
outgoing—through our heart, the center of our truth, to
stay in the flow of Source and balanced exchange.
Communication is the process of sharing informa¬tion between a sender and a recipient. For humans, this usually takes place though spoken and written words, gestures, behaviors, or touch, but it can also happen through the more subtle languages, like chemistry and energetics.
Communication is at the core of all relations, whether interpersonal (between people) or the way in which our inner world and body talk to us. While words have predominantly been the way humankind has commu-nicated for most of its modern history, the new energy invites us—even requires us—to develop our abilities to receive, translate, and share the messages that arise from the depths of us. Most of these messages will emerge as feelings and intuitive thought; and we might find that the words we have been using fbr so long hold far more complex and subtle energies than we ever imagined. And that leads to realizing more expanded and subtle meanings as well.
The dolphins that swirl inside the four circles of this Activation are representative of the mastery of relations. They support the awakening and developing of subtle communications while reminding us to keep a playful attitude as we learn these new skills.
Meanwhile, the number four represents the form¬based world in which we live. It is a reminder of the importance of applying all that we learn to the reality we collectively choose to create on this plane. The triangles in the middle represent the (inner) union and balance between the feminine and the masculine. The upward large triangle symbolizes the connection to Source, and the abundant blues indicate an open throat chakra, so clear
and unrestricted that Communication flows effortlessly. Greens represent the presence of an open heart, allowing love and compassion to pour into the external without restrictions and boundaries. The turquoise represents the High Heart, the place where the energies from the heart and those from the throat merge into the loving expression of truth; and the surrounding deep-purple space represents the origin of clear, insightful perception through an open third eye.
Take a moment to go inside and feel what your body is com-municating to you. Is it happy? Is it sad? Is there any pain? There is great messaging in pain——are you. listening to that Communication?
How do you communicate with the outer world? Are you kind and wise with your words when you speak with others? Are you sending positive messages to yourself? 

The frequency of Compassion supports our ability
to stand by others without judgment and be the
divine mediator between heaven and Earth, spirit
and matter, so that unconditional love can flow from
Source through our heart and into the world.
The word compassion derives from the Latin words com, meaning "with” or "together," and pati, meaning "to sufibr." So compassion can be described as the act of sharing in or being with another's struggle or suffer¬ing. Oftentimes, it includes the desire to alleviate this discomfort through benevolent action, sensitive under¬standing, and warm support.
Compassion holds the highest energy of all human emotions. It is at the center of the multidimensional communication between the human being and his or her higher self And this communication is exclusive to humans, who have the unique capability to feel emotion that is rooted in their connection to Source. Human emotion can also shift reality; we can choose to move into an emotion and, with that, shift the reality we are experiencing.
When we reach an inner state of balance based on wisdom and maturity, and when we feel empathy without attachment to our own projection or expec¬tation, Compassion easily flows from our heart to others, to our planet, and to ourselves. The frequency of Compassion reminds us that each one of us walks a unique and individual path in life, and that we create this reality based on the emotions and experiences we choose for ourselves.
The greens represent a heart that is open so that love and compassion can flow freely, without restraints. The turquoise symbolizes the High Heart—the place where the energies from the heart and those from the throat merge into loving expression of truth. The water in the background indicates the emotional plane. The six shining flowers epitomize the light that is generated by the compassion that flows from an open heart. The number six is associated with love and relationships, harmony and balance. The flower in the middle rep¬resents the core of our being and our connection to Source. The colorful flower at the top is our shining expression on Earth when that connection is solid and deeply rooted within ourselves.
Take a deep breath, and close your eyes for a moment. Move your awareness to your heart. Think about all the people that you love and the gifts that they bring to your life. Now move your awareness to the people who challenge you. Can you see the gifts that they bring to you? 

The frequency of Conception invites us to bring
our consciousness to our origin一the place where
everything in creation begins. It helps us to remember
the infinite potential and possibilities of this space
and what we can manifest through our own focused
awareness and intention.
Infinite movement and expansion are dancing with stillness and contraction; deep silence is harmonizing with the presence of a strong heartbeat. We are at home in this space, and at the same time, there is an indistin¬guishable sense of stellar connection that is unmistakably not of this Earth.
Conception can be described as the process of cre¬ation. This may refer to the beginning oflife as a physical being or to the start of an idea or a belief like thinking a thing and then making it a reality. At the beginning of everything, there is a conceived nothingness that then becomes something—like one cell splitting into two, splitting into four, and so on.
At the very core of everything, there is a universal heartbeat, represented by the heartbeat graph running through the middle of this Activation. The dark blue background shows the vast, deep galaxy and the depth of consciousness. The swirling background circles rep¬resent a grid that is not from this Earth plane, indicating an origin from other dimensions and star systems as well. The bubbles are like the splitting of cells, symbol¬izing the process of conception and creation.
Take a moment to go inside and remember where you came from. You are made of energy—pure consciousness. You choose to be here in body, at this time, in this place. Allow yourself to realize the infinite potential and possibilities that
you are able to manifest through your focused awareness and intention—through Conception.


The frequency of Consciousness supports our ability
to focus our attention on all the multidimensional
aspects that show up, so that we can include
them in our reality.
Consciousness can be described as a state of awareness or focused attention, and wherever we direct our attention will dominate our minds.
expanding. And the color could easily flow from blue into purple, into red, into yellow, and so on ...
Take a moment to go inside and mentally scan your body. Notice the physical sensations you feel. Tune in to your heart一how do you feel emotionally?
Now move your awareness away from your body. Can you feel the space around your body? Practice moving your awareness from what goes on inside of you to what^ going on around you.

The frequency of Cosmic Flower activates our remembrance of the place we call home—the core from which we pour our magnificence out into the world.

Like the flower that draws the hummingbird to drink its nectar, the energy of Cosmic Flower invites us to keep returning to our cosmic core to drink from the nectar
of our origin. Like the tiny bird——yet greatly skillful—— we need to recognize that in order to be our highest expression here on Earth, we need to check in with our home base—our Source—often. It is the place where we connect to our spiritual core.
The Cosmic Flower Activation is overflowing with all aspects of the fullest expression of who we really are: an abundance of vibrant color, form, fragrance, sound, and energy that stimulates our senses to a maximum, making us feel alive in every cell of our body. It is an invitation to enjoy the sweetness of life—-to lift up negativity and express love as abun¬dantly as we dare.
Flowers have been given as an expression of love, affection, sympa¬thy, and intention for thousands of years. Their beauty reminds us of how wonderful life can be when expressed fully. The green center of the flower represents the heart as the center of our being and the core of our experi¬ence here on Earth. The bright oranges and reds are representing our passion, our creativity, and our strength. The number six is associated with love and relationship, harmony and balance—all the elements that make the human experience so worth¬while. The dark background refers to the deep, dark Universe, where we connect to our place of origin, the place we call home.
Close your eyes and connect to that part of you that is closer to Source—the part of you that is divine. Breathe in your own magnificence.
When was the last time your disconnected from the outer world for a little while? Do you have a regular practice of silent contemplation in your daily life? Do you take time to just be with you? Take some time today!

The frequency of Delight supports our capacity
to create and experience feelings of intense joy
and happiness. The more delight we feel,
the more delight we evoke in others.
Delight literally means ^from the light."
Science refers to light as an electromagnetic radiation that we can measure in wavelengths and visible light as a range of wavelengths in variations of color that we can perceive with the human eye. In the new energy, we are asked to consider the multidimensional attributes of light as fundamental to what we believe about it as well.
Light has a quantum attribute and is nonlinear. It is an energy that can be created through consciousness, and consciousness can create it in return. Light influences our awareness, our perception, and therefore, our reality.
We associate the word delight with feelings of plea¬sure, joy, and happiness. Joy and bliss are considered to have some of the highest frequencies of all emotions; by feeling joyful or blissful, our frequency goes up. The higher our frequency, the more light we gener¬ate .. . and the more we can shine in return.
The yellows, oranges, and pinks in the image refer to the sun as a symbol and source of our light. The beauty of the flower stimulates our feeling of joy, and the colors are like the sun: bright, warm, stimulating, and nurturing—all at the same time. The flower blooms while receiving light, or perhaps it is shining the light that we are receiving. The Flower of Life visible within the image represents the grid on which our three- dimensional reality is based.
Close your eyes, go inside yourself, and imagine a beautiful sunset. Let the reds, oranges, pinks, and golds Jill you heart. 
Now, think about what brings you joy——what makes you happy? How do you express these feelings? How do you shine your light on others? How can you create more joy in your daily life? Do you sing in the car or in the shower? Try it!


The frequency of Discernment supports our ability to view the world and the people around us from a place of inner balance and detachment yet with compassion and wisdom.

Discernment can be described as the ability to perceive or judge well. Now that we are moving into a multi-dimensional reality, we are invited to see polarity and
duality with new eyes. Living in multidimensionality is about experiencing polarity with discernment, being in balance with it, and moving in harmony with it.
Discernment has to do with our inner guide—the higher part of us that is closely connected to Source and can look at things from a perspective of wisdom, matu¬rity, experience, integrity, compassion, and purpose. It is about being in witness mode: being aware without attachment to outcome or direction.
In this Activation, the color blue is representative of our ability to communicate clearly; it is considered to be the color of truth. The color green is associated with the heart and with healing.
Conceptually, circles stand for everything and nothing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom. The three circles of Discernment are contained by one larger one, indicating the unity and coherence inside the center of con-sciousness. (Three is a catalytic number; it stands for an energy that speeds up or creates a reac¬tion between unrelated things without necessarily changing itself) Spirals are like ongoing circles, but they never close, symbolizing that life never repeats the same cycle twice. This is the way that the universal life force ensures ongoing growth and evolution.
Take a moment to go inside to see how you feel. Are you centered? How do you view the world and others around you? Are you kind with your words and your actions? Do you trust your own perceptions or are you easily swayed by others^ input? Are you observing and listening to others without giving your opinion?

The frequency of Divine Feminine supports our
receptive, nurturing, and soft side, allowing it
to express itself openly and helping us to connect
to our intrinsic understanding of our connection
to all of creation.
Three-dimensional reality is based on the duality between opposites and their eternal movement toward union. Everything is created in pairs—male/female, matter/spirit, empty/full, dark/light, and so on. Without the tension caused by the magnetic push and pull of duals, there would be no movement; and without move¬ment, there would be no life as we know it.
When the push and pull of opposites is equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and the feminine have to reach a state of union—both outward (in relation¬ship with each other) as well as inward (in a balanced state of heart, mind, and soul). The masculine and femi¬nine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood, and expressed.
Now that we are moving into a new energy, the enhanced qualities of these two opposites in human nature are emerging and urging us to let go of the roles we have traditionally assigned in the past, allowing a new masculinity and new femininity to arise. The Divine Feminine is fluid and receptive; it surrenders and opens, and is able to easily give way and pull toward galaxies of emptiness and higher consciousness when facilitated by true divine masculinity. This femininity is intrinsi¬cally connected to the higher realms and Mother Earth, giving birth to life, ideas, expressions, and dreams.
The color pink is associated with the universal love for oneself and others, with sweetness, and with ten¬derness and care一all attributes that are associated with feminine qualities. Brighter pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy, and power. There are various elements of the Flower of Life visible as a reference to the three-dimensional reality we are creat¬ing here on Earth. The light blue refers to our ability to express ourselves with honesty, tenderness, and kind¬ness. The four stars in the corners refer to our form-based reality. The water in the background is representative of the emotional plane—the realm mostly associated with the feminine.
Close your eyes and go inside yourself. The feminine nature is to love, nurture, and guide through intuition. Are you allowing this? Are you loving toward others? How about toward yourself? Do you express your femininity without holding back? Take some time tonight to do something loving and special for yourself to spark your femininity! 

The frequency of Divine Masculine supports our
strong, focused, and active side, allowing it to express
itself while helping us to bring our dreams and ideas
into form with kindness and wisdom.
Three-dimensional reality is based on the duality between opposites and their eternal movement toward union. Everything is created in pairs: male/female, matter/spirit, empty/full, dark/light, and so on. Without the tension caused by the magnetic push and pull of duals, there would be no movement; and without move¬ment, there would be no life as we know it.
When the push and pull of opposites is equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and the feminine have to reach a state of union—both outward (in relation¬ship to each other) as well as inward (in a balanced state of heart, mind, and soul). The masculine and femi¬nine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood, and expressed.
Now that we are moving into a new energy, the enhanced qualities of these two opposites in human nature are emerging and urging us to let go of the roles we have traditionally assigned in the past, allowing a new masculinity and new femininity to arise. The Divine Masculine is strong, directed, sensual, and balanced yet conscious, gentle, and compassionate——able to facilitate the expression of the Divine Feminine. This masculin¬ity is focused, active, and intrinsically connected to the material/physical world, providing security, structure, and reason.
The dark blue refers to the vast and dark Universe. The swirling circles in the background represent other dimensions and star systems beyond this Earth that are at our origin. All the straight lines are the linear aspects associated with the masculine. The crystals and diamond shapes symbolize the beauty and immeasurable value that truly expressed masculinity holds. The spirals refer to the flowing (feminine) nature that is also part of a true divine masculinity. The number four represents the form-based world we live in.
Close your eyes and go inside. The masculine nature is to protect, provide, and take action with kindness and wisdom. How are you using your masculine power? How do you reach your goals——do you get things done? Are you kind and wise in the process? List five things that you got accomplished this week that you feel proud of.

The frequency of Dynamic supports our ability to
harmonize between layers and aspects of different origin
and frequency. It helps us to put together a reality that is
made up of many different elements—both familiar and
completely new—with ease, grace, and great joy.
The word dynamic can be described as an energetic force or process that is constantly changing. When we talk about the dynamics of something, we refer to the way it works or interacts. Now if we add the words vibrant and full of life, we have a perfect description of what Dynamic entails in the new energy.
The triangular shape and color of this Activation refer to the masculine aspect, which is full of direc¬tion, power, and presence. All the circular shapes refer to the infinite and flowing aspect of the feminine while representing the mechanism of the Dynamic process—— one that brings together different aspects, harmonizes them, and makes them work together. The result is a process that is alive with energy, movement, color, and change. Just by witnessing this process, one automati¬cally becomes part of it, as nothing that is witnessed remains unaffected.
The Activation ofDynamic is about bringing together things that do not typically go together, whether it be colors, styles, words, music, and even food. With Dynamic, we bring harmony wherever we go, intui¬tively sensing how everything works together; we shine our light brightly with vibrant color for everyone to see and experience.
The deep, dark blue of this Activation's background indicates the depth of consciousness. There are three diE ferent patterns visible in the background, representing three different layers of consciousness and manifesta¬tion. Although completely different in origin, there is an unmistakable harmony between the way these layers come together to support the Dynamic process. The square border represents the form-based reality of our Earth-bound life——the plane of our physical bodies and the place where the Dynamic process takes place.
Get up on your fiet for a moment and shake your hands, move your body, take a couple of breaths; get your heart pumping, your blood flowing, and your energy moving. How does it feel? Do you Jeel alive?
Now take a fresh look at a situation or question at hand. How does this Dynamic energy foel to you now?

The frequency of Earth activates our deep connection
to this physical plane by showing us the beauty of all
the aspects of our great Mother and revealing the
more ethereal, spiritual aspects of our nature.
Beyond the four elements that make up our physical and material world (earth, water, fire, and air), we have to consider a fifth element—spirit—to bridge heaven
and Earth through an expansion of consciousness and advance humankind to the next evolutionary level. As a representation of our conscious connection between Earth and Source, we only have to retreat into nature and find the silence within——to listen to all the majestic expressions Mother Earth reveals through the winds in the trees, the humming of the bees, and the rhythmic chirping of crickets during the wee hours of the night.
We are spirit in a physical body, here on a short and temporary journey on this three-dimensional, form¬based plane. On this journey, we are deeply intertwined with the Earth, our roots reaching far under her surface. She provides us with everything we need for the sur¬vival of our physical body, and in return, we are asked to take care of her as if she were our own body.
The overall green color of this Activation represents the Earth and nature in particular. The green in the center refers to the heart as our center of truth and our reality here. The yellow and orange refer to our inner power. The geometric shapes in the middle are variations of the Flower of Life, the grid on which our form-based world is based. The lines indicate all the connections between us and our great Mother, and between the Universe and us as spiritual and cosmic beings. The transparencies refers to the energetic and spiritual aspects of ourselves beyond our form-based expression.
Take a moment to go inside and remember where you came from. You are spirit—Source—in a physical body. Are you taking good care of your physical body? Do you understand its needs and desires? Do you realize how deeply connected you are to Mother Earth? Are you taking care of her as well?
Go outside and feel your feet on the Earth, hug a tree, bathe in the sunlight!

The frequency of Emergence invites us to approach
our reality with a childlike attitude of innocence and
wonderment, and to watch and celebrate the beauty
that unfolds from that place.
Emergence can be described as the process of coming into being——the arising of something that wasn't there before. When referring to personal development and growth, the emergence of a grander expression of our¬selves is often a result of extensive inner work and deep release. In order for real personal growth to happen, we have to be willing to let go of existing belief systems, frameworks, and labels that define and limit us. Recognizing potential can take us on an exciting (inner) journey of discovery and integration. From this place of openness and discernment, we can truly unfold and emerge as a new human being.
The deep and rich blue at the core of this Activation represents the drive for clear expression. The purple signifies the insights that come directly from our con-nection to Source and that are now available to be expressed. And the yellows and oranges indicate the creativity and power with which we can do so.
Take a breath and close your eyes for a moment. What was your (<when I grow up, I wanna be” declaration? Did you realize this childhood dream? What other aspects of yourself would you like to give birth to? Are there any new aspects emerging that you have never expressed before?
Keep a journal so you are aware of your growth. 

The frequency of Empowerment supports our ability
to show up fully and completely, uniting us with others
in the deep trust that we all are connected through
the same Source.
Empowerment refers to the process of enabling, or giving power to. And we typically associate power with strength. 
In the new energy, however, strength not only refers to the totality of everything that makes us strong on the outside (like our physical form and shape) but includes the inner qualities of wisdom, balance, flexibility, adaptability, and courage. Our true power is deeply rooted in our knowing of who we are—our connection to Source and self. When we are clear about who we are, we can be clear about what we are here to do. This clarity is empowering.
In the Empowerment image, we see human shapes with their arms over their heads, referring to the state of completeness that every human can reach on their own. They also show us the power of our connection: because we are all connected to the same Source, we can over¬come any perceived differences and combine our power toward a more conscious reality.
All the shades and gradations of blue refer to our ability to express ourselves in the world. Blue is also considered to be the color of truth. The red in the center refers to our ability to ground and identify ourselves in the physical world; red stimulates courage, strength, power, and deter¬mination. And the yellow balls emerging from the middle refer to the inner power that flows from our center onto the grid of the Flower of Life——the basis of our form-based reality.
Take a breath and go inside yourselfjbr a thoughtful moment. Contemplate all the aspects of you that are supporting you to be yourfullest expression. Do you speak and live your truth? Are you comfortable showing up fully as yourself wherever you go?
Try dressing up for no particular reason besides celebrating and empowering yourself!

The frequency of Fertility invites us to be more open,
more courageous, more creative, and more joyful
than we were before. It activates the potential for
something beautiful to grow from our consciousness
into a new and grander expression of ourselves.
When the long, dark days of winter finally give way to the arrival of a new season, all of existence responds in glorious expression: the voices of songbirds fill the air, a hint of green appears on trees and plants, and people walk with a little more bounce in their step ... a smile on their faces. Spring is a time of Fertility, when all of existence is bursting with the potential of new life——a time of expansion and promise. We see it around us in the outer world and we feel it inside us, in the inner world. It feels like a grand Yes! is breathed over us and into us from everywhere.
Usually Fertility refers to the ability to produce o隹 spring. In the new energy, we are invited to consider Fertility as the potential to grow something new and inspiring—an idea, a project, a new paradigm
The blues and greens in the image refer to the fertile grounds on which something new can grow. The clouds remind us of the spiritual aspects of the Fertility concept, like the birth of a new consciousness. The squares rep¬resent the form-based reality of our Earth-bound life while we are here. The bright flower shape at the top represents our connection to Source, the sphere shape at the bottom our connection to Earth——equally as bright yet different. The beauty of flowers is a reminder of how wonderful life can be when expressed fully.
Take a moment to go inside yourself and contemplate your Fertility. What are you ready to give birth to? Are there any
great and inspiring ideas that you have been holding inside?
What is it that you want to contribute to this world?
Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish!


The frequency of Gaia reminds us that we are infinitely connected to one another just as we are to our Great Mother, and to the Universe that birthed us all.

Gaia is the word used to refer to the Earth as a living organism. As such, she radiates a deep sense of nur¬turing, care, compassion, and wisdom, taking care of her loved ones and her community. She shares with us through her natural resources of food, light, and water.
This sense of community—both small and large—is represented by the repeating pattern that spreads out from the core of this Activation. Gaia is represented in both her water and her solid bodies by the blues and greens. "As above, so below,,—this applies to the external world (the sky, the water, and the earth) as well as to the internal world of spirit and body. The pearl-like shapes symbolize both the deep secrets hidden beyond the physical world and beyond our o隹planet origin. These pearls might even be making a sound, like a soft humming or toning. (And if we look long enough, we might hear it too ...)
Through this understanding of Gaia and connec¬tion, we are invited to be conscious of how we walk this Earth—to realize that we leave a footprint everywhere we go. We are also invited to find compassion for all beings that are with us on this walk and beyond. Our conscious connectedness creates balance and harmony throughout our reality and can move us forward into an expanded reality as well.
Close your eyes for a moment and contemplate how we all are connected to each other... to the Earth ... to the cosmos. Do you have a community that you are part of? How do you support this community? How does it support you? When was the last time you were in a group and experienced the power of joined intention? 

The frequency of Healing supports our intrinsic ability
to restore our health and wholeness by consciously
using the information that comes to us through our
senses and harmonizing everything accordingly.
Healing literally means "to make whole." It refers to the process of restoring health to something or someone that is unbalanced, diseased, or damaged.
For us to reach or maintain a state of health and wholeness, we need to balance all aspects of ourselves. Our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies have to harmoniously work together, and this requires clear communication and awareness of all the informa¬tion that our sensory system is providing us. So far, we have recognized sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch as the five senses that provide this feedback. In the new energy, we are invited to add our intuitive perception as the sixth, which complements this profound and essen¬tial feedback system well.
The color green dominates this Activation, as it is associated with health—most likely because, in nature, green indicates growth, fertility, and life. When in springtime we see the fist greenish glow return on the branches of the trees, we know that a new growth cycle has started—a clear indication of the continuance oflife. Green also refers to a heart that is open to truth, com¬passion, and love. The purple, violet, and pink indicate our intuitive abilities, which are anchored in a strong connection to Source and self
The twelve glowing flowers refer to life and the healthy growth that emerges from an effective healing process. In numerology, the number twelve is consid¬ered a three—a catalytic number——indicating that all aspects of ourselves can harmonize together to support our natural, radiant, healthy state.
Contemplate your state of health for a moment. Are you as healthy as you want to be? What are you doing to contribute to greater health? Do you realize that your health does not just refer to the state of your physical body? Do you invest in your emotional and spiritual health as well? How do you do this?
Take time to lovingly attend to yourself.

The frequency of Integration supports our
embrace of every aspect of ourselves, allowing
what we perceive as positive and what we
perceive as negative to harmonize in a balanced
symphony of life.
The Sri Yantra is an ancient symbol that literally means "sacred instrument.,, It is formed by nine interlocking triangles that form forty-three smaller triangles in a grid that represents the entire cosmos. This complicated and precise geometry is thought to hold and create power¬ful energetic patterns, and has been used for thousands of years as a tool for meditation and devotion. The Sri Yantra also symbolizes the union between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, where the upward triangles represents the male (Shiva) energies and the downward the female (Shakti) energies. The center point (bindu) represents the junction between the physi¬cal universe and the Source.
The dark blues refer to the vast and deep Universe as the origin from which everything springs into being. The yellows and golds refer to our inner power and the way we express ourselves on this Earth in a physical body. Red is the color associated with the first chakra, the physical plane, and everything form based. The light blue triangles represent the balance between the mascu¬line and the feminine. And the swirling circles in the background are the other dimensions and star systems beyond this Earth that are at our origin.
The energy of Integration supports our journey through a dualistic reality in which we continuously search for union and completion, both within and without. Its frequency reminds us that our manifested world can only be when every aspect has its opposite as well. Only when we integrate everything that comes to us——when we embrace every aspect of ourselves and of everyone and everything around us—can we find an inner state of equilibrium.
Take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. How do you integrate your inner world with your outer world? Does one reflect the other harmoniously or do you need to invest some loving care in some areas? Do you spend time contemplating your daily life and exploring how it is con¬nected to your thoughts and your emotions?

The frequency of Magic supports our intrinsic ability
to grow and expand beyond this moment to move
toward possibilities and expressions that are as grand
and profound as we can imagine. All that is required
is our belief in their manifestation.
Oftentimes, what we consider to be Magic is simply that which we cannot explain within the parameters of our existing belief system or reality. If we haven't seen some-thing before or we were never taught that something could exist, then it must be Magic if we clearly experience or observe it. Magic could be described as the explanation we give for something we perceive as real even though science has not been able to prove or explain it (yet)——and our mind struggles to accept it.
Throughout history, humans have had a profound fascination with Magic—and a deep fear of it as well. Magic holds seemingly unseen and unknown possi¬bilities that can be of immense value, yet our lack of understanding and control makes us fearful of it. We assign great power to it, as described in countless fairy¬tales, myths, and legends in which magicians, sorcerers, witches, and wizards play significant roles.
Perhaps our deep fascination with Magic is our (unconscious) desire to alter our existing reality and expand beyond our current state to become a much grander expression of who we really are. Magic helps us believe that anything is possible——even the things that seem impossible or make no sense. Magic is another word for manifestation.
What is clear is that Magic requires a deep and unwavering intent and conviction on the part of the magician. An uncertain and questionable "abracadabra" will simply not do. Changing our reality starts with a deeply rooted belief that we can. When we are deeply connected to ourselves and to Source, our presence is without doubt. This solid connection is the secret power of all great sorcerers and wizards, who—based on their conviction, intention, and trust—are able to perform great Magic.
Purples (including indigo and violet) are a combination of red (the warmest color) and blue (the coolest color). Purples are associated with the third-eye chakra and the crown chakra, representing our psychic, extrasensory abilities, as well as our (mysterious) connection to Source; it is why they have been associated with magic and mystery throughout history. The center of this Activation represents our radiant core, which is strongly- anchored into that Source and facilitates our ability to perform our magic with great power and energy. The transparencies represent the vague and illusive spiritual world in comparison to our solid and form-based physical world.
Take a moment to go inside yourself and remember where you came from. You are Magic, made of energy— ure con¬sciousness. You are a conduit between the world of spirit and the world of matter. You have Magic abilities that are Jar beyond what the existing belief system can explain.
How do you peiform your magic? What is it that you want to create? 

The frequency of Merkabah supports our ability to use
our consciousness to traverse into other layers of reality
and dimensions. It activates our access to our Akashic
inheritance as well, merging the totality of our experiences
into our present to serve our highest purpose.
The word Merkabah can be loosely translated as "chariot." It refers to the human light body—the energy field around all humans that is generated by the quantum parts of our DNA. Therefore, this field is quantum as well. It is in this field that we communicate with our consciousness and where our Akashic records are stored. The human Akasha can be described as the total history of everything that a human being has experienced on planet Earth, held as energy in the etheric field around the human being.
This energy field has the geometric shape of a Star Tetrahedron, which consists of two equally sized, inter-locking fields of tetrahedra (pyramids) with a common center. Through the counter-spinning of these fields, while breathing in certain patterns, it is believed that we can change or move our perception of reality into other dimensions. It is why the Merkabah is believed to be the vehicle that allows us to travel through different times and dimensions.
The upward tetrahedron of this Activation refers to the masculine aspect, its fiery colors indicating power, presence, and direction. The light coming out of its corners refers to the capacity to direct energy and pres¬ence. The downward tetrahedron refers to the feminine aspect—deep, dark, and mysterious—with spirals that indicate the flowing nature of the feminine. When these two opposing forces come together in perfect union, the Merkabah activates its full potential. This process is out¬wardly expressed though our search and manifestation of a love relationship with another, and inwardly through the equally powerful love relationship with ourselves. Both hold the potential of supporting our eternal and infinite capacity to create our reality according to our consciousness.
The arrowhead pattern refers to our ancient past as well as our alien and o隹planet connection to other realities. The water in the background indicates the emotional realm—the guidance system that helps us navigate through the world of energies in relation to our physical bodies. The green and turquoise indicate our heart-based truth, and the surrounding square rep¬resents the physical world in which our reality is based.
Close your eyes and move your awareness away from your body. Can you Jeel the space around it?
Now forget about your body— rget that you have one. Think of no-body, no-thing, no-place, and no-time. Open your focus and allow your conscious mind to get out of the way. Linger in this place often and see how this is changes your perception in your daily life. 

The frequency of Miracle supports our belief in ourselves as a part of Source and, therefore, our belief that anything is possible.

A Miracle can be described as an extraordinary event or occurrence in our everyday reality that cannot be explained within our existing paradigm or belief system and is, therefore, attributed to a higher or supernatural cause. Our belief in the possibility of miracles is closely connected to our belief in the divine itself and, with that belief our trust in the unlimited possibilities the Universe can provide.
In these changing times (in the new energy), multi-dimensionality is rapidly saturating almost all areas of our lives and being; there is much we don't understand and cannot explain within our current way of think¬ing. When we relax and accept that we are in an era of many mysteries yet to be revealed, we can start living our lives with the expectation that miracles and benevo¬lent change can happen in any moment.
In the Miracle Activation, the color purple indi¬cates the deep connection to the divine, or Source. The yellow refers to our sense of self as we realize that we are spiritual beings in a corporeal body—an expression of the divine. There are nine light sources around— a number that stands for completion and indicates the ultimate realization that we are one with Source.
Do you believe in miracles? Have you experienced anything that was miraculous? What miracles do you want to happen in your life? What are you doing to make them happen?
Do you realize that life is ll of miracles, including every child that is bom, every breath we take, and every flower that blooms? Can you think of five miracles that you experience every day? 

The frequency of Passion reminds us that beneath every
intense emotion lies the hidden gem of insight, balance,
and calm. It assists us in finding the balance within this
intensity, moving us from chaos to the calm of its core,
where we can let its long-lasting wisdom fill us up.
When we use the word passion, we usually refer to a strong feeling for something or someone. It could be a burning desire, or a feeling of enthusiasm or intense emotion. Passion expresses itself powerfully一like a burning-hot fire—as it radiates out from our core. This power cannot be hidden; it demands expression.
We long for an emotion that is so strong that all we can do is surrender to its power. At the same time, we fear this kind of emotion because we are afraid of losing ourselves一our sense of who we are一in the eye of the passion's storm within us. But there is clarity and insight to be found in this storm once we have withstood the heat of the fire and have held our balance in the midst of the blazing inferno. Only then can we move to the center and find the insight at passion's core.
The Passion Activation reveals this process of pow¬erful insight through its purple core, its demand for expression (the blue around the core), and the storm of intense feelings and emotions all around (represented by the orange, yellow, and red of the lower chakras). It invites us to become aware of and to burn away anything that stands in the way of finding the valuable insights at its core. And although it could be enjoyable to feel these intense emotions, we cannot stay in this heat for very long without getting burned.
Take a moment to go inside yourself. What are you really passionate about? Do you love what you do in your daily life? Are your heart and soul engaged? How can you bring more Passion into your life? How can you make sure that you don't miss the treasure of insights that lies beneath it?
Make time for daily contemplation to check in with your¬self and your passions.

The frequency of Perception supports our natural
curiosity, moving us beyond our comfort zone to find
the edges of what we perceive as real and to take
a good, hard, deep look at it.
Perception can be described as the interpretation of that which has entered into our awareness.
Upon first glance, the Perception Activation presents what seems to be chaos in motion. But when we take a better look, we find perfect alignment and synchron¬icity between the different aspects; we find balance and harmony. The sharp blades of clear Perception cut through the layers of illusion that cover the space between the world of spirit and the world of matter. Together, the blades are neither round nor square, indi¬cating that they are effective in both worlds.
Conceptually, circles stand for everything and noth¬ing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom. Within this image, they also represent our connection to a larger universe and the many planets that revolve around the realities that exist beyond our own. We think we have a clear perception of the reality that lies behind the blades, but we discover that the waters of our emotional and physical world are mirrored perfectly by the sky—our spiritual nature. They are exactly the same ("as above, so below,,).
The square border represents the form-based reality of our Earth-bound life, while the lights on the corners remind us of our ability to reach far beyond these illu- sionary three-dimensional boundaries at any time we choose. When combined with awareness, skill, and pre¬cision, these Perception blades can cut through illusions that otherwise keep us locked in place.
The energy of Perception reminds us that the concept itself is biased. Our consciousness determines our per-ception, and there is no absolute truth in what we perceive. There are always more layers to uncover, more insights to be revealed. The blades of clarity cut through illusion and expand our perception of reality, revealing a path toward harmony and peace——in our inner world and in the world around us.
The dark border around the edge indicates the vast and deep Universe that oftentimes seems mysterious and dark. The blues indicate the clarity of expression that is needed to cut through the illusions of our perceived reality. The red edges indicate our solid foundation in the physical world while in body here on Earth. The yellows and golds indicate the inner power that is needed to create a reality that matches our perception of our inner and outer worlds combined.
Close your eyes and think about where the edges of your comfort zones lie. Are you willing to try something new or do you prefer to stay in yourJamiliar routines? When is the last time you did something completely out of your comfort zone?
Go inside yourself and witness how your Perception of reality can change by just changing your point of focus from the outer to the inner. 

The frequency of Prosperity supports our feeling of
well-being by allowing the inclusion of everything that
makes our body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit sing.
It invites us to express ourselves in joy and celebration
of the abundance and riches that the Universe provides.
The new energy is asking us to revisit and redefine how we want to perceive many human concepts to help us re-create a reality that reflects a new and more expanded consciousness. The way in which we perceive and expe-rience our state ofProsperity is important to the creation of our new reality.
The word prosperity originates from the Latin word prosperus, which means "doing well"; but this entails much more than just our financial wellness. The origi¬nal meaning encompassed the totality of our well-being, including our health and happiness, as well as our success. Sadly, it seems that we have lost this meaning over time. We have grown accustomed to measuring our success—— and thus, our prosperity—by the reflection of our bank accounts. The new energy invites us to reconsider our feelings of joy, love, compassion, and connection to self and others, in addition to the fulfillment of our more mundane and physical needs—all are part of our sense of Prosperity.
In this Activation, the abundance of rich, deep, and vibrant colors refers to the abundance of experiences that the Universe provides in any given moment— experiences that resonate with all parts of our being and activate all the energy centers (chakras) in our body. The swirling movements indicate the constant change that is at the core of our human experience. Their pre¬dominantly green-and-turquoise colors indicate the importance of letting all these experiences flow through the heart center, where we can connect them with our inner truth before we express them in the external world.
The forest in the background and the double squares support the activation of Prosperity on the level of our earthly plane and in our daily lives, so that all of our needs are fulfilled (those on the emotional and spiritual plane, as well as the ones that ensure our physical survival and well-being). The flowers at the corners represent the beautiful potential fbr new life, new possibilities, and new richness that grows from each new moment. The number eight is the manifestation number, referring to our capacity to create our reality—and our prosperity— on this Earth plane through an open heart and clear focused intent.
Take a moment to go inside and contemplate the Prosperity in your life. Do you feel prosperous? How are you prosper¬ous? What areas would you like to be more prosperous?
Write down everything and everyone that enriches your life, and notice how long your list really is! 

The frequency of Realization supports the internal
process of becoming aware of our heart-centered
truth, as well as the external process of becoming our
highest expression in this world.
Realization happens on many different levels. Internally, we realize something when we become aware of that something as a fact. Externally, we realize something when we achieve or fulfill a dream or a desire. On a spiritual level, we refer to self-realization when we are able to unite body, mind, spirit, and soul to step into our fullest, most authentic expression of who we really are.
The center of this Activation draws us into an infi¬nite inward journey through the layers of our awareness. The green indicates the presence of the heart, which provides the wisdom and stability needed on this fre¬quently "trippy" path. The rich, bright-blue coloring of the outer circles represents the ability and desire to express ourselves and to be realized in the outer world. The water represents the emotional realm, the heart's guidance system; and the orange and yellow stand for expression, creativity, and self-awareness.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Do you realize the magnificence of who you are and the scale of what you can create while you are here in body? This realization or belief that you are an expression of the creative Source makes you a powerful manifestor. What is it that you want to accomplish? 

The frequency of Remembrance supports our memory
of everything that we have gone though as a soul in
body, providing us with valuable information and tools
to flow gracefully with and in this life.
It is becoming more common for us to have access to memories of lives lived, experiences gone though, roads traveled, and journeys taken. Our memories are rapidly
expanding beyond our current lifetime alone. Now that we are vibrating at a higher frequency, we are able to access deeper the parts of the grids (referred to as the Akasha) that hold our collective and personal memories of all lifetimes lived.
The Akasha of the human being holds everything that the human being has experienced on this Earth plane. However, this Remembrance is not a linear function of the brain; instead, it is an illusive and multidimensional aspect of the "new" human being——a human being that harmonizes the synaptical brain with the wisdom and intuitive thought of the heart and soul.
There is an unmistakable sense of ancient cultures and times in the Remembrance image—perhaps Native American or Mayan—and we can see the reference to future civilizations and o隹planet connections as well. This is an indication that time is no longer a linear abso¬lute but a vertical, moment-to-moment experience that includes input from many different times, layers, and dimensions. / 、、
The blues in this Activation refer to / the clear communication that comes / to us through our dreams, our intui- | /
tive thoughts, and our memories. \ /
The indigo and violet indicate 、I 尸
the higher Source behind the / i \ { / /
communication that comes / | 二^<、、、
when our third-eye chakra I \ / / ]
and crown chakra are I / \ 1
Take a moment to go inside and contemplate the idea that you have been around for a very long time—and always will be. Are you aware of all the times and places you have been before? Do you have a notion of where you are going?
Look intensely at the Remembrance image and allow your Akasha to activate the memories of your soul's journey.

The frequency of Romantic Love supports our journey to feel whole and complete through the experience with and reflection of a conscious lover.

Love is probably the most sought-after, mysterious, indeterminate, and fulfilling feeling that a human can experience. Its mystery surely derives from the fact that we cannot really describe or define what it is. Is it an energy? Is it an emotion? Perhaps it is simply the glue that binds everything together? Whatever it is, we know without a doubt when we feel loved and when we love.
As vibrational beings, we hold a frequency that aligns with the frequency of our thoughts and our emotions. And from that vibrational point of attention, we attract everything else into our reality. Love is one of the highest frequencies. When we are in a state of love, we easily attract circumstances and people into our reality that are aligned with that frequency.
The love that is so desired and fulfilling for many is Romantic Love—the love we experience with another when we are in love. The expression of "being in love" suggests that it is a place where we can be, not just a feeling that we have. When we are in love, we feel completely surrounded and engulfed by it; we are in the middle of it with no awareness of where it begins or where it ends. Our world becomes love, and we feel more complete.
This journey of becoming whole and complete within can be taken alone, but many prefer the support of another. But the idea that another is merely a reflec¬tion of that which we need in order to complete ourselves and achieve a state of wholeness leads to many misconceptions and expectations in romantic relation¬ships. The most that any lover can do for us is bring us closer to ourselves. By focusing on our own heart and soul, we invite our lover to do the same. When both lovers are conscious of this, a romantic relationship can be deeply fulfilling and supportive of our individual quest for completeness.
The Romantic Love image shows a flower that pours out vibrancy and intensity from its center—the Source that we are all connected to. There is an unmis¬takable beauty that moves and attracts beyond reason; it is simply inviting us to dive in. The colors suggest the delicious richness that we feel when we allow deep absorption. The bright blue background indicates both the vast Universe that is at the origin of every energy and the clear expression that Romantic Love invites us into. The color pink is associated with the universal love of oneself and others—with sweetness, tenderness, and care. Brighter pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy, and power. Reds refer to the physical plane—the place where we desire to experience this love.
Take a moment to go inside yourself and contemplate the love in your life. Have you ever been deeply in love? What did you learn about yourself through your lover? What are you looking for in a romantic relationship? Which parts of you are easy to love? Which parts are perhaps a little harder?
Write down all the things you love about yourself. 

The frequency of Soul Time asks us to allow the
possibility of a new reality to emerge——one that
embraces the concept that, while the corporeal body
is mortal, the soul is timeless, limitless, and infinite.
As part of a duality-based world, the concept of time has been defined throughout human history in linearity (with a past, a present, and a future). We look back at where we came from, apply lessons learned to our present, and move forward with expectations that are derived from that past. Linear time has been comprehensible and has made our future somewhat predictable. The story of our human history is told from the viewpoint that we are born into this world once and leave when we physically die. A straightforward story ...
Now that we are awakening into a consciousness of a much larger story than a singular lifetime on Earth and a defined, three-dimensional reality, we slowly start to realize that time as we knew it no longer applies. Besides going back into the past and going forward into the future, we find spaces that are far and in between—— spaces that are infinite and nonlinear. We have arrived in Soul Time.
Soul Time means having access to all the experiences that the soul has been through, is going through, and will go through——all in any given moment that we choose. To demonstrate this evolution of linear time, the Soul Time Activation has been created from a repetition of the infinity sign. The purple refers to our connection to the higher realms and Source—a connection that needs to be securely established in order for us to experience time outside the realty of three-dimensionality. The yellow is our inner power and the way we manifest ourselves here on Earth. The hexagons in the image refer to the form-based world, which is linear and three-dimensional, yet an equal component in our experience of reality and time.
Close your eyes and contemplate for a moment your infinity as a soul. What is your souPs curriculum? What circum¬stances and experiences have you created for yourself so you can evolve toward your highest expression? Are you including the messages that come to you through your dreams and your intuition?
Keep a dream journal so you don't miss a thing!

The frequency of Synergy supports our allowance
and acceptance of not-so-obvious, never-seen-before
combinations and unions that result in new ways of
functioning, working, thinking, relating, loving, and being.
It reminds us to embrace the unfamiliar so that new yet
exciting cocreations can give birth to a new reality.
The origin of the word synergy comes from "working
together," and it can be described as the result of some-thing that is greater than the simple sum of its individual parts. In the new energy, we can expect synergy to not only refer to a process with an outcome that is greater but to one that involves uniting elements, energies, and even undefined attributes to create something that is completely new, different, and unexpected. This brings a wondrous element of magic to the whole process.
In this Activation, synergy is represented through the uncommon and rather bold choice of color combina¬tions. By itself pink represents the Divine Feminine attributes of love, nurturing, stillness, and receptivity; and the bright yellow-green color represents the new energy through clarity, beauty, and exhilaration. Purple brings in consciousness and insight, while the opening at the top represents the channel that allows input from a higher place.
This communication is taken in, brought to the core, surrounded by loving pink and light, and transcended for release onto the Earth plane in an appropriate energy that is in alignment with the consciousness there. The effects of this release a ripple through the emotional planes (the water), the mental plane (the blue), and can even affect us on the DNA level (the coding in the background).
Take a moment to go inside yourself and think about a situ¬ation when seemingly very different people came together and worked toward a wonderful result.
Now think about a personal goal of yours. Who can you bring together to help you accomplish your goal? What about a global goal—can you think about it and do the same? 

The frequency of Tantric Journey helps us to
unlock the hidden knowledge and wisdom that
we intrinsically hold about how to reach a state of
wholeness and completion through our sensual
experiences with ourselves and with another.
The journey into Tantra is about expansion of con-
sciousness. The word Tantra can be translated as "that
which goes on expanding.^, It primarily uses the senses as a pathway toward focusing the mind and ultimately letting go of that mind to reach a state ofinternal oneness. Through sexual sensation——one of the most powerful sensations humans can experience—we can achieve a state of union within ourselves or with another. As
The Tantric Journey image shows the intersecting tri-angles as a reference to the union between the masculine and the feminine, where the upward triangle represents the masculine and the downward triangle the feminine. The purple represents the connection to Source as the basis of our (expanding) consciousness. The petals and the orange center represent the second chakra, the seat for our sexual expression as well as our emotions and our creativity. The swirling circles (the ones in the center
with clear expression of truth. The Sri Yantra is visible in the center as a representation of the integration that takes place though union. Squares repre¬sent the form-based world that we experience as spiritual beings in a physical body.
Put on some music that you like. Stand up and close your eyes. Now slowly start moving your body—'ust let it flow and move any way that feels good. And don't think or judge; just feel the flow.
Remember that you can bring this flow into your daily life, whether you are walking through the grocery store or you are sitting in traffic. The flow is available at any time; all you have to do it connect to it.

The frequency of Transition supports our deep
understanding of the ever-changing nature of
existence and our lives, so that we can learn to let go,
surrender to the process, and allow transition to occur
with ease and grace.
Transition can be described as the passage from one stage to another. However deeply or mildly it impacts our lives, Transition always implies change of some sort—and most of us are afraid of change. We want things to stay the same; we want to stay in the comfort zone weve created.
Unfortunately, change is the one certainty in life that we can all count on. Change is necessary to allow room for the new to emerge and the old to pass; change is necessary for growth to occur. Change is a funda¬mental universal law. Transition describes this process of change—a time when things are moving, morph¬ing, and shifting——and in the midst of this process, it's common fbr nothing to feel clear, comfortable, or safe.
Being pushed and pulled from our existing state into one that is unfamiliar isn't easy. And the most feared Transition of all is one we all face eventually: death, the Transition from our physical bodies to the world of spirit. Because we have so little understanding of the true nature of our existence and of our connection to the cosmos, we tend to fear death as a perceived ending.
As in this Activation, the snake is a traditional symbol for death and transition in many cultures and belief systems due to its perceived ability to be reborn many times during its lifetime by shedding its skin. Behind it, the background shows not only the grid of the Flower of Life (the connection with the Earth plane) but also the Merkabah (a reference to our existential ability to traverse between layers of time and dimension). The colors indigo, violet, and magenta are indications of our deep spiritual connection to the cosmos and the whole of existence, making any Transition but a moment in an ongoing, infinite journey.
Take a moment to look at the Transition image. How do you. flow with the transitions in your life? What transitions are you afraid of?
Look at the last transition that you went through and remember the gifts that came because of it. What will your next transition be? Go outside and see how nature goes through a constant cycle of death and rebirth in order to con¬tinue life. Celebrate your transitions!

The frequency of Universal Love activates the connection we feel to each other, to our planet, and to the whole of existence itself.

Love is probably the most sought-after, mysterious, indeterminate, and fulfilling feeling that a human can experience. Its mystery surely derives from the fact that we cannot really describe or define what it is. Is it energy? Is it an emotion? Perhaps it is simply the glue that binds everything together? Whatever it is, we know without a doubt when we feel loved and when we love.
As vibrational beings, we hold a frequency that aligns with the frequency of our thoughts and our emotions. And from that vibrational point of attention, we attract everything else into our reality. Love is one of the highest frequencies. When we are in a state of love, we easily attract circumstances and people into our reality that are aligned with that frequency.
Human beings are capable of feeling deep compas¬sion and love, not just for one another but fbr all life in general. How do you describe what a parent feels toward their child; or how friends feel toward each other; or the love between siblings, among family members, fbr pets; or even the way we feel about our planet and its inhab¬itants? Love is a powerful force that drives our actions, motivates our behaviors, and can change the course of our lives. And perhaps the very reason that we are capable of such deep feelings is that nothing fuels our desire for change and evolution more than the love that we are able to feel.
When we remember that everyone and everything is connected to the same Source, we can overcome any perceived differences and join our power toward a more conscious reality——one based on love.
The deep blue background represents the Universe, the space in which all exists. Flowers have been tra¬ditionally used to express love, affection, admiration, and intention. The Flower of Life represents the grid on which our three-dimensional world is based. Red represents the physical plane and the passion we feel when we love. The flower in the middle refers to the thousand-petaled lotus, a symbol for the crown chakra and our connection to Source and universal knowledge. The color green indicates an open heart that is capable of love and compassion.
Close your eyes and breathe. Can you feel your connection to Source? Walk outside and try to feel that connection to the plants and trees around you.
Everything on this planet is made of the same universal loving energy. Can you feel that Universal Love when you pet an animal, hug a tree, or play with a child? Try it today!
Many of the Activations contain shapes, colors, numbers, and symbology associated with certain meanings. I derive this meaning from many different sources—both obvious ones, like the internet and books, and the less apparent ones like my own inner guidance and connection to Source. I use information from various teachers and authors that I respect, admire, and trust; and I take from a multitude of teachings— some thousands of years old, while others are part of a new way of thinking and a science that is catching up with the world we live in today. The result is a blend of my own interpretation that I use and apply to the Activations and their descriptions in a way that resonates and makes sense to me.
Numerology, symbology, the meaning of colors and shapes—they are all studies around the energy they hold. Since they are about energy, they are not part of a linear system, but rather a multidimensional map to help us navigate through life in a physical world. Even the words we use and to which we have assigned certain definitions hold energy that interacts with ours. Our understanding of the energetic attributes of everything will evolve in alignment with the evolution of our consciousness, so meaning can change and evolve as we grow and expand too.
Akasha. A part of the energetic field around the human being that holds the memories of everything that the human being has experienced on this Earth plane.
Chakra. This Sanskrit word means "wheel or disk." Chakras refer to energy centers located throughout the body. When accessed, these energy centers allow life force (sometimes referred to as chi or prana) to flow effortlessly, supporting a healthy, balanced physical, emotional, and spiritual state of being. There are seven main chakras aligned along the spine, starting at the base of the spine (root chakra) through the top of the head (crown chakra). The bottom three chakras are associ¬ated with the physical world, the upper three chakras with the world of spirit. The heart chakra—which is in the middle——bridges the two worlds. Each chakra is associated with certain shapes and colors, and physical, emotional, and psychological attributes.
Frequency. Albert Einstein said, "'Everything in life is vibration.,^ This refers to the fact that everything is made of energy: you, the stuff around you, and even your thoughts and emotions. All energy has a vibration, expressed as frequency, which can be measured in waves. As spiritual beings, we vibrate at a certain frequency depending on the level of consciousness we attain. The higher our consciousness, the higher our frequency. When our consciousness expands, we start vibrating at a higher rate and can align ourselves with a wider variety of frequencies.
High energy. Interchangeable with the words "high vibration,referring to high consciousness and aliveness.
High Heart. The place where the energy of the heart and the energy of the throat come together. Also called the thymus chakra, sometimes referred to as the source of intent, as it brings together the emotions of the Heart through what we intend to say and the expression of the Throat through the words we use.
Inward world. Our inner world of feelings, emotions, insights, perceptions, and subtleties—all the things that are going on inside of us. (See also outward world.)
Multidimensionality. Up until now, we have mostly based our perception of reality on the three dimensions of height, width, and depth. Now that our conscious¬ness is rapidly expanding, we can include information and awareness of things beyond those three to become multidimensional human beings. This may include enhanced extrasensory and psychic abilities, an altered sense of time, and memories and awareness from other lifetimes and dimensions.
New energy. Referring to the state of energy since the shifts that began after the precession of the equinoxes in December 2012. This event was prophesied fbr thou¬sands of years, and marked the end of one time and the beginning of a new one. Since then, the Earth and all her inhabitants have moved into a new energy, resulting in the emergence of a new consciousness and the birth of a more multidimensional human being.
New reality. Reality can be described as our personal experience of the inner and outer worlds based on the way we perceive them. New reality refers to a percep¬tion of our experience that is more multidimensional and includes our awareness of all the subtle layers and dimensions that are now available to us.
Outward world. The external world—everything that is happening around us. (See also inward world.)
Quantum field. A vast and invisible field of energy that surrounds us and of which we are a part. This field responds to our thoughts and our emotions, and con¬tains unlimited possibility, guiding our potential into form to create our reality.
Vibrational being. We are spirit in a physical body. At the core of our atomic structure, we are made of energy, vibrating at a frequency that aligns with the frequency of our thoughts and our emotions, and makes us vibra¬tional beings.
Basic Numerology and Symbology
1: Considered the beginning. It refers to self and to unity.
2: The polarity number. It stands for duality and balance.
3: Considered a catalytic number, it stands for an energy that speeds up or creates a reaction between two unre¬lated things without necessarily changing itself
4. Represents the form-based world we live in. It stands fbr Earth and the physical/material world. It also repre¬sents foundation and structure.
5: Stands for change. It is associated with new experi¬ences and freedom.
6: Refers to sacredness, harmony, appreciation, and love.
7: Stands for spirituality and divinity. It s about wholeness and perfection. Many cultural and religious aspects are listed in sevens.
8: Is the manifestation number. It stands for practicality and organization.
9: Stands for completion and endings. It is also associated with understanding and transition.
Master Numbers
These numbers have double digits and, therefore, increased significance: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99. Throughout history, these numbers have been referred to as master numbers. They appear to represent the stage of our collective human consciousness and, thus, reveal their energetic attributes in alignment with human evo¬lution. Only the first three have been defined so far.
11: Stands for illumination. Often, this number is associated with our connection to spirit. Many people notice 11:11 on their digital clock—perhaps a little wink from spirit?
22: Also referred to as the master builder, this number is associated with turning dreams into reality.
33: This number stands for Christ energy and is often associated with the master teacher.
44 through 99 are not yet defined, as we do not have the collective consciousness to be able to understand what they are about. However, in esoteric circles, the number 44 has been called the double manifestation number, referring to our increasing capacity to be cocreators of our own reality here on Earth.
Circle: Circles are associated with the number one. Circles stand for everything and nothing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom. They represent unity and wholeness. Circles are associated with the element of Spirit.
Spiral: Spirals are like ongoing circles, but they never close, symbolizing that life never repeats the same exact cycle twice.
Square: Squares represent the form-based world that we experience as spiritual beings in a physical body. Squares are associated with the elements of earth and with matter.
Triangle: Triangles are associated with the number three. They are used in religious context as an indication of the connection between the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or in a more esoteric context, as body-mind- spirit, and past-present-future. Intersecting triangles often refer to the union between the masculine and the feminine, where the upward facing triangle represents the masculine aspect and downward facing triangle the feminine. Triangles are associated with the element of fire.
Flower: Flowers are associated with life and growth. Flowers have been given as an expression of love, affec¬tion, sympathy, and intention for thousands of years. Their beauty reminds us of how wonderful life can be when expressed fully.
Flower of Life: The Flower of Life is a geometric shape recognized by many cultures all over the planet. It con¬sists of thirteen equal circles that intersect at the middle of each circle, creating a perfectly proportioned flower. As a symbol, the Flower of Life represents the Universe as a whole as well as the harmony in which all the sepa¬rate components of the Universe work together. This beautiful pattern is often used to indicate our under¬standing of our connection (as humans and as spiritual beings) to the whole.
Basic Color Meanings
Red: The color red is associated with the root (or base) chakra. It is linked to our survival instincts and to our ability to ground and identify ourselves in the physical world. It is connected to our sense of prosperity and security, and to our physical health. Red stimulates love and passion, excitement, courage, strength, power, and persistence.
Orange: The color orange is associated with the second, or sacral, chakra, located just below the navel. It is linked to our creativity, sexuality, and emotional world. Orange encourages movement and connection with others. It has a freeing effect on the body and mind, stimulating cre¬ative thinking, abundance, success, and appetite.
Yellow: The color yellow is associated with the third, or solar plexus, chakra. It is located in the area of the diaphragm, below the breastbone, and is linked to our sense of sel£ our authority, and our personal power. It is the area of our personality and our ego. Yellow helps us to think clearly, increase our awareness, and stimulate our curiosity. It strengthens our vitality, our life force, and our energy.
Green: The color green is associated with the fourth, or heart, chakra. It is linked to our capacity to love and to feel compassion. Green is the color of nature and Earth, and it is a healing color that balances and harmonizes the connection between mind and body.
Blue: The color blue is associated with the fifth, or throat, chakra, located in the area of the neck. It is linked to communication and our ability to express our needs and desires. Blue is cooling—a mentally relaxing color——and it pacifies the nervous system. It connects us to holistic thought, it generates wisdom, and it supports our communication and speech skills. Blue is considered the color of truth.
Purple: Purples (including indigo and violet) are a combination of red (the \ warmest color) and blue (the coolest \ color). Purples are associated with \ the third-eye chakra and the crown chakra, representing our / psychic, extrasensory abilities, as well as our (mysterious) con¬nection to source. This is why they have been associated with magic and j mystery throughout history. In many cul¬tures, purples have also been traditionally associated with royalty, power, and wealth. We often assign a higher consciousness that is based on a deeply rooted connection to source to our authoritarian figures.
Indigo: The color indigo is associated with the sixth, or third-eye, chakra, located in the middle of the fore¬head, just above the bridge of the nose. It is linked to our intuition, our insights, and our ability to see beyond three-dimensional reality into the inner world, so that the conscious can merge with the unconscious.
Pink: The color pink is associated with the Divine Feminine attributes of love, nurturing, stillness, and receptivity, and with universal love of oneself and others——with sweetness, tenderness, and care. Brighter pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy, and power.
Violet: The color violet is associated with the seventh, or crown, chakra, located on the top of the head. It is associated with our personal spiritual connection to the Universe and Source. Violet is the color of cleansing, purification, magic, mystery, and mysticism.
White: Sometimes associated with the crown chakra, the color white is associated with purity, innocence, peace, faith, and heaven.
Gold: Gold symbolizes abundance, wealth, and power. It is connected to the sun and the masculine.
Silver: Silver symbolizes money, intuition, and the realm of imagination. It is connected to the moon and the feminine.

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