Angels And Ancestors Oracle Cards Guidebook


In whatever culture and religion they have appeared, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered their knowledge, experience and magic to us.

They know what you need to know. Use this guidebook to learn how to use the oracle cards to unlock the secrets and messages of the Angels and Ancestors, who will help you to live a life touched by divine, magical guidance.



Introduction                                   1

How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors  3

Oracle Cards

The Deck Explained                  4

Creating a Bond with Your Oracle Cards   6

Using Your Oracle Cards         12

Conducting Oracle Readings   13

Suggested Spreads                 19

Enjoy the Experience!              27

Sacred Ones

Druid                                      30

Elder                                      32

Father Sky                              34

Great Teacher                         36




High Priest



High Priestess















Medicine Mother



Mother Earth


















Shaolin Master









Shield Maiden



Spirit Fox



Star Ancestor















White Witch

Wise One




Guardians and Messengers



Air Guardian



Animal Guardian



Direction Guardian



Earth Guardian



Fire Guardian



Guardian Angel



Heart Guardian



Magick Guardian



Medicine Guardian



Mirror Guardian



Protection Guardian



Water Guardian



Warrior Symbols






Broken Arrow































About the Artist


About the Author





Congregating within the hidden spiritual realms are angels and ancestors who are using their wisdom to help heal the Earth. We can access this incredible force of love, but first we must be willing. This oracle will help you forge that connection.

Angels are divine beings who echo the heart of love. They are pre-human intelligent souls who are charged with monitoring the wellbeing of all sentient beings. They are formless but have taken form in all four corners of the world. They may have different names and faces in different places, but their essence and mission remain the same: to love, help and guide.

Ancestors are the souls of departed wisdom­keepers from all parts of the world. They are the wise ones, warriors, medicine people, shamanic healers and others who had knowledge that helped their people grow and develop. Just like angels,


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

ancestors can be called upon in prayer, meditation and ceremony for healing, change and support from the other worlds.

Together, angels and ancestors bring a powerful offering of wisdom that can help us in our spiritual and physical life. Angels offer a non-judgemental, wholly loving energy that can help us feel safe and guided. Ancestor spirits offer us experience — they know what it’s like to walk the Earth and learn about her magic and medicine.

With this powerful oracle you have the opportunity to bridge the gap between this world and others. You hold within your hands a key to great medicine wisdom that will echo what you already know deep within. Angels and ancestors know what you need to know, and through connection and ceremony with this oracle deck, you can allow them to bring messages that will help you carve your path and live a life that is filled with magic.


How to Use Youi Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

These oracle cards offer a powerful opportunity to step into ceremony to honour and be honoured by the sacred ones. They act as a bridge between this world and other worlds, bringing guidance, insight and support. What is important to know is that the magic is not coming from the cards — they simply reflect the incredible wisdom that is within you.

Working with oracle cards is a sacred ceremony and the more time and energy you dedicate to them, the better and more confident with them you will become. And the more you recognize that it is your presence that is facilitating your incredible connection, the sharper your messages and interpretations will be.


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

The Deck Explained

The Angels and Ancestors Oracle is comprised of 55 cards that have no particular order or importance. Every single card offers an opportunity for you to connect with the powers that be and the guidance that comes from angels, ancestors and even the Earth.

The Sacred Ones

In the deck you will find a selection of 30 wise ones of times gone past. This is a gathering of incredible souls who are dedicated to passing on ancient wisdom from beyond. They are shamans, medicine people, laypeople, warriors and merchants from the four corners of the Earth. They know what it’s like to walk this planet and live off the land, and so from a spiritual perspective they are able to offer guidance and insight that will support your path in life.

Guardians and Messengers

There are also 12 guardian spirits who all bring miraculous messages of guidance and healing. These are the keepers of the directions and the angels of the elements that protect the magic circle in shamanic practice. These guiding spirits will help you connect with your primal needs and desires so you can live a


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

fulfilling life that is aligned with your highest truth, good and purpose.

Warrior Symbols

When I was writing my book Ught Warrior, I had a dream in which I was shown symbols that could be used to receive powerful messages directly from my guides and angels. When these ‘warrior symbols’ appear within a reading, they can reveal important information that will help you understand what you need to do next. There are 9 symbol cards, all bringing lessons and indications of growth. The sacred ones of times gone by would watch for omens in nature in order to divine the outcome of a situation; these symbols act as these signs within this deck.


Every year the seasons come and go and bring powerful energies with them. The seasons cards bring messages that will help you move into the flow of life and can also indicate the timing of a message in a more linear sense, i.e. that a particular season will usher in the relevant energies. All the seasons also bring their own medicine — let them be great teachers to you.


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Creating a Bond with Your Oracle Cards

The sacred ones created their own ways of connecting with spirit and the ancestors, often using oracles made of stones, bones and shells. As these oracles were mosdy handmade from hunted and gathered materials, the energies of both the creator and the materials were infused into them. It has been recognized in times both old and new how essential it is to have an energetic bond with the means you are using to connect with spirit. Even though you haven’t foraged for the materials of this oracle or created it with your own hands, though, don’t worry — you can still form a powerful synergetic connection with it. Your bond can be created and sealed through ceremony in an instant, and over time its strength and frequency will rise.

Your ceremony to connect with your cards, bless them and align them with your energy can be as complicated or as simple as you’d like. Truthfully, it’s the intention that counts. But why not let this guided ceremony be a simple way of connecting with the sacred ones, guardians and nature energies that he within this stunning oracle?


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Connection Ceremonq

What you’ll need:

  • some privacy and space where you can feel relaxed and safe
  • a rough idea of which way North, East, South and West are
  • your oracle cards

Begin by centring yourself and your energy by taking a few moments to breathe deeply and mindfully.

When you feel focused, internally just say:

'I am here in this space to forge a sacred bond with my oracle deck today.'

Take your deck in your hands and carefully look through and touch each and every card. Do this with patience and mindfulness - it is an experience to be cherished.

When you’re ready, hold your cards in both hands and say:

‘Guardians of the four corners,

Mother in the Earth, Father in the sky, angels, ancestors, sacred ones,

I call on you and welcome you here now!


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Thank you for creating a sacred and safe space around me so that I can develop a bond with this oracle deck today.

I am ready to develop a deeper connection with myself, my gifts and my intuition so that I can hear, feel, see and know the messages of guidance that rise up within.

I set the intention that whatever is gained from the lessons learned from this tool will be dedicated to the growth of all beings in all places.’

Face East and say:

'Cuardians of the East, angels of Air, thank you for bringing your presence and blessings.

Like a cool breeze, fill this oracle with clarity.

Thank you for helping its messages shift perceptions to the miraculous,

It feels so good to know that this can unlock my inner vision.

I welcome your blessings from the East.’

Face South and say:

‘Guardians of the South, angels of Fire, thank you for bringing your presence and blessings.


Hoiv to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Like a blazing torch, fill this oracle with light.

Thank you for helping its messages ignite passions.

It feels so good to know that this can help guide my intentions and desires.

I welcome your blessings from the South.’

Face West and say:

‘Guardians of the West, angels of Water, thank you for bringing your presence and blessings.

Like a wave of goodness, wash this oracle in love.

Thank you for helping it unlock the emotional insights I have.

It feels so good to know that this can help me dive deep within.

I welcome your blessings from the West.’

Face North and say:

‘Guardians of the North, angels of Earth, thank you for bringing your presence and blessings.

With strong roots, ground this oracle in wisdom.


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Thank you for helping it reveal my earthly strength and spiritual gifts.

It feels so good to know that this can help me stay centred in knowledge.

I welcome your blessings from the North.'

Bring the cards to your heart and say:

‘Great Mother Earth, thank you for all that you do.

Thank you for your daily nourishment, intelligence and shelter.

Thank you for helping me feel safe in order to express my gifts.

I welcome your blessings upon this oracle.

I welcome your guidance within my life.

Thank you for directing the sacred ones and their messages to me.

My heart is one with you.

Great Father in the sky, today I surrender this intention to you, to your most sacred light and love.

Thank you for aligning me and this oracle with the highest good and highest truth.


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

I know that this whole situation is guided by you.

I know therefore that all that arises from this intention will be divinely led.

My heart is one with you.

Aho I’

Take a deep breath.

Imagine light from the four directions entering your oracle cards.

Imagine wisdom from the Earth kissing them with light.

Imagine love from the heart of the universe blessing them.

You may add any of your own prayers and intentions.

When you are ready, complete your ceremony by saying:

'My intention is that all of these blessings and intentions will allow me to align with my highest truth and highest good and live my life with purpose.

And so it is!’

Your oracle is now truly bonded to you!


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Using Your Oracle Cards

How the Cards Work

Angels and ancestors operate under the divine law of free will. That means we can’t welcome their help successfully unless we ask for it. The best way to welcome the incredible guidance of these sacred teachers is through prayer, intention, meditation and of course this oracle deck.

Just holding the cards and preparing to use them shows that you are open to receiving information, insights and messages from angels and ancestors, but it’s important to know exactly how the cards reveal these messages to you. According to spiritual law, ‘like attracts like’, so we attract or create experiences based on our thoughts, feelings and actions. When using an oracle deck, we are attracted to the cards that best reflect our personality, situation, strengths, gifts and challenges at that particular moment.

Approaching Oracle Cards with Integrity

Oracle cards are a tool that helps us communicate directly with the divine. For that reason we have to approach them from a place of integrity. That means when we pick a card and it doesn’t tell us what we want to hear, we have to recognize maybe it’s telling


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

us something we need to hear. That’s why it’s so important that we approach the cards with a level head and an open heart, ready to receive honest and insightful advice - whatever that advice might be.

Approaching with respect - for the cards and ourselves - will also increase our level of connection and communication with the divine.

So, don’t pick your deck up when:

  • You’re under the influence of alcohol.
  • You’re emotionally overwhelmed.
  • You’ve just had an argument or disagreement.
  • You aren’t prepared to be told the truth.

You will get the best results when:

  • You’ve just done a meditation.
  • You’re starting your day.
  • You’ve just been walking in nature.
  • You’ve just come out of the bath.

Conducting Oracle Readings

You can use the cards to give accurate readings to both yourself and others. There are no rules


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

or dogma surrounding them. Forget any old superstitions you’ve heard and realize it’s all about trust and going in with the best of intentions. You are in control of what happens during a reading, and your angels, guides and ancestors will support you through the entire process. Giving card readings with this deck is absolutely safe and insightful, and should be fun too!

Raising the Vibration

To help your readings stay focused and accurate, it’s always good to keep your energy tuned to a high level. So setting up some rituals or practices to get that energy positive, open and loving is always a good start. Before doing a reading (for yourself or others) it is recommended you do a short meditation where you set your intention and/or visualize yourself being covered in a white or golden light. You could also think about or list in your journal all the things you’re grateful for in your life. You could go for a walk in nature. You could light some incense or a candle or bring an image or statue of your favourite saint, angel or similar into the room with you. However you do it, keeping the vibes positive will ensure you can access your higher self and have a clear channel to the angels and ancestors.


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Storing Your Cards

There are no specific requirements for storing your oracle deck, other than keeping it somewhere safe, and preferably out of the reach of others, so that the energy of the cards can stay in line with yours. You may want to get a nice velvet or organza bag for the cards or you may be happy with the box they come in. I’ve always loved having bags made for the oracle cards that I use in my personal collection - it lightens the load, especially if you start taking your cards with you on journeys. Plus the bag allows you to place some crystals or charms in with the cards so that their energy can stay pure and protected.

Cleansing Your Cards

Inevitably there are going to be times when your cards are exposed to lower energies, perhaps through someone mistreating them or through an emotionally overwhelming reading with a friend. If, for whatever reason, you feel your cards need cleansing, go with your instincts. You’ll be glad to know that any energy that feels low or ‘negative’ can be neutralized instantly with prayer and intention. I like to use some incense or sage to cleanse my oracle cards, as the smoke can help with visualizing them being wiped clean. Here’s a cleansing ceremony for you:


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Cleansing Ceremong

Taking sage or incense or a similar resin or herb of your choice in your hands, set the internal intention that you are clearing old or negative energy. Then light the incense or sage and place it in a fireproof dish.

Hold your cards above it, allowing them to be fully immersed in the sacred smoke. Imagine that it is clearing away any old energies or vibes that are not best suited to you or them.

Then say this prayer:

‘Guardians of the four corners, Mother in the Earth, Father in the Sky, angels and ancestors,

With this sacred smoke I clear away any negative energies or old energies that stand between me and my greatness.

Thank you for cleansing these cards so that they can represent and honour only the light.

Thank you for kissing them with your sacred wisdom so that they will reflect positive, uplifting and accurate messages once more.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And so it is!'


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

When you’ve completed the cleansing exercise, I highly recommend you redo the connection ceremony (above), so that you can recharge the cards with the energy of angels and ancestors.

Shuffling the Cards

Giving your deck a really good shuffle also clears the energy and prepares you for an insightful session.

If you’ve just picked the cards up, set the intention that they are clear of any influences so you can have an accurate reading.

If you’ve just finished a session with someone else, give the cards a good shuffle while setting the intention that you are letting go of anyone else’s energy.

Reading for Yourself

To get familiar with the cards and to build a powerful relationship with them, it’s great to give yourself a reading. You may have heard that you can’t or you’re not supposed to, but that’s old news. The sacred ones of times gone by always received personal messages and signs from the divine, and you can do exactly the same with this oracle deck. It is without a doubt absolutely more than okay to give yourself a reading.

Here’s how to do it:


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

  • Shuffle the deck (see above).
  • Either in your mind or out loud, whichever feels appropriate at the time, say something like: ‘Thank you, angels and ancestors, for revealing to me, for the highest good, what I need to know.’
  • Then pick your cards. Place them in a pile, in order, one on top of the other, so that when you pick them up and turn them to face you, the first card you see is the first card in the spread. (Some spreads are shared shortly.)

Reading for Another Person

Reading for another person is almost exactly the same as doing it for yourself. If the person is present:

  • Shuffle the cards for them and spread them out in front of them.
  • Ask them to lay their hands on them and thank the angels and ancestors. If they are shy, you can say it for them: Thank you, angels and ancestors, for revealing to [their name], through me, for the highest good, what they need to know. And so it is.’
  • Invite them to pick cards and place them in a pile one on top of the other.


Hoi» to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

If the person isn’t present - if, for example, you’re doing a reading over the phone or a video call for a loved one, friend or client — you can pick cards for them, but only if you have their permission.

Suggested Spreads

The Two-Card Spread (Two-Card Cross)

This two-card spread is brilliant for some quick insights if you’re giving yourself a reading on the go or maybe to complement another therapy or session you’ve just shared. I often use this spread for readings at corporate events or launch parties, or for mini-readings with a group of friends. You can use it to focus on a particular question or for a snapshot of your current affairs.

  1. 1. The first card represents the situation you are asking about or where you are with things right now.


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

  1. 2. The second card, which you lay across, above or to the side of the first card, represents what you need to know or do about it.

When I do this spread, I read the cards individually and then combine their meanings to gain information and insights.

The Celtic Compass Spread

This Celtic Compass spread was created especially for the use with Angels and Ancestors oracle cards, because the deck is filled with wisdom-keepers and messengers who will be able to give you deep guidance about your energy at this time.

With this spread, look not only at the card messages, but also the archetypal characters, as they will represent aspects of your gifts and talents. If you receive any of the symbol cards, they are particular energies that are manifesting through you at this time.

What the cards mean:

  1. 1. Centre: Spirit — you and your energy
  2. 2. North: Earth - what is grounding you and providing you with focus at this time
  3. 3. East: Air - your current thoughts and perceptions


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

  1. 4. South: Fire - your rising desires and primal needs
  2. 5. West: Water — how you really feel emotionally
  3. 6. Northeast: What needs attention and action
  4. 7. Southeast: Where to direct your energy and intentions
  5. 8. Southwest: What you need to let go and let flow
  6. 9. Northwest: The outcome of your current vibration


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

The Past-Life Lessons Spread

This spread was created to help you understand any energies you are holding from past lives that can help you with the lessons you are moving through in this life. As the sacred ones and characters in this oracle deck are from the four corners of the world, they may also reveal aspects of your previous lives or give you an idea of the nations or tribes of which you have been a part.

Know that this isn’t about revealing negative traits from past lives, but about connecting with the gifts


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

that have been moving with your soul through lifetimes. However, a challenge may be revealed from a previous incarnation that is still present today. This reading should help you understand and heal the root cause.

When you see the energies you had in previous lives, take some time to check in with them. Do you remember them? Do they fully resonate with you? How do you feel about them now? This will help you embrace the information that is coming through.

What the cards mean:

  1. 1. Identity: What energy did you have in a past life?
  2. 2. Traits: What gifts did you have then that you have now?
  3. 3. Challenge: What was your greatest challenge then (and maybe now)?
  4. 4. Revelation: What karma needs undoing?
  5. 5. Help: What energy will support you?
  6. 6. Rise: How will it help you grow?
  7. 7. Transition: What energy are you stepping into as a result of these lessons?


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Three-Card Questions

Your Angels and Ancestors oracle cards can also reveal powerful information about a question you have or an issue you’re working through. Three- card spreads can be used to gain immediate insights and you might also like to make a note of the cards in your journal and reflect on their meanings and messages over time.

Here are some suggested questions for a three- card spread:

  • “What do I need to know or do in order to have a more balanced romantic relationship?’
  • “What do I need to know in order to grow in my career?’
  • ‘How can I be a greater support to the world?’
  • ‘What do I need to work on internally in order to grow spiritually?’
  • What can I work on internally to create more financial abundance?’
  • ‘Is there anything I need to know or do in order to create healing in my life?’


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

  1. 1. Strength: The strengths and gifts you have in this situation
  2. 2. Heart: What your heart wants you to know about this situation
  3. 3. Challenge: What you need to heal or work on in order to grow

One-Card Questions

Here are some suggested questions for a very focused one-card reading:

  • Which energy should I connect with today in order to be the best version of myself?’
  • Which energy best represents a strength or gift I have at this time?’
  • ‘What is my guidance for today?’
  • What needs my energy and attention today?’


Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Jumping Cards

When you are shuffling the cards, there may be ones that ‘jump’ out of the deck. This is super fun and a little reminder that you aren’t in this experience on your own. I like to think that when we approach an oracle for guidance, our angels, ancestors and guides gather around us and hold the space so we can grow.

If one or two cards jump out when you are shuffling, pop them to one side and allow them to add information or guidance to the reading. If half of the pack falls out but only one or two cards are facing upwards, these are considered jumpers. If lots and lots are facing upwards, just put them all back in and pick your cards as normal.

Reversed Cards

At some point you’re probably going to find a card is reversed when you turn it over. When this happens, don’t worry. Many people do get worried by reversed cards, probably because of some of the superstitions surrounding tarot, but I just like to think of reversed cards as cards screaming for us to pay attention to them. Angels and ancestors are asking you to look closely at the reversed card, as you may have a block with the energies connected to it. Having


How to Use Your Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

a block with an energy isn’t something to be embarrassed or ashamed about — in fact receiving this information is going to support you and your growth. Oracle sessions not only reveal your gifts, but also show you how you can transcend your challenges (and we all have them).

When I’m conducting a reading, I prefer to have my whole deck upright, but now and then someone will place a card upside down, and this will add emphasis to the reading. You can, however, mix the cards — for instance, you can have them all face down and then move them round with your hands so that you have some upright and some reversed. This can add even more depth to a reading, but it really is down to your own preference.

Enjoy the Experience!

Working with your Angels and Ancestors oracle deck is an exciting opportunity. Sure, approaching the divine for guidance is a serious matter, but this deck was created to help you along your path to happiness, so enjoy it. If something challenges you, try not to get too hung up on it or create an unhappy outcome in your mind. Just think of the deck as a bunch of honest, loving and caring friends who have your best interests at heart.


Sacred Ones


Hold the Space


Hold things together. Don’t make any sudden moves or changes. Stand strong, knowing you are where you are supposed to be.


The druids were the ancient wise ones of the British Isles. They had a deep connection with the Earth, the sun and the moon. They were the scholars who



created the Ogham tree language, and they were known for their creative skills in storytelling, poetry and craftsmanship.

Extended Message

When the Druid card appears in a reading, you’re being guided to dig deep within and hold your station. If you’re wondering what to do next or have a sense of anxiety about what is unfolding in your life, it’s time to shift your perceptions and move back to a state of trust. Don’t change your plans or do anything drastic, just trust in the process and let everything happen as it needs to before taking any more steps. Think of a tree — it has strong roots, yet continues to grow and bear fruit. Your life will be a reflection of this.



Move Beyond Ancestral Patterns


Move beyond the limitations that have been set for you by family members past and present. Know that the energy of your spirit is more powerful than genetics and behavioural patterns.


The Aboriginal people are the oldest tribal people still living on the planet. Their hunter-gatherer culture



and ancient spirituality are rooted in tradition and balance with the Earth. So the Aboriginal ancestors are offering you not only wisdom that will help you heal and adapt to the ever-changing planet, but also an understanding of what a spiritual life should be.

Extended Message

The Elder is the ancestor who comes with a message of healing change. He is an embodied soul, yet he has had journeys that go beyond the physical, therefore he represents a reclamation of power. When he appears, it’s an acknowledgement that you have the capacity to move beyond the limitations that have been placed upon you. If you have had expectations of success, failure, sadness or even sickness placed upon you by your family, it’s important to know that you are here to create your own story. This card represents personal healing that will bring healing to your family lineage, past, present and future. Know that you get to decide what you take on. And also know that your ancestors are rooting for you and are sorry for any setbacks they have created for you.


Fafhe/ Sky

Trust in the Unknown


Trust that your path is unfolding exactly as it needs to. You have a personal relationship with the Great Father. Know that he is lovingly leading you forward.


Father Sky is the name the Native Americans and many other indigenous tribes have given to ‘God’. So this card represents the universal powers that are


Father Sty

masculine in essence, the energies that people have called out to and looked up to in times of need and gratitude. Father Sky personifies your relationship with the masculine energies of the divine and possibly a very powerful male or father figure too.

Extended Message

You are a co-creator of your life, and every thought, feeling, intention and emotion you have is creating the road ahead. With that being said, you don’t need to know every single detail of what is going to unfold before you. When this card appears, you are being guided to step back and get out of your own way, because there is a greater power that is not only around you but within you, and Father Sky is creating the best experience imaginable for you. Accepting this will allow miraculous energy to come into your life. So see things from a higher perspective, like the eagle on the card.

This card can also appear when there are opportunities to improve the father connection in your life. If your father figure is in heaven, know that his spirit is drawing close. If he is on Earth, there’s an opportunity to heal something, whether past or present.


Great Teacher

Learn from Spiritual Experiences


Know that what is happening around you is divinely inspired. Learn from your current experiences, then share them with others.


This card was inspired by Jesus, who is one of the most widely acknowledged and loved spiritual teachers of all time, but there is a Great Teacher in


Great Teacher

every tradition, and this card represents the one to whom you feel closest, as well as the Great Teacher within. The Teacher wears simple clothes here to demonstrate that even if you live a simple life, it can be an incredibly spiritual one. He is surrounded by a sense of serenity and harmony because he has absolute trust in the higher power that moves through him, and the dove on the card represents receiving answers to prayers through signs and experiencing peace through joy.

Extended Message

This card can represent a teacher in your life or the Great Teacher within. Either way, it shows that you have dedicated a lot of time, effort and energy to understanding yourself and the world. You are having spiritual experiences at this time and gaining a greater awareness of what you need to do in order to grow. There is a great chance that if you’ve been having any challenges recently, you’ve surmounted them and allowed them to be vehicles to lessons that are helping your spiritual connection. If you feel that you’ve received messages from heaven or the universe recently, this card is confirmation that these have indeed been holy experiences.



Retreat and Recharge


Take time to rest and recuperate in order to continue your growth. Benefit from the information that will come directly from your heart space.


The Hermit card is one of solitude and meditation. It represents your capacity to go within and arrive at the cave of your heart. Many of the answers to



your problems lie within, and if you don’t take the time to connect with yourself and feel comfortable alone, you won’t be able to hear the messages that are rising up inside you. The cross-legged meditation position of the cave-dwelling Sadhu on the card is an invitation to harness the power of your meditation practice. The Sri Yantra symbol behind him represents the union of masculine and feminine energies, hence support from Mother-Father God.

Extended Message

You have been working hard and giving your all to your current situation and it may become draining and detrimental to your development unless you retreat and recharge your energies. So you are being guided to take a step back at this time. If you are working on bringing something together, your over­involvement could impede the process, so retreat and breathe. If you have something to say or do that could have a larger impact on your life, spend some time in deep thought — even contemplation — before moving forward. Often when we rush in, we don’t see how destructive our actions can be. So meditate and listen to your soul’s wisdom’ before proceeding further.


High Plie st

Intend and Create


Recognize that you have the power to change your life. Face your fear and align with the light!


In many traditions the High Priest is the physical embodiment of the divine masculine. He acts as a bridge between worlds and is able not only to divine the future, but to help create it, too. He may be a


High Priest

leader in his spiritual tradition or, in pagan traditions, be second to the High Priestess, but he is always spiritually connected and disciplined, with great respect for his Creator and his particular practice.

In a reading, this card can represent a spiritual figure, leader or teacher in your life or an aspect of your path that has led you to where you are today.

Extended Message

You are a bridge between heaven and Earth and it’s important for you to know that you are more powerful and connected than you may think. Everything you are giving attention and energy to at this time is creating your way forward. There have been some setbacks, but accept these as experiences that have led you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your spirit. Know that you are being guided by the ancestors to direct your thoughts and energies towards'what you want to grow, heal and expand — and then watch it happen, right before your eyes.


High Priestess

Harness Mystic Power


Align with the light and focus on all things positive.


The High Priestess is the physical embodiment of the divine feminine, the Goddess in human form. She has had many names through time and space, but her essence has remained similar: fierce, powerful and disciplined.


High Priestess

In many traditions, particularly pre-Christian, the High Priestess was in charge of spiritual and religious orders and was the voice of authority and guidance from the gods. The High Priestess in this deck is the consort and partner of the High Priest (if you look at them together, you will see they mirror each other’s energy). She is joined by a black cat, representing the Egyptian goddess Bast, who protects her from lower energies, and she stands strong in her glory and power.

Extended Message

You are a mystic with the capacity to connect with energies that go beyond the human senses. Within you is a force of magic that is directed by your will. There is an opportunity for you to rise up at this time, but it requires dedication and discipline. You are being guided to look at what you are working on or at the situation before you and determine where your priorities lie. If you are unable to figure that out, you must use your intuition and discernment to focus on what will bring you closer to your goal and the happiness of everyone involved. When this card arrives, it’s also important for you to check in with your intuition, as it will give you guidance that will be important for your growth.



Track Down Your Fears and Desires


Track down all of your fearful thoughts and feelings. When you find them, you will find your desires too.


The Hunter card is based on my favourite Celtic god, Cernunnos. He is the stag god of the wild and represents both the hunted and the hunter. Similarly, the Hunter helps you connect with an energy that



is both fearful and fearless. Your fears are the only things that are standing between you and what you desire at this time. So you have to come face to face with them, as the Hunter does with wild animals, and go beyond them.

Extended Message

Instead of being hunted down by your fears or other feelings that you have buried, become the Hunter. You are being given confidence and strength at this time, so use your power to make a difference. You are not here to cower away or live in the shadows, you are here to realize your fullest potential, but this can only occur when you step up and do what needs to be done. When this card arises, there could be an opportunity to face an aspect of your past or bring closure to a situation that has been haunting you.

If you are a man or identify as male, this card represents your masculinity and an opportunity to know yourself more deeply.

If you are a female or identify as female, this card represents your capacity to be strong and powerful and overcome limitations.



Be Brave and Honest


Do the right thing, even if it isn’t the easiest option. Stand for what you know to be right and true.


The Knight is a knight in shining armour, dedicated to the crown that his sword defends. In this sense, he is a protector of the Holy Grail and therefore of your spiritual growth and expansion. He represents



the warrior in you — whether you are male or female, that energy is within you. His sword and armour show he is courageous and strong, but if you look closely you will see he has a tear running down his face, showing his willingness to be vulnerable and his love for what he protects.

Extended Message

The energy of respect is important right now. You are being encouraged to figure out what is important to you and what you stand for. If you are in a space where there’s opposition, you are being guided to follow through with integrity, because even if it seems this will slow your progress, your rewards will be much more abundant. You are being surrounded by a light of bravery to help you.

This card also brings justice. If you are longing for justice, please know that the universal energies are working to bring everything back into order and that you don’t need to force anything through with your will. If you have made any mistakes recently, it’s important to take ownership of them so that you can align yourself with improving the situation. If you are feeling the need to defend your spiritual path at this time, back down and let it protect you.



Enjoy Growth and Reap Rewards


Reap what you have sown and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Grow and expand in all areas of your life.


The Lady, known as the Empress in the traditional tarot, is the representation of the Goddess in her most fertile form. She is an abundant, bountiful and



creative being. She is closely connected to nature, because it is her child. She represents maternal energy and has more than enough love to give all who need nurturing. Yet she is a representation of the goddess Venus, too, and yearns for a rich relationship with her counterpart, the Lord. In this card, she holds an apple. Its seeds form a perfect pentagram, which, in paganism, represents the five elements of life.

Extended Message

Fertility, growth and abundance are all imminent when the Lady arrives in your life. All the seeds you have planted are coming to life and there are plenty more rewards to come. In a material sense, this card can represent financial security and comfort — it shows that there will be more than enough to go round. If you are making business deals or setting intentions to create financial growth, this card indicates a considerable amount of monetary success. The Lady can also usher in other forms of abundance - opportunities, marriage proposals and even the birth of a child. She will help you respect nature and connect with its forces in order to have a genuinely supported journey through life.



Take Charge with Authority


Don’t be afraid to take charge or use your voice. Be strong.


The Lord is the consort of the Lady, the Emperor in the traditional tarot. He represents an authoritative male who isn’t afraid to lay down the law. But this doesn’t mean he is angry or chauvinistic. He is self-



possessed, reliable and ambitious — a man of honour who has earned his place in society.

The Lord in this oracle holds a ram staff and wears a crown of antlers, showing he keeps himself firmly rooted in the ground and is protective of his people. His regal air indicates he has a taste for the finer things in life, yet he is sensitive to those who are less fortunate than he is.

Extended Message

Sometimes you have to take control in order to be honoured. If you feel that your kindness or gifts are being taken for granted, it’s time to change that. There is no excuse for bad behaviour and the ancestors are encouraging you to hold your ground and speak your mind in a fiercely loving way. You have the energy and might to overcome dramas or energies that aren’t working for your growth, and it’s time to take charge before you find yourself in a situation you don’t want to be in. You are being encouraged to be the boss instead of being bossed.

This card also brings the energy of ambition and can show you have the potential to move upwards on a professional level — but only if you act with authority and show who you really are.


niediciiie mother

Honour Your Inner Knowing


Take action. Do what you know you need to do.


‘Mother always knows best,’ they say, and it’s true. We all know a maternal figure who’s extremely intuitive and insightful, and this Medicine Mother has gone through many ups and downs. She has lived and she has lost. She knows what it’s like to suffer


Medicine Mother

and to want to give up. So the medicine of this card is that it’s okay to make mistakes and get it wrong sometimes, and it’s okay for things to come to an end. It’s not the end of the world, it’s just the end of one chapter and the beginning of something new. The Medicine Mother reminds you that even though you will have low lows, you aren’t here to suffer - you’re here to be supported and to support others. Let her give you the loving encouragement to take the next step forward.

Extended Message

There is an old pattern rising up in you now and it’s time to deal with it and release it for good. You’re being encouraged to love and respect yourself enough to take the steps you know you need to take to move closer to where you’d Eke to be. You already know the answers. You know what you need to do. You may have been using delaying tactics or holding back, but now you are being guided to take action. Action requires courage, but your angels and guides are bringing you the courage to move forward. Take just one step. When you do, the next one will be presented to you.


IHothci Ecnth

Feel Loved and Comforted


Allow yourself to be cherished. Mother Earth is protecting you with a shield of love and light.


Mother Earth is the female counterpart to Father Sky. It’s auspicious to receive this card, because in the eyes and heart of Mother Earth, you are her child, and she is highly protective of her baby and


Mother Earth

will give you everything you need to grow and expand.

Mother Earth is only covered by leaves in this card, showing the vulnerability of the Earth. Every day she experiences challenges that she has to adapt to and overcome. Her energy, represented by the symbol of the pagan Triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother and Crone - behind her, can help you adapt as the changes of life come your way.

Extended Message

You may have felt overwhelmed or out of control emotionally recently, but you are now moving back to your natural centre and that will bring you to a place of clarity and openness. If you have felt ungrounded, know that Mother Earth is here to root you and help you regain your sense of strength. You may not feel like a child, but in the eyes of the divine you are a child of light and it’s important you know that and feel loved.

If you have had challenges with your mother or with being a mother yourself, know that the energies of mother healing are with you to help clear any ancestral blockages that are preventing you from making this sacred love connection. You are being guided to make choices that are based on love.



Wait for Important Information


Be open and receptive to information. Gather facts so that you can make a decision that is in line with your integrity.


The Oracle is the truth-speaker and insight-bringer of this deck, the ancestor who will be your best outspoken girlfriend - someone who will tell you



exactly what you need to hear to move forward. In this deck she is reminiscent of the Oracle of Delphi, a psychic priestess of ancient Greece who was able to receive information and make predictions. She holds a bowl that has sacred smoke rising out of it, bringing the message to look beyond all you can see and gather information in order to make an accurate evaluation of your current situation.

Extended Message

Angels, ancestors and the universe are speaking to you at this time. So look and listen for important conversations, signs and messages that will point you in the right direction. You are being guided to wait for more information before making any fast moves, because at the moment you are letting your wants get in the way of your needs. There is an opportunity for you to see everything clearly at this time, but you will only be able to do so if you are willing to truly open your eyes. If you have been waiting for further information about a choice you have to make or action you have to take, don’t take matters into your own hands, but let what needs to be revealed be revealed. Then you’ll know what to do next. Angels are supporting you. Trust them.



Let Go of the Need to Be Right


Choose peace and happiness over the need to be right. Rather than trying to prove a point, save your energy for what’s important.


The Peacekeeper is a wise Native American woman who has been influenced by White Buffalo Woman. She holds a peace pipe, which is emblematic of



surrendering the need to fight and offering harmony instead. She is a soul who knows what it’s like to feel under threat and to stand up for what she believes in and what is right. Her medicine helps you to take the higher road in every situation, even if you’re under pressure to make a quick decision. It is a reminder that within your hands lies the power to make the right choice for all involved.

Extended Message

You may be feeling on edge due to a stressful situation. There’s a warrior within you that wants to rise up, prove your point and get the truth across. But you’re being reminded by ancestor wisdom that truth will always be revealed in the end. It’s more important at this time to avoid arguments or heated discussions where you know you’ll be fighting a losing battle. There is much more power in choosing to move forward from a higher perspective. This will allow you to connect deeply to the guidance within and the intuition that will lead you towards the healing of the whole situation, along with any wounds it may have inflicted on you. Choose peace — you know it’s calling you.



Be Devoted and Committed


Be willing to go the whole road and back again. This will allow you to be the best you can possibly be.


The Sage represents the wise one within. When this card arises, it shows that you are preparing to become a great and insightful teacher to your peers. It guides you to take notes, as the wandering yogi is on this



card, because your knowledge and life experiences can impart incredible insights to those with whom you come into contact.

This card is also about observation and becoming more aware of who you are and of all your inner workings, because that awareness can bring more clarity to your decisions.

Extended Message

Devotion is a powerful energy. Right now, angels and ancestors want to acknowledge how committed you are to your growth. Your continued dedication to this aspect of your life has been recognized, and your understanding that you are not only a body but also a soul is all you need to continue growing and expanding. The energy of oneness is offering itself to you now and it’s important you take some time to integrate it all so that you can be supported and guided by it. This is what the divine wants for you. Make a note of experiences or teachers making themselves known to you at this time, because you are going to share those teachings one day, too.



See Beyond the Current Situation


Look beyond your current situation. Raise your vibration and focus on love.


Most indigenous peoples have a seer in the family or tribe. Seers are the intelligent and intuitive beings who serve as direct channels for information on what’s occurring now and what’s about to unfold.



Their energy isn’t about predicting your future for you, but about showing you how your intentions are creating it. A true seer will help you see that your intentions can change, therefore so can your future. The message of this card is to let the clairvoyant within you rise up so that you can see the way forward yourself, with your spiritual eyes.

Extended Message

Clairvoyance isn’t just about predicting the future, it’s about being able to see clearly enough create your best future. You are being encouraged by your ancestral guides and angels to see beyond what you think is happening now. Don’t allow your ego or doubts to play games with you. Instead of seeing yourself as stuck or lost, know you’re in an energetic holding space while the universe recalibrates a path that is more favourable for you. Angels of light are upgrading your energy so your experiences can be more enjoyable. You are moving towards something extremely uplifting and enlightening, so stay calm and keep your eyes on the prize.



Trust in Higher Forces


Trust in your angels, guides and ancestors. If you have given your power away, claim it back.


On the inner planes, all of the shamans of times gone by are helping the human race to understand the complexities of life and the needs of Mother Earth. Many are working as spiritual guides to light



workers and light warriors. The Shaman card brings the energy of your shaman guides to you.

Shamans believed that when there was illness or disease, it was because a person’s power had been left behind somewhere or a negative pattern had installed itself in them. In trance, they would travel to the underworld to recall this power and remove the ‘demon’. If this card comes to you, it’s because you need to do some release work with lower energies or with your lack of trust in the spiritual energies that are guiding you. The Shaman will aid you in your quest.

Extended Message

There are spiritual allies working in your favour and their miracles will unfold much more easily when you move into a state of trust. So call back your power and stop allowing external forces to divert you from the miracles you deserve. Hand over all of your concerns to your spiritual allies. When you do so, you allow them to send you intuitive guidance and messages that will allow you to correct this situation and come out on top. The Shaman card also shows that you have shamanic potential to move between the realms and connect with your guides in an extremely personal way.


Shaolin Ülastei

Be Graceful in Movement and Action


Slow and steady. Breathe and flow. Take a gentler approach.


The Shaolin Master calls forth the ninja within. Shaolin medicine is about learning to adapt to a situation and to tap into the energy running through your body and preserve it in order to release it at


Shaolin Master

the right moment. It also teaches subtlety, because when you are too forceful, you use too much energy, and that may not be supportive of what you are working on.

The Shaolin Master, like a monk, has respect for all things. He is disciplined and guided by' his art and will never use it to impress the foolish or to appear stronger than someone who is threatening him. You, too, are being invited to remain graceful in your movement, choices and actions.

Extended Message

You are being guided to flow like water, blow like air and connect with your purest intentions. Don’t feel you need to rush ahead. A gentler approach will be more fruitful and rewarding. Move with subdety' and grace. Reach high, but also ask yourself how you can move with the flow of life rather than pushing against it. Do you have the capacity to refocus your gaze at this time? Can you slow down? Or take more time to soften and breathe as you move forward? All of this will be incredibly' beneficial for what happens next.



Transform and Unveil Your Gifts


Take your time and focus on developing your gifts and strengths.


In native traditions, a shapeshifter is either an animal that has the capacity to change between species or a shaman who has the capacity to transform into an animal to go journeying. If there is a wild animal



you are particularly drawn to or fascinated by, it’s probably because you can transform into one in your meditation or journeying practice to go exploring in the other worlds. When you shift into animal form, you can see the world through different eyes and tap into the animal’s survival skills to help yourself through a particular situation.

Extended Message

You may have been through many challenges and lows, but now you are in a space of transformation. You are moving beyond your past challenges and honing your current strengths. There are opportunities for you to discover and rediscover the gifts and talents that you were born with and born to share. All of your past experiences have only helped you see how strong you really are. You are an amazing soul who can change and transform in ways that people least expect. You have many talents that you will share in your lifetime. You are guided to stay focused on the light, knowing that it will guide you forward.

When this card arrives, there’s also an opportunity for you to tap into the power of your spirit animal. Note if you’re seeing a particular animal regularly, because its medicine is coming to you.



Unleash the Wild Within


Let your wild side up and out! Unleash your talents and your desires.


The She-Wolf is a powerful shamanic soul who is half wolf and half woman. She is the alpha female who is not afraid to stand out from the crowd, or, in this case, pack. She is wild, unfiltered and unfettered.



She encourages you not to be trapped by the limiting factors of weaker members of the pack or those who are trying to hunt you down because you have gifts they don’t like or understand. She represents the energy of the wilderness and the unknown, and encourages you to be free and unchained and go beyond boundaries. Release the animal energy within and track down what you need to do to express your true self.

Extended Message

You are being rewilded at this time — guided to reconnect with your rebellious heart, the part of you that likes to break boundaries and go beyond them completely. If you’ve been holding back on your hopes or dreams, you’re being encouraged to chase after them now. Let the wolf energy within help you track down what direction you want to go in, and don’t let any traps or hunters get in the way of your freedom or your growth. The life you want is here!


Shield Maiden

Make Plans and Focus


Have a plan or strategy in place before moving forward.


The Shield Maiden is the female Knight in shining armour. In Viking traditions, women were seen as equal to men, and so joined them on their raids and fought with them on the battlefield. In this deck, the


Shield Maiden

Shield Maiden brings a fiercely feminine energy — the power to be a warrior while retaining feminine sensitivity. She is ready to put her plan into action - she’s ready to go into battle. Her medicine helps us move beyond any unsettled feelings when our plans start to take shape and follow through with our strategies in order to be where we want to be. Shield Maidens worked together in times gone by to create shield walls of protection, so she also shows us how to work with others in order to bring our plans to fruition.

Extended Message

Taking some time to assess what your next steps will be. All great warriors have a plan. You are a sensitive being and if you are not prepared for the tasks you are taking on, you could end up feeling exposed and helpless. The ancestor guidance that is coming to you now is a reminder that you have a warrior’s heart and that you have it within you to be more prepared and focused than you have been recently. So, have a strategy in place and then let your guides support you as you move forward.


Spirit Fox

Trust Your Talents in Changing Times


Stay alert, as change is in the air.


The Spirit Fox features my favourite animal of all time, the red fox, an amazingly resilient creature able to survive in urban environments or the freezing temperatures of the Arctic. Foxes know what it’s like to be hunted — for centuries they have been


Spirit Fox

sought for their precious fur when all they want is to survive, so the Spirit Fox can help you overcome the energies of adversity and unfair treatment. Also, as urban foxes hide in cities and go about their business in the darker hours, the Fox offers the medicine of blending in.

Extended Message

The energies around you are changing at this time, and although it may not always be comfortable, you are equipped with all that you need to survive this shift. You are being presented with opportunities to reach spaces you’ve never encountered before, and this can make you feel on edge, but be open to the shifts occurring, because they really are the answers to your prayers. The experience of being hunted or threatened is now behind you and you are being invited to come out from your den and reveal your glory and talents. Call upon Spirit Fox medicine to help you be seen for who you are and trust in your talents in order to be the best you can be in these changing times.


Stout Ancestor

Follow the Voice of Your Soul


Heed the messages coming directly from your soul.


‘The star ancestors’ is a Native American term for extraterrestrial light beings who are dedicated to the healing and growth of the world. These incredible beings are divine embodiments of love who bring wisdom from the higher realms. Often people feel a


Star Ancestor

sense of connectedness when they look up into the night sky and see the stars. I believe that’s because they are remembering their starry connections, and those are what this card represents. The Star Ancestor is reminding you that you have otherworldly support and that your friends from the stars can help you if you are willing to be helped. They can support you in connecting with and following your soul’s deepest calling.

Extended Message

There is a deeper purpose to your human journey. Not only were you born on purpose, you were born for a purpose. You were born to be a bright light in the world and there are supporters out there in the universe sending waves of energy to guide you at this time. Information — and inspiration — that has been coming your way recently is not new information, but memories. Your feelings of being drawn in a particular direction are the awakening of an aspect of your soul. You are being drawn towards a road that will not only light you up, but also help you light up your corner of the world. Continue following the cosmic guidance that is coming your way.



Set Your Sights Higher


Go beyond your limitations and believe that the impossible is possible.


Do you ever remember wishing on a star when you were a child and in your innocence believing that your wish would come true? The Stargazer connects with the energy of the cosmos and reminds you that



you have the ability to draw in support from the universe. His cloak, with its sparkles and light, shows that you are closer to the energy of the universe than you think - you don’t have to go out looking for it, it’s already there. So look beyond where you are and create even bigger dreams, visions and goals, because with the power and help of the cosmos, those wishes can come true.

Extended Message

You are on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp and you are being guided to focus on your vision. The angels who are with you are encouraging you. There is nothing that you cannot have or achieve. There’s an opportunity at this time to heal an old wound or pattern of lack and not feeling good enough. In the past you’ve often found it impossible to recognize your worth and to believe that you are deserving of blessings. Angel and ancestor wisdom is reminding you that you are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe, and the universe is not only within you, it absolutely adores you. You are talented, filled with strength and have the abilities you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality.



Exchange Energy to Create Abundance


Make connections and exchange information, talents or support.


The Trader brings the lesson and energy of exchange. When he appears, he could represent an opportunity to exchange talents (whatever they may be) in order to expand, or be about the exchange of energies that



come from the universe. Or both. For example, if you are a creative person or consider yourself creative, when you share your talents, you are giving them, and when you do so, the universe will give you more in order for you to share more. It’s all a beautiful cycle.

The Trader also reminds you to be open and honest and act with integrity in your exchanges, because ‘doing something to get something’ will only lead to challenges.

Extended Message

The universe operates under the law of cause and effect and is always looking to return to a natural state of balance. So, if you are lacking in the feelings of abundance at this time, you are being invited to share your time, your gifts and your understanding with others. If you’re frustrated because something isn’t unfolding in your life, instead of asking yourself what you can get, ask yourself what you can give. The exchange of energy doesn’t necessarily mean financial energy — it can also be about supporting in order to feel supported. If you’ve been holding back with your offerings, now is the time to change that. Allow yourself to be open, honest and vulnerable. This can prepare you to open up to even greater opportunities in the coming days, weeks and months.



Move in a New Direction


Welcome any opportunities to travel, either to the outer world or to your inner worlds.


The Traveller card represents the gypsy spirit within. The opportunity' to move in a new direction is coming your way and ancestral wisdom is encouraging you to welcome it with open arms. Going on a trip is



an exciting process, because not only do you learn about the world, you also learn about yourself. This card often comes up when you have a chance to go through a process of awakening and understand even more about the amazing qualities you have to share with the world. Often such journeys can be lonely, but this in itself can teach you that you are never really alone and your angels and ancestors are there for you.

Extended Message

The road you are on may be the road less travelled, but this journey is going to be highly beneficial for your emotional and spiritual growth. If it isn’t about covering outer distance, it’s about covering distance within, and you will be evolving every single moment of it. Remember to keep things simple and to lighten your load, because that will make your journey more enjoyable. You are also being encouraged to see how far you’ve come and how you’ve really grown as a person, because this recognition will support you in going even further. And there’s a good chance that along the way you’ll make new friends who will become companions for a lifetime.



Be Fearless and Stand Strong


Don’t back down. Make your opinions heard. Don’t settle for second best.


A warrior is anyone who is ready and willing to know themselves and do what needs to be done in order to get where they want to be. In this deck, the Warrior embodies fierce primal love - the warrior within, the



energy you can call on to protect yourself. Even if you don’t think you love yourself, if you are exposed to a situation that could be harmful or dangerous, the steps you take to protect yourself are in fact acts of fierce love.

Although the Warrior in this card is surrounded by darkness, he is of the light. The warrior within is made of light and has the capacity to shine even more brightly when facing darkness head on.

Extended Message

If you’re experiencing fear at this time, know that this means whatever is going on is important to you. Whenever you feel fear, you are on the verge of something big - perhaps a massive breakthrough that is going to really help you move forward. If you have a situation on your hands where you have to face someone or something that’s been unsettling you, know that you are being guided to call up your inner warrior. Don’t falter and don’t be frightened, because you have the energy to protect yourself now and at all times.


White Witch

Be the Light


Take the higher road and choose the light. Remove yourself from lower-energy experiences.


The White Witch card represents the Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess of paganism and modern Wicca. The Maiden is a gentle, innocent and pure aspect of the Goddess, a loving soul who wants


White Witch

nothing but the best for the whole Earth. Here she is joined by a horned owl, showing that she is willing to respect those with more wisdom and experience than she has, but she is also willing to trust what she feels to be right within. With this card, you are being reminded of the goodness within.

Extended Message

No matter what is happening to you or around you, you have a choice. Choose not to be pulled into dramas, bickering or energies that are just going to limit your joy. If you are surrounded by people who are hostile towards you or someone else, or you are in a negative situation, perhaps in your workplace, you are being invited to be the light. You are an incredible person who can really bring light. So how can you change the energy? How can you redirect the conversation to love? How can you protect yourself? How can you help the person that is being picked on? Or are you the one who is guilty of causing a drama? You will know the answers. Know also that you are being encouraged to shine the light you were born to share.


Wise One

Grow Within Your Current Situation


Knuckle down. Be reliable and committed. Be open to wisdom and insights from your elders.


The Wise One represents the wisest aspect of the Goddess — the Crone. In paganism and modern Wicca, the Crone is the fiercest, most psychic and most aware aspect of the Goddess, because she has


Wise One

been through many of life’s challenges and overcome many setbacks. On this card, the raven in her hands represents the capacity to overcome the darker times and be reborn again and again. So she helps you to tap into wisdom to overcome whatever life throws at you - wisdom being the information stored in your soul, rather than the knowledge acquired in this lifetime - and to learn from the experience of your elders.

Extended Message

The wisdom of the Wise One is based on something that the younger generation is often lacking: commitment and reliability. When this card appears, you are being guided to continue working on your growth and expansion within your current situation. Be committed to your tasks and projects. It can be very easy to get bored or overwhelmed, but persevere. You are being reminded of how it feels to be let down and experience unreliability - and that is not who you were born to be. So keep working on what you’re working on, because it’s going to be extremely beneficial for you in the long run.


Guardians and messengers

Ait Guardian

Shift Your Perception


Change the way you think and you will change your whole reality.


The Air Guardian card represents the angels of the Air element. Traditionally Air is all about thoughts, thinking and everything that’s happening in the mind. So these angels can help you to overcome any


Air Guardian

thoughts that have come back to haunt you from the past and to see the world more clearly. They are guiding you to change the way you think about certain situations, as this could be standing between you and greatness.

Extended Message

When this card arises, it’s an opportunity to learn about your way of thinking. You are being guided to recognize that not all you see is exactly the way you see it. Sometimes the mind can play games and sometimes our perceptions can be wrong. If you are being challenged or feel that there’s a lack of clarity and direction in your life at the moment, there’s a good chance the way you’re thinking or what you’re focusing on has a lot to do with that reality. You are being guided to open your eyes and your mind, go beyond any limits you have set for yourself and recognize that the way you see the world is how you will experience the world. Opportunities are moving in your direction, but they will only open up for you if you are ready to do the internal work to support them.


Animal Guardian

Trust Your Instincts


Trust the powerful animal spirit within to learn more about yourself and your talents.


The Animal Guardian is the card that represents the angels of the animal kingdom. Animals are angels of nature who have incredible lessons to offer and medicine that can support you on your spiritual


.Animal Guardian

journey and help you survive some of your greatest challenges. When you connect with the energies of animals, you can learn a lot about yourself and the Earth. You also have instinctive animal energy within that can direct you towards everything you need (and more).

The Animal Guardian card depicts a tribal angel being held and supported by her animals. She has a love for them and they have a love for her, demonstrating how incredibly connected nature is with the spiritual realms.

Extended Message

You have a powerful animal within that can be wild, protective, instinctive and even calm. Animals don’t second-guess how they feel, they just express it, and you can learn from that. When this card arises, it’s important to connect with how you really feel, how you want to feel and what you really need. Take the time to connect with your animal energy and express it naturally. Let even the fiercest energy move through you before returning to your natural state. It will teach you a lot about your gifts and how you can grow.


Dizec'tion Guaidian

Choose Your Path


Connect with your deepest desires, then choose the path that will make your heart and soul sing.


The Direction Guardian card represents the angels of direction. These amazing angels are the ones who come to us when we are at a crossroads and don’t know which way to go — when we are unsure of what


Direction Guardian

is right for us or of the bigger picture. They can help us know what is best for all involved.

The Direction Guardian card refers to the vision of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel, who is said to have seen an angel with four different faces: one was a child (cherub), one was a bull, one was a lion and one was an eagle. These four faces show that angels can appear in many guises and guide us in many different directions - but always for our highest good.

Extended Message

Your path isn’t set in stone, and your angels and guides have no expectations for you. Nor should you have any for yourself. There are many directions you can take. None of them are wrong, as they all hold perfect opportunities to grow and to learn. But life is to be enjoyed and savoured, so, if you know that there’s a decision to be made, and particularly if you are feeling indecisive, choose the path you know is going to make you light up. And choose with your heart.


Eaí'th Guardian

Stay Rooted and Grounded


Take time to connect deeply with the energy of the Earth so that you can feel supported and make decisions based on strength and integrity.


The Earth Guardian represents the angels of Earth, who bring the medicine of feeling grounded and strong. They are the protectors of the land and the


Barth Guardian

planet and can help you connect with your mission here and how you can support the evolution of the planet.

The Earth Guardian on the card is a beautiful part-angel part-elemental who is non-binary, showing that they are a divine being without a human gender. Their staff, adorned with a dream­catcher, shows they have the capacity to help you ground your dreams in reality.

Extended Message

It’s important for you to take a grounded approach to your current situation. If you are rushing ahead or making a decision based on your more fearful responses, you will miss out on the growth you deserve. Take some time to calm down and get grounded before proceeding further. Breathe, relax and connect with your centre. Then consider what to do. It’s important to plant seeds that are going to grow into something beautiful rather than turn into a weed you have to deal with!


Fire Guardian

Ignite Your Passions


Connect with your desires. The sparks could lead to something beautiful.


The Fire Guardian represents the angels of Fire. Fire is an energy that many people are afraid of, but shouldn’t be. Burning desires can lead to great expansion. Allow the Fire Guardian to help you


Fire Guardian

awaken a wilder side of yourself and burn away any fear or shame that stands between you and your desires. When this card appears, you are reminded that passion is powerful and absolutely encouraged by spirit.

Extended Message

You are being guided by your angels to connect with the powerful energy of desire at this time. If you have recently set an intention to explore your sexual side or become more sexually open, the fire of desire can burn away any old setbacks that are preventing you from expressing that part of your nature. If you are in a relationship, this card can indicate a great spiritual and sexual connection.


Guardian Angel

You Are Not Alone


Watch for signs and reminders from your angels and loved ones that they are close by. Remember they are working hard to guide you.


The Guardian Angel card shows the white feather that has become known as ‘the guardian angel’s business card’. Whenever a white feather appears in


Guardian Angel

your life and/or this card appears in a reading, it’s a message to say your guardian angel and ancestor guides are particularly close at this time and are there to support you with their love. If you have asked for help with a particular situation, know that there is divine intervention in the works.

Extended Message

Everyone has a guardian angel who has been with them in all their past lifetimes and will be there in all the lifetimes to come. So know that you are never alone and never will be alone. This card is a huge reminder that there is always help and support available to you. Your guardian angel is with you now and is here to aid you in all of your endeavours. In order to fully receive their support, first ask for it, then surrender to the process. Know that whatever unfolds will be for your highest good.


Heart Guoidion

Love and Let Yourself Be Loved


Welcome with open arms opportunities to give and receive love.


The Heart Guardian is an angelic energy that can help you call for protection and guidance with all issues surrounding the heart. This is essentially the angel who helps you with all relationships, whether


Heart Guardian

they be with yourself, family or even a romantic connection. She can enable you to move beyond any limiting fears about trust, discern whom to trust and understand how you can move forward in a balanced relationship with that person. In this card she is adorned with a sacred heart and draped in a red cloak to show her capacity to let love lead the way.

Extended Message

You are love, lovable and loving. The energy of love is surrounding your whole world at this time. Angels are swirling around you, encouraging you to open your heart and reveal the blessings that you have to offer. They want you to know that you are a highly loving being who deserves to give and receive love. If you are finding it challenging to feel love at this time, it’s important for you to give yourself credit where it’s due. You are also encouraged to welcome support from others. Learn to receive - don’t try and do everything on your own. If you are working on a relationship or are in a new relationship, this card can usher in energies that allow you to forge a powerful connection with your partner. Love is in the air!


iTlcigick Guardian

Unlock the Magick Within


Stop looking outside yourself and recognize that you have incredible power within.


Magick (with a ‘k’) is the energy of the universe that allows you to manifest and create through the direction and power of your will. It changes according to your frequency. The Magick Guardian


Magick Guardian

is a representation of the angel of magick who helps you direct your will to bring something into creation. She is the angel who swirls around shamans and wise ones when they are calling on the energy of magick to help them manifest something that will be healing and supportive of their path. She is the angel of all magick that is directed for the highest good of whoever is working with it.

Extended Message

You are the magick, you are the answer, you have it all within you. If you’ve been searching for an answer or a reason to foctis, recognize that all that you are looking for is already within you. You are a powerful and magical person with the capacity to direct your intentions and will your desires into being. But your power can only be powerful when you own it. So take time to acknowledge it. Your ability to dedicate yourself to a goal and make it happen is a real gift that you are being guided to recognize now.


medicine Guardian

Be Open to Healing Information


Listen to what is coining up within you and what is being shared with you by trustworthy others in your life. Pay attention to healing information.


Healing angels can help you heal emotionally, spiritually and physically with their energy, but they can also direct you towards information that


Mediane Guardian

will help you return to wholeness. When this card appears, information is being revealed that can help heal an aspect of your current situation, whether that be your health, relationships or even career, so be alert for this. The Medicine Guardian has a caduceus (healing wand), which represents the capacity to heal with the power of will and desire, and a chalice, which represents returning to a state of wholeness - a state where your cup is no longer full but overflowing with goodness. The emerald colour of the card represents the healing rays of Archangel Raphael and his healing angels.

Extended Message

You are being exposed to information and insights that will have a dramatic healing effect upon your life. If you are working through something mentally or emotionally, know that there are spiritual energies supporting your healing. If you are working through something that is physically challenging, pay particular attention to information that’s coming to you that feels inspired, insightful and warm — it will be supportive of your wellness. Your angels are here to remind you that your natural state is one of wholeness and you are on the road to revealing that wholeness once more.


mirror Guardian

Take Time to Reflect


Take some time to reflect on your strengths and challenges and how far you’ve come. Recognize your gifts.


Angels accept you just the way you are. Even when you are going through a challenging time, they still hold you in the highest esteem. The Mirror


Mirror Guardian

Guardian, a female angel looking into the mirror of life, invites you to witness your spiritual strength and beauty — to see yourself as angels do.

The mirror represents the fact that your core beliefs and ideas are in fact what is reflected back to you by your world. Your life is one big mirror of how you feel within and the Mirror Guardian helps you recognize that. When this card appears, you are being invited to take some time to see where you are right now.

Extended Message

You are a beautiful being who has surmounted so many challenges and expanded in so many ways. Your angels are now guiding you to take inventory of your life — to take the time to note all of your recent experiences: the challenges you have surmounted, the strengths you have developed and the lessons you have learned. Your angels want you to reflect on your strengths, in particular those aspects of yourself that you feel have not been acknowledged by others. Offer yourself approval where it’s due and know that when you give yourself credit, others will be able to as well.


Projection Guardian

Drop Your Shields


Drop any shields of shame, resistance and fear that are standing between you and your chances of enjoyment and fun. Know that you don’t need to hide who you are or the gifts that you have. You were born to shine.


Protection Guardian


The Protection Guardian is a feminine version of Archangel Michael. She is a fierce, protective yet loving warrior angel who carries an indestructible shield of power and protection and will come to all who call on her. She will help you drop your fear-based shields and move into a loving, protective force-field that will keep you safe but will allow your gifts to shine out. Although she is here to guard you from lower energies, she is completely relaxed, serene and confident, because she trusts that love will always prevail.

Extended Message

You may have encountered shame or embarrassment in your past, but that is not your present. Angels are drawing close at this time to help you move beyond any limiting thoughts, emotions and patterns that may be making you feel unsafe. Know that angelic protection is swirling around you at this moment and will help you move forward in a more fearless way. Call on your guides for help in changing your frequency so you can feel safe and protected at this time. You are stronger than you think, and your angels and ancestor guides are here to help you realize this now.


Water Guardian

Connect with Your Emotions


Take time to understand how you really feel. Know that your sensitivity is not a curse, but a gift that allows you to receive and understand messages directly from your soul.


Water is the element that is in your blood, your tears and your flesh. The Water Guardian represents the


Water Guardian

angels of Water, who can help you dive within to understand the depth of your emotions. These angels are all about helping you see that your emotions aren’t just the feelings that are on the surface, they are also the old emotions you may have locked deep within the shadows of your soul. Through helping you acknowledge your deepest emotions, the angels of Water help you to hear the messages these have for you and to unlock your intuitive powers and the energies of abundance.

Extended Message

Your angels want you to know that it’s okay to feel the emotions that are surfacing in you at this time. It doesn’t matter if they are joyous or sad, they are all powerful messengers that allow you to understand what you want and need. Taking time to breathe and acknowledge them lets them flow through you rather than crashing down on you as an overwhelming wave. Note that there are also intuitive/psychic messages arising in you at this time and unless you acknowledge everything as it comes up you may miss important guidance that can lead you to support and love.





Surround Yourself with Protective Energy


Surround yourself with positive people and experiences and environments that make you feel safe. Call on your angels, guides and ancestors to bring you protection.


Arrows have long been revered as symbols of protection, as many native peoples would use the bow



and arrow as a weapon of defence. When an arrow appears in meditation or dreams, or an oracle reading, it’s a sign you need to protect yourself and what is important to you, because not everyone has the same intentions as you do. This doesn’t mean that people are intentionally wanting to hurt you, but they could be careless in their choices and actions and this could affect you. There are energies around you that could lower your vibration and it’s important you become aware of them and aren’t brought down by them.

Extended Message

If you are in a situation where you feel that not everything is as clear as it seems, trust your intuition. There are energies in your current situation that aren’t fully aligned with your intentions and goals, or with kindness. Follow your intuition about whom to trust and what to trust. If you can take time to retreat or to step out of this situation to assess what is going to be beneficial for you, do so. In any event, this is a time to call on the energy of protection and to place yourself in a space that feels safe.


Broken Arrow

Embrace the Energy of Peace


Let go of the need to defend yourself and prepare to offer peace. You are safe.


Just as the Arrow card symbolizes defence and protection, the Broken Arrow card symbolizes peace. In Native American traditions, a broken arrow would mean that tribes were no longer fighting one


broken Arrow

another but were making alliances. When you see a broken arrow in a meditation, vision, dream or reading, it is a message that you no longer need to fight, because peace has arrived. This is a powerful symbol of harmony, serenity and community.

Extended Message

If you have been exposed to a situation in which you have felt the need to protect yourself or defend what you feel is right, know that this is now coming to an end. With the arrival of the Broken Arrow card, you are being guided to know that the energies of light are entering to wash away all the darkness. You can drop your shields and protection. You are now in a situation that will honour you and honour your needs. Arguments are ending and disagreements are being resolved. Prepare to talk things through and offer the peace that you would like to enjoy. In order to move forward in a more fearless way, it’s important for you to let go of the idea that you can be hurt by this situation or the people involved, because this will only work against you. Know that your angelic guides and ancestors are standing around you, protecting you and taking you lovingly forward.



Dream and Journey


Journey inwards to uncover insights and information that will be important for your path. Then follow the guidance.


In shamanic traditions in all four corners of the world, the drum is recognized as the main tool used by medicine men and women to direct their will and



aid meditation. A drumbeat can become hypnotic and send those listening into an altered state that can allow them to journey to the spiritual realms and meet their guides. When the Drum card appears in a reading, there are opportunities for you to dream or to bring an inner vision into reality.

Extended Message

You are very connected to the other worlds at this time. The wisdom and intelligence of the Earth and her magic surrounds you. The Drum, which echoes the sound of Mother Earth’s heartbeat, has cleared the cobwebs and dust from your inner vision. What you have seen in your dreams and inner vision is not imagination but guidance, particularly if it has been coming to you repeatedly, and has the potential to become reality. Dreams come true - know it and live it.



See from a Higher Perspective


Look at things from a different angle. Fly higher and see new possibilities.


In animal medicine, both Native American and Celtic, the eagle draws his power and strength from the sun. He is a powerful, strong and courageous guide who is able to see for miles. He approaches all



things with intelligence, grace and poise, and has the capacity to make a plan from a higher space before putting it into action. When the Eagle card appears in a reading, it shows that you have a real ability to take things higher and to move beyond the limitations of your ego and your selfish desires.

Extended Message

Eagle medicine swirls around you, encouraging you to recognize that your views or vision may be limited at this time. Is there a chance that your own desperation, needs or ego could be blocking you from seeing the potential in your current situation? If there are other people involved, you are being guided to see things from everyone’s perspective. If you are feeling the need for something to change, how can you take the higher road? Know that if you have intentions that aren’t for the highest good, it will only hold you back. Eagle medicine can help you change this. The Eagle brings the energy of healing and love directly from the heart of Father Sky and invites you to do all things from a place of love.



Take Note of Intuitive Messages


Use your intuition. Practise discernment. See through illusions and blockages.


The moon is strongly associated with the divine feminine and the energy of receiving. If the sun is God, the moon is Goddess, and so she offers a powerful energy of polarity and balance. She has



a cyclic energy and is therefore strongly connected to emotions, which often come and go in waves, and to somewhat interesting behaviour, so when the Moon appears in a reading, you are often being told that not everything is as it seems. The Moon has a dark side (just dark, not negative) and can show you what you’ve been kept in the dark about.

Extended Message

Lunar energies are surrounding your life, allowing you to understand what is standing in your way. Not everything is as it seems and you’re being guided to use your discernment. When the Moon appears, intuitive or psychic urges are increased, so take note of any feelings arising at this time. They are messages from your soul and angels. The Moon shines her light on all that has been kept in the dark, so ask yourself if you are avoiding anything or refusing to deal with something of importance. If so, it could be holding you in the shadows when your destiny is to be in the light. If this card appears when you feel someone isn’t being completely real with you, know that their intentions will be revealed to you. The Moon has no secrets - she reveals all.



Stand Your Ground


Hold firm to what you believe in or are focusing on, because it is absolutely right. Know that heaven and Earth are supporting you.


Mountains are strong and wise. They are rooted deep in the Earth and reach high into the sky. They have been where they are for thousands of years. They



have been home to animals, they have been climbed by humans and they have seen seasons come and go. No matter what has happened to them, they have remained strong, immovable and unshakable, and so they offer the spiritual energies of strength and resilience.

Extended Message

Mountain energy is powerful because it’s firmly rooted in the Great Mother and reaches high to the Great Father. If you’re feeling challenged or pressured at this time, know that your spirit is more powerful than you think. You are resilient and grounded, and the energy and air of the mountains is giving you the unshakable strength to be who you are. Take time to root yourself deeply in the energy of the Earth before welcoming in the energies of heaven. If you’re not sure what you need to do next, the Mountain card invites you to stay exactly where you are, talk things over with those around you and know that change will come to you. You will be whole and well at the end of this current situation and it will not stand in the way of your future growth and expansion.



Shed Old Skin


Cast off the old. Reveal your true colours, talents and gifts to the world.


In many spiritual traditions, the snake offers powerful medicine. In tantric teachings, it symbolizes the Kundalini, which is the powerful serpentine energy within that allows you to reach your highest spiritual



potential. When the sacred ones saw a snake in nature or encountered one in a dream, they knew that there was transformation in the air. For me, the Snake card not only represents the shedding of old skin, but moving beyond the limitations caused by carrying the venom of negative thoughts about others or the past.

Extended Message

The energy of renewal is washing over your life at this time. If for some reason you feel that your true self hasn’t been recognized or you’ve been misread by others, know this energy is now leaving you. As you’ve been working through your old stories and all the self-limiting beliefs that you’ve accumulated along the way, you’ve been peeling away a shield of skin that has created limiting experiences. Your own personal commitment to growth has been recognized and now the external world will begin to reflect all of the work that you’ve been doing within. If you feel someone you love has misunderstood you recently, they will be able to see beyond that if you’re willing to recognize your own challenges. This is a time for renewal, abundance and connection. Let yourself be reborn and celebrated.



Trust and Thrive


Come alive and thrive. Stand in your light and glory with grace and majesty.


The Stag card brings graceful and powerful medicine into your life. In the Celtic traditions, the stag, with his crown of antlers, is known as the king of the forest and is a totem that brings protection in



challenging times. In Native American traditions, he is greatly loved, for stags and deer have provided food for the people and materials that have allowed them to create medicine items such as drums, rattles and smudge fans. Although the stag has been hunted in the past, and still is, he has strength, dignity and poise. When this card arises, it can also represent fertility and sexuality - maybe an opportunity to explore your sexual side, with your spiritual integrity supporting you on that journey.

Extended Message

You have an opportunity to thrive. Trust in all that you have to offer — all your gifts, strength and power — and make the most of it. You were born to lead and this can only become reality when you are willing to put yourself in that position. Stag energy allows you to feel safe because the antlers keep away anything that could interfere with your intelligence and presence, and their strength gives you the power to be agile in your thinking. You are being encouraged to retain your dignity and be proud of who you are and all that you’ve accomplished. This in turn will give you even more power to thrive. Onwards and upwards!



Enjoy Success and Happiness


Know that doors are opening for you. Follow up new projects, ventures and ideas. Connect with the inner fire that is driving you forward.


The sun has long been associated with the energy of success — it’s the most powerful planet in the solar system (‘solar’ referring to the sun), so of



course when the Sun card appears in a reading it will bring power, success and light. It brightens up all connections, banishes darkness, brings a sense of youthfulness and invites you to connect to the energy of joy so that you can be light in spirit and heart.

Extended Message

You are being surrounded by the brightness of the Sun at this time. Opportunities to feel and be successful are swirling and dancing around you. Relationships and friendships progress with joy and you will feel happy and uplifted. If you’re not somewhere bright and sunny right now, there will be other ways in which you can enjoy warmth and joy. Solar energy brings health and vitality and can energize and warm, and it also encourages everything to grow. The energy of expansion is with you at this time and you are being offered the perfect opportunity to move forward. If you want to bring something to life or are ready to take a new step in a relationship, the Sun will bring the right energy to you. If you are asking a question, the answer is most definitely jw!




Release the Old and Rest


Release all of the pressure and expectation weighing you down. Shed it all so that you can recover before moving into a time of renewal.


Autumn is when the trees are preparing for the long cold winter and must let go of all the weight they are carrying in order to continue to grow and



prosper. Sometimes you too just have to surrender an aspect of yourself in order to continue to grow and prosper.

The raven on the Autumn card shows that there is an opportunity to heal at this time. In Celtic animal medicine, the raven is the bird of healing and initiation. The healing it brings is a shift that allows you to move into a more powerful psychic space where you can be more aware of your needs and desires, and be better supported.

Extended Message

You know what is heavy, what is holding you back. Is it a person, a situation, a dream? Like the trees letting go of their leaves and fruit in the autumn, it’s time to let it go. When you hold on, you try to control reality, and that never works. When you let go, you make space for the new to enter your life. You are being guided by your angels and nature herself to release whatever is stopping you from moving forward. And you can do this.

When the Autumn card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last card in a reading, it can also indicate that the coming autumn will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intentions.



See Your Seeds Grow


Embrace the change that is on the horizon. Allow your dreams to become reality.


Spring is an exciting time because it has so much potential. Animals are coming out of hibernation, flowers are pushing up through the soil and the days are getting lighter and brighter. The Spring


card features a wild hare, because in Celtic animal medicine the hare brings intuition and rebirth. Hares are highly fertile beings and so their medicine can bring dreams to life.

Extended Message

You are ready to bring to life all of your ideas, inspirations and projects. When this card appears, you are moving into a space that allows you to really grow, expand and create in a way you’ve never done before. There are opportunities for abundance, including financial growth, and if you’re starting something new, prepare for a major expansion in your life and soul.

When the Spring card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last card in a reading, it can also indicate that the coming spring will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intentions.



Bask in Joy and Light


Rise up, open your wings and shine. Bring your projects and plans out into the light, into manifestation.


Summer has always been recognized as a time for joy, for going on adventures and making memories. Flowers are in full bloom, animals are enjoying the



freedom of the wild summer days and nights, and people are taking holidays, basking in the sunshine and being lifted energetically by the light and warmth.

Extended Message

This is the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Light has come to banish the darkness. Clarity is arriving, too, allowing you to know exactly where you are and how you can move forward. Angels and ancestor guides are encouraging you to enjoy this moment and not to rush forward, because this is a time for pleasure, enjoyment and expansion. There is a great chance that you have extra energy, creativity and inspiration at this time - notice what is coming to you, as it is inspiration directly from the divine.

When the Summer card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last card in a reading, it can also indicate that the coming summer will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intentions.



Take Care of Your Needs


Do everything you need to be at your best. Then move beyond your fears and limitations.


For many of the animal realm, winter is a time of hibernation and retreat. You may wish to curl up in a ball too. But, although you may not feel as bright as you’d like to be, a primal force within is encouraging you to continue.



The Winter card features a wolf, one of few animals that stay active all year round. Wolves know what it’s like to work alone or thrive within a pack, so, if you feel you need to go it alone at this time, know that wolf medicine will help you move beyond your insecurities and relax in your own space.

Extended Message

You have an opportunity to move beyond your fears. Although you may feel in the dark, get comfortable with being in the unknown and trust that the light within you will sustain you through what may seem a challenging process. Ask yourself what you need to do to feel supported and alive. You may uncover something from your past that you have buried deep. Know that when you unearth it and shed light on it, you create space for miracles. You may feel like a lone wolf right now, but it’s time for you to be the alpha!

When the Winter card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last card in a reading, it can also indicate that the coming winter will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intentions.



Lily Moses is an artist whose work is inspired by the beauty of life that is within all things seen and unseen.

Working mainly with acrylics, pencils and gold leaf, each piece foretells a story of an alchemical process that is relevant to our current times by using symbols and archetypes of both myth and legend.

Lily was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia at the age of 12. She resides in Queensland, Australia, working full time as an artist.

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