• Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Guidebook

    GOLDEN ART NOUVEAU TAROT ONLINE GUIDEBOOK The Art Nouveau movement arose in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a time when Europe was experiencing relative peace after decades of conflict. Gazing back at this period of optimism, we have named it la Belle Époque, the Beautiful Era. Chief among its beauties was Art Nouveau (New Art), a graceful decorative move­ment that spread like tendrils of a flowering vine throughout Europe and on to America. Translated to tarot, Art Nouveau brings sensual beauty to these timeless messages, allowing them speak di­rectly to the heart. HOW TO...
  • Witches Tarot Guidebook

    THE MAJOR ARCANA 12     0 ♦ Tlw Fool     The Fool is at the beginning of his spiritual and magickal journey. The Fool is young, open, and daring enough to take a risk and to make a leap of faith. He strolls along at the very edge of the difC a green valley below him and mountains at his back, either unaware or uncaring of the risk. He carries a leather satchel filled with his past experiences on his traveler's staff. These are kept safe and secure by his faith, symbolized by the...
  • Everyday Witch Tarot Guidebook

    Everyday Witch Tarot Guidebook    Contents INTRODUCTION ... 1 About This Deck and How to Use It, 7 How to Do a Reading, 9 Common Questions and Answers, 19 Some Tarot Extras, 26 The Major Arcana, 33 The Minor Arcana, 119 CONCLUSION...251 in a land far away (we’ll call it Min- nesota), there was a wonderful publisher of all things esoteric, known as Llewellyn. You may have heard of them, since they put out a lot of very cool books—and, not coinciden­tally, the occasional tarot card deck. As it happens, one of the people who...
  • The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Guidebook

    The Rider Waite Tarot Deck Guidebook
  • Smith Waite Tarot Centennial Edition Guidebook

    Smith Waite Tarot Centennial Edition Guidebook online free guidebook
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